Title: Psychology of the Self
1Psychology of the Self
2Historical Background
- William James (1890)
- The material self body, clothes, wife and
children, home - The social self recognition which a man gets
from others - The spiritual self a man's inner or subjective
being, his psychic faculties or dispositions
3What is the Self?
- Self-concept The set of beliefs we hold about
who we are - Self-esteem The evaluation we make of ourselves
- High vs. low self-esteem
- Global vs. domain specific self-esteem
- Explicit vs. implicit self-esteem
4What is the Self? (contd)
- People w/ high self-esteem
- think well of themselves, set appropriate goals,
use feedback in a self-enhancing manner - cope successfully w/ difficult situations
- remember their daily experiences more favorably
- People w/ low self-esteem
- think poorly of themselves, select unrealistic
goals, or shy away from goals, experience
negative emotions in case of (-) feedback - Are more vulnerable to depression when they
encounter stress - Remember their past more negatively
5What is the Self? (contd)
- Measuring self-esteem
- Explicit self-esteem Questionnaires (e.g.
Rosenberg (1965), I feel that I have a number of
good qualities) - Implicit self-esteem E.g., Implicit Association
6Development of the Self
- Visual self-concept develops bw 15 24 months
- During early childhood, children categorize
themselves on concrete dimensions - Around age 8, children begin to define themselves
on psychological attributes - Adolescence Identity formation
7Sources of Self-Knowledge
- Socialization
- Reflected Appraisal self-evaluation based on the
perceptions evaluations of others - Feedback from others
- Self-perception
- Labeling arousal states
- Environmental distinctiveness
- Social comparison
- Social identity self concept derived from
8Culture and the Self
- Independent self the sense of oneself as
bounded, unitary, separate from the social
context - Interdependent self the sense of self as
flexible, variable, connected to the social
9(No Transcript)
10A New Approach Balanced Integration
Differentiation Model (BID)
- Imamoglu (2003)
- Are independence (individualism, individuation)
and interdependence (collectivism, relatedness)
opposite? - Intrapersonal differentiation orientation a
basic psychological need to actualize ones
unique potentials - Interpersonal integration orientation a basic
psychological need to be connected to others
11A New Approach BID (contd)
Intrapersonal differentiation
Normative patterning
Interpersonal integration
12A New Approach BID (contd)
- Related individuated people reported
- Higher self-satisfaction
- Higher family satisfaction
- Higher perceived parental acceptance
- Lower perceived parental control
- Higher need for cognition
13Aspects of Self-Knowledge
- Self schemas How one thinks about ones personal
qualities in a particular life domain - People are schematic on dimension that are
important to them - Schemas help identify situations that are
relevant and guide ones behavior - They help remember schema-relevant info
- Not always positive!
14Aspects of Self-Knowledge (contd)
- Possible selves schemas that people hold what
they may or could become in the future - They help people to articulate goals and develop
goal-directed behaviors - They may be positive or negative!
15Aspects of Self-Knowledge (contd)
- Self-discrepancies discrepancies bw how we
perceive ourselves how we would ideally like to
be or believe others think we should be - Ideal self the personal attributes one would
like to have - Ought self the personal attributes one believes
one should possess - Actual-ideal discrepancy -gt dejection-related
emotions (e.g., disappointment, dissatisfaction,
or sadness) - Actual-ought discrepancy -gt agitation-related
emotions (e.g., fear, anxiety)
- The ways people control and direct their own
actions - Working self-concept the aspect of the
self-concept that is salient in a particular
situation - Threats to working self-concept may decrease
self-esteem but stable self usually wins out - If working self-concept is stable over time, it
may become part of the stable self
17Self-Regulation (contd)
- Self-complexity The number of dimensions that
people use to think about themselves - Low self-complexity may lead to negative emotions
in case of failure - Self-complexity may act as a buffer against
stressful life events
18Self-Regulation (contd)
- Self-efficacy Specific expectation about our
abilities to accomplish certain tasks - Self-efficacy beliefs are highly specific
- Enable people to plan, cope w/ setbacks, engage
in goal-directed behavior
19Self-Regulation (contd)
- Two independent motivational systems
- Behavioral activation system (BAS) an appetitive
system, when activated people tend to approach
people and activities in the environment - Behavioral inhibition system (BIS) an aversive
system, when activated people are more likely to
avoid others and activities - BAS, ideal self, promotion focus
- BIS, ought self, prevention focus
- Self-awareness experiencing oneself as an object
of ones own attention - Cybernetic Theory of Self-Regulation People
compare their behavior to a standard, decide that
it matches the standard or does not, continue
adjusting their behavior until a match is made or
the goal is abandoned
21Motivation and The Self
- Need for an accurate self-concept
- Need for a consistent self-concept
- Self-verification seeking out interpreting
situations that confirms ones self-concept - We selectively interact w/ others who see us as
we see ourselves - We like people who see us positively on the
attributes that we are confident to hold
22Motivation and The Self (contd)
- Self-improvement
- Remember possible selves?
- Comparing ones self with others
- Self-enhancement the need to hold a positive
view of oneself - Positive illusions mild, falsely positive
self-enhancing perceptions of ones personal
qualities - People see themselves more positively
- They have more control over the events
- They are unrealistically optimistic about the
23Motivation and The Self (contd)
- Self-Affirmation People cope w/ specific threats
to their self-worth by reaffirming unrelated
aspects of themselves - High self-esteem people are more likely to use
this strategy - It may eliminate the need for defensive
strategies against threats
24Motivation and The Self (contd)
- Terror Management Theory The terror of mortality
is kept under control by two factors a cultural
worldview and self-esteem - People act in accordance with cultural norms when
mortality is salient - They aggress against others who challenge their
worldviews - Affiliate w/ close others
- High self-esteem is a buffer against death anxiety
25Motivation and The Self (contd)
- Self-Evaluation Maintenance Theory Reacting to
the success of others with pride or discontent
consequent efforts to restore a sense of self - The comparison effect the more important the
domain, the better others performance and the
closer the relationship, the greater is the
threat to self-evaluation (envy, frustration,
anger) - The reflection effect the less important the
domain, the better others performance and the
closer the relationship, the greater is the pride
people derive from others success
26Social Comparison Theory
- People are driven to evaluate themselves through
comparisons w/ other people - The goals of social comparison
- Accurate self-evaluation
- Self-enhancement
- Self-improvement
- Sense of communion
- Direction upward vs. downward
- Consequences positive vs. negative
- Deliberate efforts to act in ways that create a
particular impression of the self - Self-handicapping engaging in actions that
provide obstacles to success, so that failure can
later be attributed to these obstacles - Claimed vs. behavioral self-handicapping
28Self-handicapping, Self-Concept Clarity,
- Study 1
- Self-concept clarity explicit self-esteem were
negatively associated w/ claimed
self-handicapping - Study 2
- Implicit self-esteem was positively associated w/
behavioral self-handicapping only when
self-concept clarity was low
29Self-handicapping, Self-Concept Clarity,
Self-Esteem (contd)