Title: CMMI%20(Capability%20Maturity%20Model
1CMMI (Capability Maturity ModelIntegrated)Overv
- Dan Weinberger
- Mgr., Software Process Engineering
- iDEN Systems Division, Motorola Inc.
- Prof. Paul Rogoway, Judea and Samaria University
and Consultant to Motorola Corporate Quality
2What we will Discuss
- CMMI why, provenance, releases
- Terminology shifts from CMM
- How is the CMMI different from CMM
- Maturity Level definition has changed
- Level by Level content changes
- Process Area structure
- Summary
In a hurry? see pp. 29-30 34
CMMI Background 1 of 4
- Integrate the many CMMs software, systems
engineering, integrated product and process
development,SW acquisition,people - Integrate the assessment process
- Strengthen process areas at higher maturity
levels - Strengthen link of model to business results
- Add benefit from SPI experience over many years
- Harmonize with international process standards,
e.g. ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) - Respond to specific change requests
4Who ? Whence ? What ?
CMMI Background 2 of 4
- Project Team
- Sponsors OSD NDIA, other Govt. orgs.
- Steering Group DoD, SEI, Defense industry
- SEI Proj. Mgr., 40 authors, 60
Stakeholder/Reviewers - Source models
- CMM SW v1.1, CMM SW v2.0d, EIA IS731, IPD v0.98
- Products
- Continuous and staged representations of
- With and without IPPD
- ARC (Assessment Requirements for CMMI)
- SCAMPI (Standard CMMI Assessment Method for
Process Improvement) - Training
- Common CMM framework (CCF) for easy extensibility
5CMMI Releases
CMMI Background 3 of 4
- First Release of CMMI August 1999
- Numerous public comment periods
- Current Status
- Version 1.02 of CMMI-SE/SW and CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD
released Dec. 4,00 - Version 1.02d of CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD/A (addition of
the Acquisition discipline amplification) - Version 1.1 Dec. 2001 next major release
- Training ?
CMMI Background 4 of 4
- Introductory classes for SE/SW
- Staged
- Continuous
- CMMI Intermediate concepts class
- For prospective CMMI teachers and Lead Assessors
- Lead Assessor training (SCAMPI)
7Vocabulary Shift
CMMI Terminology 1 of 2
- KPA is now Process Area (PA)
- Key Practices are now Practices
- Software dropped from many terms
- Organizations Standard SW Process (OSSP) is
now Organizations Set of Standard Processes - Projects defined software process now simply
projects defined process - CAF -gt ARC (Assessment Requirements for CMMI)
- CBA-IPI -gt SCAMPI (Standard CMMI Assessment
Method for Process Improvement)
8New Terms in the CMMI
CMMI Terminology 2 of 2
- Generic Goals and Practices
- Process architectures
- Process elements
- Product life cycle
- Organizational support environment
- Organizational measurement repository
- Project development plan
- Achievement/Target capability level profile
9CMMI Broadens Scope
Overview 1 of 4
Software Engineering
System Engineering
Integrated Product Process Development
- Current CMM-SW covers Allocated SW Reqts -gt SW
Test - Integrated CMMI-SE/SW covers Product Development
- Integrated CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD adds collaborative
10CMMI Is Tailorable
Overview 2 of 4
- Staged Model
- Continuous Model
- Every PA goal can be at any Capability Level
- Raises the bar for high maturity organizations
- An organization can choose, for example, to be at
least at Level 3 for all PAs, at Level 4 for a
small number, and at Level 5 for a select few
11CMMIs Are Configurable
Overview 3 of 4
- CMMI has a modular design to fit the varied needs
of users, or to fit the needs of a single
organization at various times in its improvement
- Disciplines
- Today
- Software
- System Engineering
- Integrated PP Dev.
- Future
- Acquisition
- Hardware Engineering
- People\
Improvement Approach Maturity or Capability
Pick a combination of disciplines
Pick Staged or Continuous
SEI can generate a custom CMMI, Training
Assessment Tool
12Model Structural Terms
Overview 4 of 4
- Generic Goals (GGs)
- Apply to all Process Areas
- GGs for Institutionalizing each Level
- Generic Practices
- Define activities for each GG
- Common Features
- Apply to Staged only !
- GGs for
- Commitment, Ability to Perform, Directing
Implementation, Verification - Measurement replaced by Directing Implementation
- Activities (CF) is now Practices
13CMM to CMMI Maturity Levels
- 24 Process Areas in Levels 2 - 5 ( PAs)
- L1 Initial -gt L0 Not Performed
- L1 Performed
- L2 Repeatable(6) -gt Managed (7)
- L3 Defined(7) -gt Defined (11/13)
- L4 Managed(2) -gt Quantitatively Managed (2)
- L5 Optimizing(3) -gt Optimizing (2)
14 Continuous CMMI Capability Levels -
Model Only
- 6 Levels of capability
- L0 Not Performed
- L1 Performed
- Specific practices (activities) performed but
institutionalizing generic practices are not - Level 2 - 5 same objective as CMM
- Each PA may be implemented at its own Capability
Level !
