Title: Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA) and Financial Advice
1Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA)
and Financial Advice
- Defined Contribution Plans in a Post-PPA
2QDIAs and Financial Advice
- Larger employers have embraced 401(k) plan
automation in recent yearsbefore the green light
of PPA - These employers have already taken steps to
utilize the clarifications and protections
offered by PPA - Large employers generally more likely to use
mechanical structures to improve employee
investment decisions (such as QDIAs and automatic
rebalancing) over managed accounts
3Increased Growth of Automatic Enrollment
Future Direction Future Direction
Very Likely 30
Somewhat Likely 27
Unlikely 43
Current State Current State
Already Have 44
Dont Have 56
Growth of automatic enrollment continues was 4
in 1997, 36 in 2007 and 44 in 2008 22 of
respondents currently also automatically default
existing employees, with 27 of the remainder
considering it.
Source Hewitt, Hot Topics in Retirement Plans
4Default Investment Option Details2007
Source Hewitt, Trends and Experience in 401(k)
Plans (2007)
5Historical Default Investment Option Comparison
Source Hewitt, Trends and Experience in 401(k)
Plans (2007)
6Likely Changes to Automatic Enrollment 2008
Source Hewitt, Hot Topics in Retirement Plans
7Tools to Assist Employees with Investment
Investment tools are a primary focus of employers.
Source Hewitt, Hot Topics in Retirement Plans