Title: Computational Solid State Physics ??????? ?6?
1Computational Solid State Physics ??????? ?6?
2 Potential energy in crystals
periodic potential
a,b,c primitive vectors of the crystal n,l,m
Fourier transform of the periodic potential
G reciprocal lattice vectors
3Summation over ionic potentials
Zj atomic number
position of j-th atom in (n,l,m) unit cell
4Bragg reflection
Assume all the atoms in a unit cell are the same
structure factor The Bragg reflection
disappears when SG vanishes.
5Valence states
We are interested in behavior of valence
electrons, since it determines main electronic
properties of solids.
- Valence states must be orthogonal to core states.
- Core states are localized near atoms in crystals
and they are described well by the
tight-binding approximation.
Which kinds of base set is appropriate to
describe the valence state?
6Orthogonalized Plane Wave (OPW)
plane wave
core Bloch function
7Core Bloch function
Tight-binding approximation
8Inner product of OPW
9Expansion of valence state by OPW
Extra term due to OPW base set
orthogonalization of valence Bloch functions to
core functions
10Pseudo-potential OPW method
generalized pseudo-potential
11 Generalizedpseudopotential
pseudo wave function
real wave function
12Empty core model
Core region
13Empty core pseudopotential
O volume of a unit cell
14Screening effect by free electrons
dielectric susceptibility for metals
n free electron concentration eF Fermi
15Screening effect by free electrons
screening length in metals
Debye screening length in semiconductors
16Empty core pseudopotential and screened empty
core pseudopotential
17Brillouin zone for fcc lattice
18Pseudopotential for Al
19Energy band structure of metals
20Merits of pseudopotential
- The valence states become orthogonal to the core
states. - The singularity of the Coulomb potential
disappears for pseudopotential. - Pseudopotential changes smoothly and the Fourier
transform approaches to zero more rapidly at
large wave vectors.
21The first-principles norm-conserving
pseudopotential (1)
Norm conservation
First order energy dependence of the scattering
logarithmic derivative
22The first-principle norm- conserving
pseudopotential (2)
spherical harmonics
23The first-principle norm conserving
24The first-principles norm-conserving
pseudopotential (4)
- Pseudo wave function has no nodes, while the true
wave function has nodes within core region. - Pseudo wave function coincides with the true wave
function beyond core region. - Pseudo wave function has the same energy
eigenvalue and the same first energy derivative
of the logarithmic derivative as the true wave
25Flow chart describing the construction of an
ionic pseudopotential
26First-principles pseudopotential and pseudo wave
Pseudopotential of Au
27Pseudopotential of Si
28Pseudo wave function of Si(1)
29Pseudo wave function of Si(2)
??? ??? ??????????
???? 5.4515Ã… 5.429 Ã… 0.42
??????? 5.3495eV/atom 4.63eV/atom 15.5399
????? 0.925Mbar 0.99 Mbar -7.1
????????? 0.665eV 1.12eV -40.625
???????Total Energy-2EXC(???????????)-2ATOM
Total Energy -0.891698734009E01 HR EXC
-0.497155935945E00 HR ATOM TOTAL -3.76224991
HT Si??????????? 0.068 eV
31Lattice constant vs. total energy of Si
32Energy band of Si
33Problems 6
- Calculate Fourier transform of Coulomb potential
and obtain inverse Fourier transform of the
screened Coulomb potential. - Calculate both the Bloch functions and the
energies of the first and second bands of Al
crystal at X point in the Brillouin zone,
considering the Bragg reflection for free
electrons. - Calculate the structure factor SG for silicon and
show which Bragg reflections disappear.