15Process Areas Managed Level
L2 Managed 1 of 2
- Similar to CMM,
- Requirements Management
- Project Planning
- Project Monitoring and Control (Project Tracking
Oversight) - Supplier Agreement Management (expanded from
Subcontract Management) - Process and Product Quality Assurance (expanded
SQA) - Configuration Mgmt. (Software dropped)
- Measurement is promoted and receives focus
- Measurement and Analysis (huge change The
organization develops and sustains a measurement
capability in support of management information
needs" )
16IPPD Changes Managed Level
L2 Managed 2 of 2
- New Practice added to Project Planning
- Plan Stakeholder Involvement
- New Practice added to Project Monitoring and
Control - Monitor Stakeholder Involvement
- New Generic Practice added to Directing
Implementation (all Process Areas at Level 2) - Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders
17Process Areas Defined Level
L3 Defined 1 of 3
- Similar to CMM
- Organizational Process Focus
- Organizational Process Definition
- Organizational Training (Training Program)
- Integrated Project Management (Integrated SW Mgmt
risk management Intergroup Coordination) - New
- Decision Analysis and Resolution (applies to
planning, budgeting, architecture, design,
supplier selection, test planning, logistics,
project control, and production) - Risk Management (identifies potential problems
before they occur, so that risk-handling
activities may be invoked as needed)
18 Engineering Process Areas
L3 Defined 2 of 3
- CMMs Software Product Engineering is replaced by
5 PAs - Direct influence of Systems Engineering model
- The new PAs are
- Requirements Development (produces requirements
preliminary functional architecture) - Technical Solution (transforms product
requirements into a specification of physical
components and interfaces) - Product Integration
- Verification (includes Peer Reviews did we build
the product right?) - Validation (did we build the right product?)
19IPPD Changes for Defined Level
L3 Defined 3 of 3
- Integrated Project Management given a
collaborative focus goals for - Using Shared Vision
- Organizing Integrated Teams
- New PA Organizational Environment for
Integration - Provide IPPD Infrastructure share vision,
integrate work environment - Manage People for Integration leadership,
incentives - New PA Integrated Teaming
- The purpose of Integrated Teaming is to form and
sustain an integrated team for the development of
products. - Like Intergroup Coordination but much much more
20 Process Areas at L4 Quantitatively Managed
- Organizational Process Performance
- Formerly a goal of QPM, now a PA to emphasize its
importance - Provides the organizational data, baselines, and
models to support quantitative management of both
the organization's and the projects' processes - Quantitative Project Management
- Combines CMMs SQM (product) and QPM (process)
- quantitatively manage the projects defined
process to achieve the projects established
quality and process performance objectives - Statistical control
- Quantitative quality goals and controls during
the project
21 Process Areas at L5 Optimizing
- Process Change Management and Technology Change
Management have been restructured into
Organizational Innovation and Deployment - Continually select and deploy incremental and
innovative improvements - Identification and evaluation of potential
changes, prioritized using quantitative
performance measures produced by Organizational
Process Performance (L4) - Technology here is to support, enhance or
automate processes (the Technical Solution PA
addresses the broader areas of technology) - Defect Prevention has been transformed into
Causal Analysis and Resolution - Identifies causes of defects in the projects
defined process to take action to prevent them
from occurring in the future - Broadened to address other problems besides
defects, e.g. cycle time
22Specifics Generics in Staged Model
Staged 1 of 3
- PA - Project Monitoring and Control
- SG1 Monitor Project Against Plan
- SP 1.1 Monitor Project Planning Parameters
- SP 1.2 Monitor Commitments
- SP 1.3 Monitor Risks
- SP 1.4 Monitor Data Management
- SP 1.5 Monitor Stakeholder Involvement
- SP 1.6 Conduct Progress Reviews
- SP 1.7 Conduct Milestone Reviews
- SG2 Manage Corrective Action to Closure
- SP 2.1 Analyze Issues
- SP 2.2 Take Corrective Action
- SP 2.3 Manage Corrective Action
Specific Practices Correspond to Activities In
the CMM
23Specifics Generics in Staged Model
Staged 2 of 3
- GG2 Institutionalize a Managed Process
- GP 2.1 CO1 Establish an Organizational Policy
- GP 2.2 AB1 Plan the Process
- GP 2.3 AB2 Provide Resources
- GP 2.4 AB3 Assign Responsibility
- GP 2.5 AB4 Train People
- GP 2.6 DI1 Manage Configurations
- GP 2.7 DI2 Identify and Involve Relevant
Stakeholders - GP 2.8 DI3 Monitor and Control the Process
- GP 2.9 VE1 Objectively Evaluate Adherence
- GP 2.10 VE2 Review Status with Higher-level Mgmt.
