Title: Strained Superlattice GaAs
1Strained Superlattice GaAs
SVT associates, per SLAC specs.
2Higher Quantum Efficiency
QE ()
QE 1 versus 0.2 from traditional strained
layer material
we operate here
Wavelength (nm)
3Higher Beam polarization
Measurements at Test Cave as high as 85 Recent
injector measurement 82 Typical polarization
from traditional material 75
Polarization ()
Wavelength for Good QE and Polarization
Wavelength (nm)
4Analyzing power (ie QE anisotropy)
Analyzing power smaller by factor of 3 compared
with strained-layer material 4 versus
12. This means Smaller inherent intensity and
position asymmetries on beam.
Analyzing power ()
Wavlength for good QE and polarization
Wavelength (nm)
5QE vs hydrogen cleaning
Typical H-dose to clean anodized samples
Drawback Delicate material Cant clean with
atomic hydrogen Makes it tough to anodize edge
of cathode Try arsenic capped samples (on order)
QE ()
Hydrogen exposure time (min)
6Superlattice vs strained layer
- Polarization higher than strained layer P 80
- QE is 5 times higher QE 1
- Analyzing power smaller A.P. 3
- Material difficult to clean once it gets dirty.
- Makes it tough to anodize edge of sample.
- Suffer shorter operating lifetime. ?