Title: Personal rapid transport (or transit) =
1Personal rapid transport (or transit)
2- Førerløs offentlig transport(Personal rapid
Transit PRT) - Ikke lenger mange mennesker i få bokser ...
- ... men få mennesker i mange bokser gt
- Tett nettverk av linjer, kort vei å gå
- Ingen eller lite venting
- Ingen stopp mellom avgangssted og reisemål
- Privatliv
- PRT kan se slik ut
Unimodal Systems Irvine, CA www.unimodal.com
4What is Personal Rapid Transit?
Small Automated Personal Vehicles Elevated
Guideways On-Demand Access at Off-Line
Stations Non-Stop, Point-to-Point Service
5Fixes Fundamental Problem of Rail Buses
Riders Have to Change Modes, Wait For Departures
and Stop At EVERY Stop on the Route
6PRT Architecture
Network of Non-Stop Guideways Accessed by
On-Ramps Off-Ramps
Same Design as Interstate Highways
7PRT Architecture
Like Interstate Highways you ride non-stop in a
personal vehicle traveling on a guideway
laneanywhere in the network.
8United States First Generation PRT
Morgantown, West Virginia
Operated by West Virginia University for over 30
years and to this day is primary mode of service
for students, faculty and staff. 8.7 mile
system Over 63 million passengers since 1972.
Handles 15,000 people per day with a peak of
30,000. Unblemished safety record. No serious
accidents. Availability rate above 98.5.
9Second Generation PRT
Low Speed Up to 30 mph Small
Scale Local Circulators Only High
Maintenance Uses wheels Over 1000 lbs.
Uses larger vehicles
10Second Generation PRT Close-Up
ULTRA System
Heathrow Airport, U.K. Deployment Operational in
11Next Generation PRT
High Speed Up to 150 mph Scalable
Networks Local, Regional, National Service Low
Maintenance Uses maglev instead of
wheels Under 1000 lbs. Uses aerodynamic
vehicles Energy Efficient Up to 500
mpg Zero Carbon Solar Powered
12SkyTran Off-Line Portal
Solar Arrays (Top of Guideway)
13 Size Matters
Why Does SkyTran Carry Only Two People? Average
Number of Auto Passengers 1.2 SkyTran Is
Designed For Rule Not the Exception Larger
Vehicles Used For Infrequent Larger Capacities
Increase Overall System Size, Weight Cost
Luxury of Unused Capacity Comes At A Huge Cost
14 Size Matters
gt 150 Million Per Mile
SkyTran PRT
15 Million Per Mile
15 Size Matters
Passive MagLev Provides A Compact Suspension for
Linear Synchronous Motors (LSM) Propulsion.
Small MagLev LSM Combo Provides Extreme Energy
Efficiency Up to 500 MPG Equivalent
Only one moving partVirtually No Maintenance
16Solar Powered SkyTran
SkyTran is the only surface transportation
technology that can be powered 100 by solar
17 Using The System
Easy Access Getting In and Out of the Vehicle
18Low Cost, Mass Produced Modular Components
Small Personalized Vehicles
Standard Utility Pole Supports
Apply Henry Fords 100 Year Old Principles of
Mass Production
19SkyTran Disappears into the Cityscape
Minimum visual impact compared to an equivalent
capacity three lane highway or a lower capacity
light rail
No expensive, destructive right-of-way
acquisitions required, just easements on existing
Nonstop Guideway
Parked vehicles waiting for you
Boarding portal
20Scale Comparison of Visual Pollution
22(No Transcript)
- For early phase systems the cost is US 6
million per unidirectional Km and US 9 million
for a bi-directional Km. In later phase systems,
when the manufacturing processes are mature and
the economy of scales are maximized probably in
the realm of US 3.5 million per unidirectional
Km and US 5 million for a bi-directional Km.
These figures exclude survey, regulatory
approvals, utility relocation, specific site
related expenses, etc. They include vehicles and
portals. Early phase vehicles probably will cost
us about 15-20,000 each. We hope we can cut this
down to 5,000 in mass production.