For all L2 Process Areas
24Specifics Generics in Staged Model
Staged 2 of 3
- GG3 Institutionalize a Defined Process
- In addition to GP 2.1 2.10
- GP 3.1 (AB1) Establish a Defined Process
- GP 3.2 (DI4) Collect Improvement Information
For all L3, L4, L5 Process Areas
25Specifics Generics in Continuous Model
Continuous 1 of 3
- PA - Project Monitoring and Control
- SG1 Monitor Project Against Plan
- SP 1.1 Monitor Project Planning Parameters
- SP 1.2 Monitor Commitments
- SP 1.3 Monitor Risks
- SP 1.4 Monitor Data Management
- SP 1.5 Monitor Stakeholder Involvement
- SP 1.6 Conduct Progress Reviews
- SP 1.7 Conduct Milestone Reviews
- SG2 Manage Corrective Action to Closure
- SP 2.1 Analyze Issues
- SP 2.2 Take Corrective Action
- SP 2.3 Manage Corrective Action
26Specifics Generics in Continuous Model
Continuous 2 of 3
- GG1 Achieve Specific Goals
- GP 1.1 Identify Work Scope
- GP 1.2 Perform Base Practices
- GG2 Institutionalize a Managed Process
- GP 2.1 CO1 Establish an Organizational Policy
- GP 2.2 AB1 Plan the Process
- GP 2.3 AB2 Provide Resources
- GP 2.4 AB3 Assign Responsibility
- GP 2.5 AB4 Train People
- GP 2.6 DI1 Manage Configurations
- GP 2.7 DI2 Identify and Involve Relevant
Stakeholders - GP 2.8 DI3 Monitor and Control the Process
- GP 2.9 VE1 Objectively Evaluate Adherence
- GP 2.10 VE2 Review Status with Higher-level Mgmt.
27Specifics Generics in Continuous Model
Continuous 3 of 3
- GG3 Institutionalize a Defined Process
- GP 3.1 Establish a Defined Process
- GP 3.2 Collect Improvement Information
- GG4 Institutionalize a Quantitatively Managed
Process - GP 4.1 Establish Quality Objectives
- GP 4.2 Stabilize Subprocess Performance
- GG5 Institutionalize an Optimizing Process
- GP 5.1 Ensure Continuous Process Improvement
- GP 5.2 Correct Common Cause of Problems
Applies to each Process Area ! As well as product
28What you can learn from the Model Documents
- Both Staged Continuous model documents have
- Model Structure
- Model Terminology
- Understanding the Model
- Using the Model
- In addition to the PA definitions.
29So whats Changed from CMM SW v1.1, Really ?
- Clarification of Measurement
- Expansion of Software Product Engineering
- Support for Risk Management and Decision Making
- Redundant common feature definitions have
become Generics - The mitosis of SQM / QPM into Process
Capability Quant. Process Management - PCM TCM -gt Organizational Innovation and
30And what else has changed?
- SE, IPPD (soon) Acquisition disciplines
- Integration of CMMs into one model
- Support for Staged and Continuous
- Model support ARC, SCAMPI, Training,
Transition Plan - Thorough defined
- Transition Plan couched in legalese
31Benefits of using the CMMI (1 of 2)
- Better alignment with Total Product Mgmt.
- Focuses on alignment of process with business
goals and results - Covers more of the development life-cycle
- Makes possible an integrated assessment to cover
multiple discipline-based assessments SW,SE,IPPD - Evolutionary
- Relatively smooth transition from CMM 1.1 to CMMI
SW Staged - More precise definitions for measurement
practices and Risk Management
32Benefits of Using the CMMI (2 of 2)
- Tailorable to organizations needs(Staged and/or
Continuous) - Clear and unambiguous at higher maturity levels
- Intentional closer compatibility with emerging
international standards - A26. The method shall define a mechanism for
translating assessment observations into
associated process attribute outcomes in
accordance with ISO/IEC TR 15504-2 SPICE clause
33Risks of Using the CMMI
- CMMI IPPD is not soup yet
- V1.1 Release target 12/01 ( 2.25 yrs from Day 1 )
- CMMI SW/SE training piloted
- SCAMPI pilots under way
- Transitioning from CMM requires re-orientation
- Continuous or Staged ?
- When used for maturity verification the bar is
higher - Linkage to ISO 9000 90002000 has been done on
a case by case basis no consensus among ISO
registrars at this time on ISO CMMI equivalency
34For more information
- http//www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi/