Title: Current Digital Instrumentation and Control Licensing Activities
1Current Digital Instrumentation and Control
Licensing Activities
The 21st IAEA Meeting of Technical Working Group
on Nuclear Power Plant Control and
Instrumentation (TWG-NPPCI) May 23 25, 2007
- Ian Jung, Chief
- Instrumentation, Controls, and Electrical
Engineering Branch - Division of Engineering
- Office of New Reactors
- Overview
- Summary of New Reactors and Digital
Instrumentation and Control (IC) - Status of Operating Reactor Digital IC Upgrades
- Key Technical Issues
- Challenges
- Moving Forward
- New reactors are a reality, and digital IC is
integral to all designs - Digital upgrades to operating plants safety IC
systems are being proposed - USNRC and stakeholders are working cooperatively
on key issues - USNRC is getting ready to handle upcoming wave of
new reactor applications and upgrades
4New Reactors
5New Reactor Designs and IC
platforms for RPS and ESFAS, respectively - Staff IC review of design certification
application and topical reports underway - ABWR
- Digital IC architecture yet to be identified
- AP1000
- Westinghouse Common-Q digital IC platform for
RPS/ESFAS - Staff IC review of pre-application topical
reports underway - US-EPR
- TELEPERM XS digital IC platform for RPS/ESFAS
- Staff IC review of pre-application topical
reports underway - US-APWR
- Mitsubishi MELTAC platform for RPS/ESFAS
- Staff IC review of pre-application topical
reports just begun
6New Reactors and Diversity
7New Reactor Digital IC Observations
- Tendency of a conservative approach
- Lack of operating experience
- Increase in regulatory acceptance probability
- Use of previously NRC-approved platforms
- Reduction in regulatory review
- Five different designs
- Staff burden for learning and consistency
8Status of Operating Reactor Upgrades
- Upgrades in non-safety related equipment (and
some safety-related) have been active for years - Obsolescence of analog equipment is becoming a
big issue for industry - License renewal is a factor
- Industry has begun to engage USNRC for major
RPS/ESFAS digital IC upgrades - Many plants are observing recent developments
9Key Technical Issue Areas
- Cyber Security
- Diversity and Defense-in-Depth
- Risk-Informed Digital IC
- Highly Integrated Control Room Communications
- Highly Integrated Control Room Human Factors
10Key IssuesCyber Security
- Consistencies within existing NRC and industry
cyber security documents - Regulatory Guide 1.152, Revision 2
- NEI 04-04, Revision 1
- Proposed rule change to 10 CFR 73.55 that
includes provisions for cyber security of
critical digital systems
11Key Issues Diversity and Defense-in-Depth
- Determining what constitutes adequate diversity
and defense-in-depth - Use of operator action and acceptable operator
action time - Crediting leak detection as part of the coping
strategy - Considering the effects of common cause failures
(CCFs) versus disable a safety function - Design attributes that eliminate the need for
consideration of CCFs
12Key Issues Risk-Informed Digital IC
- Use of current methods to model digital systems
- Use of risk insights in the resolution of key
digital system issues
13Key Issues Highly Integrated Control Room
- Clarity in inter-divisional communications
independence within digital systems - Degree of independence necessary to retain the
capability to accomplish the safety function
14Key Issues Highly Integrated Control Room
Human Factors
- Minimum inventory for alarms, controls, and
displays - Guidance and criteria for review of procedures,
e.g., computerized procedures - Guidance for review of soft controls
15Digital IC Steering Committee
PM Support
Task Working Groups (TWGs)
NRC Line Organizations
Industry Contacts
- Addressing key issues in a timely manner to
minimize impact on current or planned reviews and
to support industry needs - Achieving appropriate staffing, knowledge
transfer, training and qualification - Learning and using relevant operating experience
and lessons worldwide in a practical way - Balancing safety and schedule
17Moving Forward
- USNRC to work closely with key stakeholders to
address key high-priority issues in a timely
manner - USNRC to continue to recruit right people, to
train and qualify existing and new employees, and
to manage knowledge required for effective
licensing reviews - USNRC to engage with international community and
other industries to gain relevant operating
experience and to cooperate future activities in
digital IC - USNRC to ensure safety in digital IC while
addressing schedule challenges