Title: South Bay Cities Council of Governments
1South Bay Cities Council of Governments
- Local
- Use
- Vehicle
- Research and Demonstration Project
2Funded By
- South Coast Air Quality Management District
(AQMD) - Office of Technology Advancement
3Project Basics
- July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011
- 6 vehicles in various applications
- Loan to residents and businesses for 3 to 6
months at a time - El Segundo (90245 and 90293) and Riviera Village
(90274, 90275, 90277, 90503, 90504)
4What are local use vehicles?
- Slow speed
- Short distance
- Small size
5LUV Examples
- Cycles bi, tri and quad
- Skate boards
- Ped-Cabs
- Motorized bikes
- Segways
- Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV)
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12Research Component
- GPS on each vehicle
- Driver surveys
- Vehicle satisfaction
- Determine NEV strengths and weaknesses
- Determine what needs to happen to achieve full
scale deployment
13Demonstration Component
- Test various applications pizza delivery,
senior mobility, drive to work - Promote high visibility for NEVs
- Distribute information on government incentive
programs for potential buyers - Arrange manufacturer discounts for those who want
to buy
14Municipal Options
- Add to fleets
- Provide free and/or preferential parking
- Develop complete streets (mixed mode Class II
combination lanes) - Work with SCE to provide charging infrastructure
15Long Term Goals
- Change car culture -- use vehicles appropriate to
the trip - Reduce gas consumption and vehicle miles traveled
(VMT) - Replace the approximately 175,000 2nd and 3rd
autos per household
16Complement the land use strategy for SB 375
- Auto oriented development pattern
- Transit oriented development pattern
- LUV oriented development pattern distributed
commercial concentrations - Discuss in SCAG Compass workshops this winter
potential basis for Sustainable Communities
Strategy SCS
17More Information