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  • Getting employees off to a Good Start

  • Congratulations! You are now a Student Employee
    at Honolulu Community College.
  • The purpose of this New Student Employee
    Orientation is to ensure that every new employee
    receives a positive and consistent introduction
    to HCC.

  • As a student employee, you are working a "real"
    job, and each student who works here helps keep
    HCC running smoothly. While working here, you
    will be
  • Representing HCC to students, alumni, faculty,
    staff and the general public (including potential
    students and their families)
  • Providing HCC with needed assistance
  • Becoming familiar with the services and programs
    provided by HCC
  • Earning money to contribute toward your education
  • Gaining valuable work experience while also
    building your resume and enhancing your

  • Although the Student Employment Orientation is
    directed towards the newcomer, the crucial
    interactive role played by each person who comes
    in contact with a new employee needs to be

Outline of SE Orientation Objectives
  • Student Employment Plan
  • Employee Relations
  • Customer Service
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Team Building
  • FERPA Update

Student Employment Plan
  • Phase I - Introduction
  • Who? Student Employment SECE Job Search
  • Where? Online (Using MyUH Portal username
  • When? As soon as receiving MyUH Portal
  • What happens? Student creates profile,
    establishes eligibility, and applies for job.

Student Employment Plan
  • Phase II Job Orientation
  • Who? Supervisor
  • Where? Department (Worksite)
  • When? First day of work
  • What happens? New employee is introduced to job
    and workplace, including description of how
    employees job fits into departmental and HCC

Employee Relations
  • Employment Status
  • Absences
  • Appropriate Dress
  • Breaks
  • Confidentiality
  • Dismissal
  • GPA Requirements
  • Payroll Timecards
  • Performance Evaluations 
  • Personal Use of Equipment
  • Professional Conduct 
  • Questions
  • Resignation
  • Safety and Injuries 
  • Scheduling Work Hours
  • Telephone Etiquette 
  • Using SECE
  • Working Your FWS Award

Employee Relations
  • Employment Status Appointment period shall be
    for a period of one year subject to renewal. A
    reasonable training period of no more than ninety
    (90) days may be established on the date of hire
    as a probationary period. There is a 20 hour work
    week restriction for student employees.

Employee Relations Absences
  • Phone your supervisor if you will be absent or
    late for work. If possible, tell your supervisor
    in advance if you know that you will be absent or
    late. Failure to report to work during the agreed
    upon schedule or a demonstration of consistent
    absences or tardiness may be grounds for

Employee Relations Appropriate Dress
  • Appropriate Dress Although HCC has no specific
    dress code, student employees are expected to
    dress appropriately for their positions. Casual
    attire may be allowable, but it is best to check
    with the specific department for which you work
    for appropriate dress for that department. All
    student employees are visible to students,
    alumni, faculty, staff, and members of the
    community. Appropriate dress is expected from all
    student employees.

Employee Relations Breaks
  • Breaks If you work in excess of (4) four or more
    hours, you must take a minimum 30-minute
    "off-the-clock" lunch break. At the discretion of
    your supervisor, a (10) ten minutes break can be
    allowed for each (4) hours of continuous work.
    Breaks should not be taken in the work area. The
    times that breaks are to be taken must be
    approved by the supervisor. Smoking is not
    allowed inside HCC buildings.

Employee Relations
  • Confidentiality of Records HCC records and
    information must be treated confidentially and
    professionally as stated in the Federal Rights
    and Privacy Act of 1974. They are to be discussed
    only with individuals authorized to have access
    to institutional records. Any violation
    concerning the confidentiality of records
    constitutes grounds for termination. Any student
    employee who provides confidential information
    obtained from HCC to any unauthorized
    individuals outside their designated department
    will be disciplined and/or terminated immediately.

Employee Relations Dismissal
  • You can be discharged for any reason of
    misconduct or unsatisfactory work performance.
    The following are some examples of reasons for
  • Working under the influence of alcohol,
    stimulants, or other drugs.
  • Missing work or unexcused absences without
    notifying your supervisor.
  • Reporting more hours on your time card than you
    actually worked.
  • Violation of the Student Services Policy on
    confidentiality of records.
  • Certain violations of the Academic Code or the
    Student Judicial Code.

Employee Relations GPA Requirements
  • All student employees are expected to maintain
    good academic standing. A minimum cumulative
    grade point average of 2.0 for community college
    and undergraduate students.

Employee Relations Time Sheets
  • Time SheetsAll employee timecards are submitted
    to the Department Supervisor for approval and
    then delivered to the Business Office in Building
  • Please see your supervisor for instructions on
    how to track and submit your work hours. Time
    sheets are due on the circled date on the HCC
    2005/2006 Student Payroll Calendar. Failure to
    turn in your time sheet could result in a missing
    paycheck and disciplinary action.
  • Both student and supervisor must sign timesheet.

Employee Relations Pay Checks
  • Pay ChecksPaychecks are disbursed bi-monthly on
    the underlined dates on the Student Payroll
    calendar. Students are paid for actual hours
    worked - not for estimated hours. The first pay
    check takes approximately 4 to 8 weeks to be
    processed. Please check with your supervisor.
  • Student direct deposit of student pay is
    available through the HCC Business Office.

Employee Relations Performance Evaluations
  • Performance Evaluations Formal student employee
    evaluations are to be completed at least once
    each semester by your supervisor. In addition to
    the formal evaluation process, supervisors are
    expected to provide routine, informal feedback to
    all student employees. The purpose of the written
    evaluation is to provide formal assessment and
    documentation of performance as well as an
    opportunity for personal and institutional

Employee Relations Performance Evaluations
  • Performance Evaluations (Contd)
  • You will be evaluated on the following general
    areas attendance, dependability, quality of
    work, quantity of work, attitude, initiative, and

Employee Relations Personal Use of Equipment
  • Student employees may not use the office
    telephone for personal calls without their
    supervisors permission and only when absolutely
    necessary. Student employees may not use other
    office equipment, such as computers (and
    associated printers, scanners, etc.),
    photocopying machines, word processors, or
    typewriters, for personal business or class work.

Employee Relations Professional Conduct
  • Student employees provide an invaluable
    contribution to the work performed at HCC.
    However, students are expected to work to their
    full potential while "on the clock." The
    following general guidelines apply
  • You are not to do homework or engage in similar
    non-work related activities while on the job
    unless expressly permitted to do so by your

Employee Relations Professional Conduct
  • Discourage friends and family from visiting or
    telephoning you at work, except in emergencies.
  • If you complete an assigned task and have nothing
    else to do, it is your responsibility to ask your
    supervisor what additional tasks he/she might
    have for you to do. If there is no additional
    work, then the supervisor may make your services
    available to other HCC faculty or staff who need

Employee Relations Professional Conduct
  • In the event of your supervisors absence, you
    may be given further assignments to work on
    during his/her absence. Someone else in the
    department may be designated to act in your
    supervisors absence. This supervisor-designate
    might be your supervisors immediate supervisor,
    a co-worker or someone else working on the same
    or a similar project

Employee Relations Questions
  • Questions Dont be afraid to ask questions of
    your supervisor or to ask him/her for help. The
    only "dumb" question is one that isnt asked!
    Its better to admit you dont know but are
    willing to learn than to give someone incorrect
  • How Do I Handle Job Problems? (e.g., work
    schedule, job expectations, not enough hours,
    conflicts with supervisor) discuss them with your

Employee Relations Resignation
  • It is not required by law, however, it would be
    nice to have students who intend to resign their
    position, to submit a letter of notice of
    resignation two weeks or more prior to leaving.

Employee Relations Safety Injuries
  • All on the job accidents must be reported to your
  • Regardless of how minor you may think the injury
    is, an accident its better to admit you dont
    know but are willing to learn than to give
    someone incorrect information.
  • Maintain a safe work environment

Employee Relations Working Your FWS Award
  • Work-Study is a federally-funded program and is
    awarded to eligible students through the
    Financial Aid Office at Honolulu Community
    College. Federal Work Study (FWS) enables you to
    earn that portion of your expenses not covered by
    grants and loans. If you have been awarded FWS
    funds, you must work with an eligible FWS
    employer to earn them.
  • You should weigh the advantages of locating a job
    that matches your special skills, interest,
    and/or academic major. The Student Employment
    office will assist you in finding a Work Study
    job on the UH SECE online system. There is no
    guarantee that you will be able to find a FWS
    placement. If you are not hired by a FWS
    authorized employer you will not receive any
    portion of your FWS award for that semester.

Employee Relations Working Your FWS Award
  • Continued  
  • You must be enrolled at least half-time (6
    credits) during the semesters (fall/spring) while
    you are employed. You may earn your FWS funds up
    to the awarded amount as indicated on your award
    offer. If you do not earn all of the awarded
    amount for the semester, your unused portion will
    not be carried over into the next semester. If
    you are already working in a non-work-study
    position, you may wish to talk with your employer
    to convert your position to a FWS position or
    decline your FWS award.

Employee Relations Working Your FWS Award
  • Continued  
  • Community Service Opportunities
  • Students who are eligible for employment in the
    FWS Program have an opportunity to serve the
    local community through paid work experiences.
    Openings are listed on the SECE system under FWS.
    The America Reads program (literacy for K-5
    children, America Counts (tutoring in math for
    children 6th-9th) Jumpstart (literacy for Pre-K
    children) and MOSAIC (tutoring and mentoring for
    youth grades 7th-12th). HCC presently has
    America Reads positions available in elementary
    schools near the campus.

Customer Service
  • Gain the knowledge and skills to help you
    recognize and practice appropriate behaviors for
    providing effective service. Develop a positive
    service attitude that reflects your commitment to
    Honolulu Community Colleges core values
  • Respect (for one another)
  • Quality Excellence (cooperation, pride in a job
    well done
  • Student Centered ( intellectual and spiritual
  • Community (creative imaginings)

Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual harassment of either employees or students
    is a violation of federal and state laws. It is
    the policy of the University of Hawaii system
    that no member of the UH system community may
    sexually harass another. In accordance with its
    policy of complying with non-discrimination laws,
    the UH system will regard freedom from sexual
    harassment as an individual employee and student
    right which will be safeguarded as a matter of
    policy. Any employee or student will be subject
    to disciplinary action for violation of this

Sexual Harassment
  • Consenting relationships may constitute sexual
    harassment under this policy. When a
    professional power differential exists between
    member of the UH System and a romantic or sexual
    relationship develops, there is a potential for
    abuse of that power, even in relationships of
    apparent mutual consent. Faculty and staff
    members are strongly advised not to engage in
    such relationships. Further, the UH System
    prohibits the abuse of power in romantic or
    sexual relationships.

Sexual Harassment
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
    favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a
    sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when
  • Submission to such conduct is made either
    explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of
    an individuals employment or education
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an
    individual is used as the basis for academic or
    employment decisions affecting the individual or
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of
    interfering with an individuals academic or work
    performance or creating an intimidating, hostile
    or offensive employment, educational or living

Sexual Harassment
  • What is Sexual Harassment?
  • Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual attention
    that is a form of illegal sex discrimination
    under federal and state law. It is usually
    repeated behavior, but could be one serious
    incident. Sexual harassment may be blatant, as
  • Deliberate touching, pinching, caressing,
  • Attempts to fondle or kiss
  • Pressure for dates or sex,
  • Requests for sex in exchange for grades or

Sexual Harassment
  • What is Sexual Harassment? (Continued)
  • Or sexual harassment may be more subtle like
    staring, sexual jokes, or teasing, sexually
    demeaning remarks.
  • Sexual harassment usually occurs in situation
    where one person has power over another, but it
    can also occur between equals.

Sexual Harassment
  • What kinds Of Behaviors May Lead To Complaints?
  • Not all of the following examples are severe or
    pervasive enough to be sexual harassment, but all
    of them involve problematic or questionable
    behavior that may lead to complaints.

Sexual Harassment
  • What kinds Of Behaviors May Lead To Complaints?
  • At Junes work-study job, her supervisor
    repeatedly makes jokes with sexual overtones. He
    promises her a promotion if she will work after
    hours in his apartment on a special project.
  • In one of Karens classes, the professor
    frequently makes derogatory comment and jokes
    about women that have sexual overtones. Karen
    finds them so insulting that she is thinking
    about dropping the course.

