Title: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
1Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
- Professor Tamara Bixler-Zalesinsky
- Math and Science Partnership Grant
2What becomes of your trash?
- This is a view of what becomes of your trash as
well as what can be done with recyclables by a
local company.
3Trucks of Trash
This collection truck takes both trash and
recyclables into the facility. The trash has
never been mixed with the recyclables.
4J J Recycling Tipping Floor
- The items far away are all going to the landfill
- Items closer will be recycled.
5Recyclables on the Tipping Floor
- Recyclables on their way to be sorted
6Source Green Teacher, Fall 1998 Waste Less
Times, 21, September 1994
7Is it Recyclable?
- Most Plastics
- Aluminum
- Wood
- Metals ex. tin or steel
- Glass
- Cardboard/Paper
- NO, its not recyclable
- Durable Plastics (toys, kitchen utensils, lawn
furniture) - Many fluids
- Hazardous materials
- Recyclable materials covered in unrecyclable
8 Manual Sorting of Recyclables
- J and J is a clean MRF which means the
recyclables have never been mixed with trash.
They only take in non-hazardous materials.
9Mechanized Sorting of Recyclables
- Materials are sorted manually then by machine
10Recyclables are baled after sorting
11The Baling Process for Paper and Cardboard
- J and J Recycling actually looses money on
recycling items like paper. Why do they do it?
12Bales in Storage
Some recyclables are stored until the price goes
up. Can you think why this may happen?
13Recycled Wood
Wood pallets are also recyclable. Instead of
taking up room in a landfill, they can be
recycled into mulch.
14Trash vs. Recycling
Semi trucks like this one take trash to landfills
several times a day.