Title: Azimuthal Anisotropy and the QGP
1Azimuthal Anisotropy and the QGP
- Yasuo MIAKE, Univ. of Tsukuba
- Why I Iike azimuthal anisotropy
- Tsukuba strategy for RHIC-PHENIX
- What is found at RHIC
2Reasons why I love azimuthal anisotropy
- Info. on mean free path ? vs. R
- Anisotropy of the coordinate space converted to
that of the momentum space. - Clear origin of the signal !
- Geometry is clear
- From eccentricity to v2
- Centrailty dependence gives good tests
- Sensitivity to the early stage of collisions !
3Sensitivity to the early stage
Kolb et.al., PRC62(2000)054909
- Anisotropy in coordinate space disappears quickly
- Ratio of eccentricity after a time delay
- Disappears quickly
- ? v2 senses early stage of collision
4Key1 reliable R.P. determination
- Wide rapidity gap from central detector
- Free from other source of corr such as HBT,
decays, jets auto-corr. - Corr. between SMD(spect) and BBC(part) also
confirmed - ?R.P. determination from whole event wide
5Key2 PID with TOF Aerogel
- High resolution TOF and low index of 1.01 Aerogel
Cherenkov - Both Tsukuba contribution
6What we expected before RHIC
- There is a tendency of saturation!?
- Hadron cascade predicts a few .
7Surprise !
8Large azimuthal anisotropy
PHOBOS nucl-ex/0406021
- Larger in higher energies.
- Increase with pt and saturate
9Failure of hadronic scenarios
M. Bleicher, H. Stocker Phys. Lett. B526 (2003)
- Hadronic scenario underestimates v2 at RHIC.
- v2 1 - 2
- System thermalized early with the mechanism other
than hadronic rescatterings.
10 v2 vs. Eccentricity
Phenix PRL 89(2002)212301
- At low pt region, the ratio stays constant
- Eccentricity scaling observed in comparison of
AuAu, CuCu - ?Scaling with eccentricity shows v2 builds up at
early stage
11 v2 with particle identification
PHENIX P.R.L. 91, 182301 (2003)
- Low pt region
- v2(?) gt v2(K) gt v2(p)
- Mass Ordering
- Good agreement with hydrodynamics
- Very early thermalization (0.6 fm/c) high
energy density (20 GeV/fm3) required ! - ?More from Hiranos talk
- Perfect fluid (low viscous)
- What brings the system thermalization in such a
short time! - ?Partonic degree of freedom
- Deviations at high pt region (gt 1.5 GeV/c)
- v2(?,K) lt v2(p)
- Meson vs Baryon?
- Other mechanism?
PHENIX Preliminary Masui_at_QM05
12Mass Ordering in single spectra
PHENIX, PRC69,034909(2004)
AuAu at 200 GeV/n
Collective Flow
- Exponential in mt for low pt region
- Known from AGS SPS era
- Mass ordering of slope parameters
- Proof of hydrodynamical collective flow
13Other surprise baryon dominance
- We had many reasons to consider gt 2GeV/c is the
jet region. - In peripheral, p/? ratio similar to those in
ee/pp suggesting fragmentaton process. - Fragmentation process should show np lt n? as seen
in ee/pp. - In central AuAu, p/? ratio increases with
centrality, suggesting other mechanism.
Phenix P.R.L. 91(2003)172301
? High resolution Time-of flight detector
? Quark Recombination Model (Quark Coalescence
14Quark recombination model (RECO)
- Quarks, anti-quarks combine to form mesons and
baryons from universal quark distribution, w(pt).
Characteristic scaling features expected. ?Quark
number scaling
Because of the steep distr. of w(pt), RECO wins
at high pt even w. small Cx.
15Proton dominance by RECO
- Recombination model explains the proton dominance.
16V2 from RECO
- Characteristic scaling behavior
Azimutal distr. of meson (2q)
Azimuthal distr. of baryon (3q)
Azimuthal distr of quark w
17Quark number scaling observed!
- Quark number scaling clearly observed in v2.
- Distinct difference between Baryon Meson also
seen in RCP, yield ratio of central and
peripheral coll.
18Mass ordering of quarks?
WWND 2006, M. Issah
KET mT m
Kinetic energy of constituent quarks
- Accidental OR ordering in mass of quarks?
- Existence of hypersurface where QGP converted to
19Study of electron for charm
- Origins of electrons
- photonic
- Dalitz decays of ?????????
- Photon conversions
- non-photonic
- Semi-leptonic decays of heavy flavored mesons
- ?Electron yields are consistent with those
photonic charm decays.
20Charm v2 from electrons
S.Esumi S. Sakai_at_SQM2006
- Measure v2 of inclusive electrons
- Evaluate contribution of photonic electron
- Cocktail Method
- Converter Method
- Then, subtract !
21Charm seems to flow!
S.Esumi S. Sakai_at_SQM2006
- Data seem to favor the flow of the charm.
- If so, thermalized flowing charm supports
quark-coalescence formation of QGP.
V.Greco, C.M.Ko, R.Rapp,PLB595(2004)202.
22Study of direct photon
PHENIX, PRL 96,032302(2006)
- Pi-zero results consistent with other mesons
- No significant diff. btwn inclusive v2 and
expected photon v2 from hadronic decay (pion,
eta, etc) - Direct photons are from compton-like prompt
R direct photon excess ratio
23Summary of my talk
- v2 is fun!
- Establishment of R.P. is great !
- v2 is even useful !
- Sensitive to the early stage of collisions
- Thermalization as early as 0.6 fm/c
- Large azimuthal anisotropy cannot be generated
with hadronic process. - Support the quark recombination model
- Collectivity at parton level
- Phenomenological, but universal quark
distribution function! - ?statistical description of quarks ?QGP
- Much fun to come
- Charm photon !
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