Title: EQ: Explain what evolution is'
1BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 1
EQ Explain what evolution is. Make sure you
include who evolves.
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution.
- Homework
- Read 15.2
- Assessment ?s 10-20 pg 445
- Agenda
- Go over Unit 7 Test Results
- Start Darwin notes
- Lab Measuring Variation
- Within a Population
2NO School!
3BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 2
EQ Summarize the process of Natural
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution.
- Agenda
- Warm up Activity (Unique Islands)
- Finish Lab
- Darwin/Evolution Video clips
- Evidence of Evolution Notes
- Homework
- Read 14.2
- Assessment ?s 17-27 pg 412
4BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 3
EQ Explain what evidence supports the
theory of evolution?
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution. SB5a. Trace the history of the
theory. SCSh7. c. From time to time, major shifts
occur in the scientific view of how the world
- Homework
- Read CH 15.3
- Assessment ?s 23-30 pg 446
- Agenda
- Self-Check
- Peppered Moth Background
- Peppered Moth/Natural
- Selection Lab
5BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 4
EQ Explain how fossil evidence supports the
theory of evolution?
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution. SB5c. Explain how fossil and
biochemical evidence support the theory. SB5d.
Relate natural selection to changes in organisms.
- Homework
- Study for Vocab Quiz!
- Agenda
- Endosymbiotic Theory
- Data Analysis 15.1 pg 420
- Data Analysis 15.2 pg 435
- Hardy Weinberg Notes
- Self-Check
6BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 5
EQ A new mutation has been identified in an
organism that makes it resistant to a deadly
disease, formulate a hypothesis on how this
mutation will affect the individuals fitness
and infer how this might affect
future populations of this organism.
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution. SB5.e. Recognize the role of
evolution to biological resistance (pesticide
and antibiotic resistance).
- Agenda
- Selection Isolation notes
- Vocabulary Activity
- Self-check
- Homework
- Test Review
- Study for Vocab Quiz on Monday
7BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 6
EQ Summarize the 5 conditions required
for genetic equilibrium?
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution. SCSh6. a. Write clear, coherent
laboratory reports related to scientific
- Agenda
- Vocabulary Activity I havewho has?
- Vocabulary Quiz
- Evolution Test Practice
- Self-Check
- Homework
- Test Review
- Last day to turn in HW for full credit
8BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 7
EQ Infer the consequences of uncheck
antibiotic usage?
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution. SB5.e. Recognize the role of
evolution to biological resistance (pesticide
and antibiotic resistance). SCSh6d. Participate
in group discussions of scientific investigation
and current scientific issues.
- Agenda
- Last Day to turn in HW
- Biological Resistance Resistance video clip
- Evolution Review due
- Evolution Concept Map
- Homework
- Study for test
- Have Daily ?s ready to turn in tomorrow
9BIOLOGY Unit 8 Evolution Day 8
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural
selection in the development of the theory
of evolution.
- Agenda
- Quick Review
- Unit 8 Evolution Test
- Turn in Daily Questions
- Homework
- Pick a topic for your research presentation