Title: Accessing Event Data
1Accessing Event Data
- After completing this lesson, you should be able
to - Understand how objects are delivered to user
algorithms. - Retrieve objects from the event data store within
an algorithm. - Operate on objects collections.
3Loading from Data Store
Unsuccessful ifrequested object is not present
(1) Retrieve object
4StoreGatethe Athena Transient Store
- Objects of arbitrary type can be added to SG
- no more need to inherit from DataObject or
ContainedObject (it does not hurt either) - works with STL and STL-like containers (including
ObjectVector). Can support custom ones (HepMC) - Type-based hierarchy, type-safe access
- no need to specify (and propagate!) object
"paths" - object type is primary key, can retrieve all
collections or the default one - compiler checks type of retrieved objects
- optional "secondary key" (not only strings)
allows to identify a specific data object
Atlfast uses typedefined ObjectVectorltTgt
collection objects ReconstructedParticleCollecti
on, CellCollection, ClusterCollection.
- What you fill in are pointers to T
- Iteration like STL vector
- ObjectVectorltMCParticlegt pobjColl...Object
VectorltMCParticlegtiterator iMCPfor(
iMCPpobjColl-gtbegin() - iMCP ! pobjColl-gtend() iMCP ) log
ltlt MSGINFO - ltlt (iMCP)-gtparticleID().id()
iMCP" is an iterator to a pointer to a
MCParticle Athena stores pointers to things in
its collections, therefore (iMCP) is a pointer
to a MCParticle
6TDS Caveats
- The TDS expects full ownership.
- Do not destroy existing objects! Theyre not
yours! - Deleting recorded objects typically results in an
access violation! - StoreGate is responsible for that.
- The delete operator is invoked automatically at
the end of each event. - Almost const access
- You can't modify an object you retrieve
- compiler error!
- you can, when recording an object, allow
downstream algorithms to modify it - use sparingly!
7StoreGate TDS access
- include StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h
- Declare StoreGateSvc pointer
- private data member in your header file
- private
- StoreGateSvc m_sgSvc
- Get the StoreGate service
- StatusCode sc service(StoreGateSvc, m_sgSvc)
- if (sc.isFailure( )) print error message
- return StatusCodeFAILURE
8Record RetrieveTo key or not to key
- To record an object/container
- StatusCode sc m_sgSvc?record(ptr_obj/cont
- , m_Obj/ContKey)
- if ( sc ! StatusCodeSUCCESS) print some
error message
ptr_obj/cont is pointer to the object/containerm_
Obj/ContKey is the optional key given to your
object/container for keyed access
- To retrieve this object
- const DataHandleltObject/Containergt obj/cont
- StatusCode sc m_sgSvc?retrieve(obj/cont
- , m_Obj/ContKey)
Use the DataHandleltTgt as a pointer/iterator to
Tm_Obj/ContKey is the given ltoptionalgt key while
recording this object/container
9Hands On Access Object Collections
- In AnalysisSkeleton.h
- Forward declare StoreGate service
- class StoreGateSvc
- Inside Atlfast namespace declare
- class ReconstructedParticle
- class Cell
- class Cluster
- Declare pointer to StoreGate service
- StoreGateSvc m_sgSvc
- declare additional locations
- stdstring m_cellLocation
- stdstring m_clusterLocation
- In the jobOptions, specify the key of objects to
be retrieved - AnalysisSkeleton.CellLocation
/Event/AtlfastCells - AnalysisSkeleton.ClusterLocation/Event/AtlfastCl
10Hands On Access Object Collections
- In AnalysisSkeleton.cxx
- include StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h
- Declare additional properties to the framework
- declareProperty(CellLocation, m_cellLocation)
- declareProperty(ClusterLocation,
m_clusterLocation) - Inside initialize( )
- If (service(StoreGateSvc, m_sgSvc).isFailure(
)) - log ltlt MSGALWAYS ltlt No StoreGate!!!!!!! ltlt
endreq -
- Access Atlfast collections inside execute( )
- const DataHandleltReconstructedParticleCollectiongt
particles - const DataHandleltCellCollectiongt cells
- const DataHandleltClusterCollectiongt clusters
- m_sgSvc-gtretrieve(particles, m_particleLocation)
- m_sgSvc-gtretrieve(cells, m_cellLocation)
- m_sgSvc-gtretrieve(clusters, m_clusterLocation)
11Hands On Access Object Collections
- Algorithms can declare additional member
functions - Add typedef definition of the collection
- include AtlfastCode/ReconstructedParticleCollect
ion.h - Declare and define private member function
- void dumpParticles(MsgStream log,
ReconstructedParticleCollection particles) - Inside execute( )
- // Work on collections
- MsgStream log (msgSvc(), name())
- if (particles-gtsize( )) dumpParticles(log,
particles) - Inside dumpParticles( ), iterate in the
collection - ReconstructedParticleCollectionconst_iterator
theParticle - for (theParticle particles-gtbegin()
- theParticle lt particles-gtend()
- theParticle)
12Hands On Access Object Collections
- For each selected particle, printout values
- // dump out particles
- log ltlt MSGINFO ltlt theParticle ltlt endreq
- // print pT
- double pT (theParticle)-gtpT( )
- log ltlt MSGINFO ltlt Particle pT ltlt pT ltlt
endreq -
- Additional access methods for particles
- eta( )
- phi( )
- eT( )
- mT( )
- momentum( ) // HepLorentzVector
Set ApplicationMgr.EvtMax 100