Title: Biological Significance
1Biological Significance
- B.S. is ..a model which provides a relative
score of the biological risk, or biological
significance, of not providing remediation for
fish passage at road crossings. - It is a component of a more comprehensive model
that facilitates fish passage remediation
management decisions.
2Biological Significance (BS)Factors
Biological Significance is composed of 10
1. Area of fish habitat impeded upstream of
2. Average stream gradient of fish habitat
upstream of crossing.
3. Macro pool frequency of fish habitat upstream
of crossing
4. Proportion of the design flow that design
fish are unable to move upstream through the
5. Access to habitat upstream of crossing from a
Fish Reservoir
3Biological Significance (BS)Factors (cont.)
Biological Significance is composed of 10
6. Proportion of fish habitat upstream of xing
that is Class I habitat.
7. Proportion of watersheds Class I habitat
obstructed by xing.
8. Proportion of watersheds Class II habitat
obstructed by xing.
9. Proportion of watersheds Class I habitat
obstructed by all Red xings in the watershed.
10. Proportion of watersheds Class II habitat
obstructed by all Red xings in the watershed
4Quantifying Biological Significance
- Biological Significance is quantified by
calculating individual factor scores for the 10
factors and then multiplying them by each other. - The fish habitat area factor has a score
equivalent to the number of square meters of fish
habitat located upstream. - All other factors each have a score between 0 and
1. A higher score indicates a condition more
conducive for remediation action. - Since all factor scores, besides habitat area,
are equal to or less than 1 the overall BS
maximum score for a crossing is equal to the
number of square meters located upstream of the
crossing. The other factors only have the
potential of reducing this value.
5Fish Habitat Area Score
6Stream Gradient Score
7Pool Frequency Score
If x lt 0.5 then y (0.4)(x) 0.8 If x gt 0.5
then y 1
1 if palustrine total pool length/reach length
8Barrierity Score
Passage refers to passage within design flow
9Barrierity Score
10Proportion of Habitat Obstructed by Xing that is
Class I
11Fish Reservoir
- A fish reservoir is defined as a relatively
productive source for fish recruitment downstream
of the crossing. It is believed that the value of
adjacent habitat is related to the vicinity of
this reservoir and the ease of movement upstream
through the intervening stream reach.
12Fish Reservoir
- The following are considered fish reservoirs
- All floodplain channels (FP1 - FP5)
- Wide, moderate gradient, mixed control, channels
(MM2) - All estuarine channels (ES1 ES4, ES8)
- Lakes
- Saltwater
Must be within 500 meters to have significance
13Fish Reservoir Access Score Adjustment for Type
of Intervening Channel
14Fish Reservoir Access
If x gt 500 then y 0.9 If x lt 500 then y
15Proportion of Watersheds Class I Obstructed by
16Proportion of Watersheds Class II Obstructed by
17Proportion of the Watersheds Class I Obstructed
by All Red Xings in the Watershed
18Proportion of the Watersheds Class II Obstructed
by All Red Xings in the Watershed
19Pilot Site
5 miles
20Habitat Area vs. Score Mitkof Pilot Sites
21Gradient Score vs. Xing Score Mitkof Pilot Sites
22Pool Frequency Score Vs. Xing Score Mitkof Pilot
23Barrierity Score Vs. Xing Score Mitkof Pilot
24Proportion of Watersheds Class I Obstructed by
Xing Score Vs. Xing Score Mitkof Pilot Sites
25Proportion of Watersheds Class II Obstructed by
Xing Score Vs. Xing Score Mitkof Pilot Sites
26Proportion of Fish Habitat Upstream of Xing that
is Class I Habitat Score Vs. Xing Score Mitkof
Pilot Sites
27Reservoir Access Score Vs. Xing Score Mitkof
Pilot Sites
28Proportion of Watersheds Class I that is
Obstructed by All Red Xings in Watershed Score
Vs. Xing Score Mitkof Pilot Sites
29Proportion of Watersheds Class II that is
Obstructed by All Red Xings in Watershed Score
Vs. Xing Score Mitkof Pilot Sites
30Gradient () vs. Gradient ScoreMitkof Pilot Sites
31Pool Frequency VS. Pool Frequency ScoreMitkof
Pilot Sites
32Adult and Juvenile Barrierity VS. Barrierity
ScoreMitkof Pilot Sites
33Proportion of Watersheds Class I Obstructed by
Crossing VS. ScoreMitkof Pilot Sites
34Proportion of Watersheds Class II Obstructed by
Crossing VS. ScoreMitkof Pilot Sites
35Proportion of Watersheds Class I Obstructed by
All Red Crossings in the Watershed VS.
ScoreMitkof Pilot Sites
36Proportion of Watersheds Class II Obstructed by
All Red Xings in the Watershed VS. ScoreMitkof
Pilot Sites
37Proportion of Maximum ScoreMitkof Pilot Sites
38How well does Mitkof represent the Tongass?
39How well does Mitkof represent the Tongass?
40Discussion Issues
- Issue whether or not to include the factor
proportion of habitat obstructed by a xing that
is Class I habitat in the BS model vs outside of
it. -
- Anthropocentric Factor
41Discussion Issues
- Issue whether or not to include the factor
proportion of the watersheds habitat that is
obstructed by all Red xings in a watershed in
the BS model vs outside of it. -
42250 m
250 m
All obstructed habitat/total habitat
500 m
proportion of one xing changes from 500/1000
(0.5) to 250/1000 (0.25) if decision to fix other
xing is made.