Sexual Harassment
  • What are the Effects of Sexual Harassment?
  • People who are subjected to sexual harassment
    often feel powerless to stop the situation.
  • People who experience sexual harassment often
    blame themselves.
  • All effects are harmful

Sexual Harassment
  • How can I avoid Behavior That May Be Seen As
  • Treat all co-workers and students with respect
  • Be careful about touching others.
  • Avoid jokes, words, and gestures that have sexual
    connotations or demean or trivialize any person
    or group.
  • Keep compliments casual and impersonal.
  • Leave sexually provocative pictures and language
    at home.
  • Ask yourself if
  • Others seem uncomfortable with your comments or
  • It is behavior you would want to appear on the
    evening news,
  • You would want a member of your family to be
    treated in the same way.

Sexual Harassment
  • What Can I Do About Sexual Harassment?
  • Set your own boundaries.
  • Be aware of situations and people who may harm
  • In an uncomfortable situation, be direct, honest,
    and remove yourself from the situation
  • Tell someone.
  • Keep records.

Sexual Harassment
  • What Can I Do About Sexual Harassment?
  • As a student, respect the rights and preferences
    of all members of the University community.
  • As a faculty member, make sure you are aware of
    how classroom behavior and interaction with
    students may constitute, or be construed as,
    sexual harassment.
  • As a supervisor you have a special, legal
    responsibility to stop sexual harassment.
  • As an employee, report any harassment you become
    aware of, and be sensitive to how others view
    what you say and do.
  • If you think that you are being sexually
    harassed, or if you have information about sexual
    harassment, seek help- the sooner the better.

Employee Relations Confidentiality
  • Refer to FERPA

Customer Service
  • Telephone Skills As HCC employees, we portray
    the image of the college through the telephone. 
    When we answer the phone or take a call, we are
    HCC to the caller.  Its important for all
    employees to present a friendly, helpful, and
    professional image to everyone who calls.
  • Answering the phone correctly is necessary, of
    course.  But, the way we answer the phone,
    transfer a call, or take a message is what makes
    a lasting impression on the caller.

Customer Service
  • Telephone Skills
  • What To Say When Answering the Phone
  • How To Transfer Calls
  • How To Put Calls on Hold
  • Signing On to the Computer
  • Answers To Commonly Asked Questions

Customer Service
  • Areas Of Responsibility (Who Does What)
  • Procedures
  • Who Is Your Supervisor

Customer Service
  • Providing Effective Service
  • Invite the transaction between you and the
    customer (students, staff, etc.)
  • Be approachable or proactive in acknowledging the
    individual verbally and non-verbally
  • Project an open, caring, cooperative, and
    non-judgmental attitude.

Workplace Violence Policy
  • The safety and security of HCC employees and
    customers are very important.
  • Threats, threatening behavior, acts of violence
    or any related conduct which disrupts anothers
    work performance or the Colleges ability to
    execute its mission will not be tolerated.

  • Some inspiring quotes
  • Teamwork is so important that it is virtually
    impossible for you to reach the heights of your
    capabilities or make the money that you want
    without becoming very good at it.
  • Brian Tracy
  • Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence
    wins championships.
  • Michael Jordan

FERPA Update
  • The Basics The Family Educational Rights and
    Privacy Act (FERPA) gives students the right to
    inspect and review and amend, educational
    records, as well as the right to have come
    control over the disclosure of information from
    educational records to third parties. In order
    to release information that goes beyond basic
    directory information, such as name, address,
    etc. that each higher educational institution is
    required to identify and communicate to students,
    a student-signed and dated written consent is
    required before a school may disclose educational
    records. The consent must stipulate that records
    may be disclosed, the purpose for the disclosure
    and the party(ies) to whom disclosure may be made.

  • In Case of EmergencyIf major, call 911.
  • Do Not Use Elevators
  • Do Not stop to pack up personal belongings
  • Do Not prop doors open
  • Do Not Run. Walk Instead Do proceed toward fire
    tower / stairwell If alarm is not on, pull alarm
    on your way to the fire tower
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