Title: Goals for L3Muon for
1Goals for L3Muon for March 15
- March 15 will in practice be three weeks
before that to allow time for integration - Goals
- L3 Hardware, ScriptRunner, online system
- Tools
- unpacking
- local tracking
- Filter Script for cosmic rays
Will be simplistic If any track found then pass
2Level 3 Muon Filtering on March 15
Filter Scripts
unpack_base unpack_mch unpack_muo_fe muo_hitreco (
Im likely to have missed one or more)
l3TMuoUnpack (in l3fMuonTools)
testing phase nearing completion
l3fMuoCosmic (in l3fMuonTools)
NOT STARTED but it will be a simplistic thing
l3TMuoLocal (in l3fMuonTools)
muo_segmentreco muo_trackreco
writing phase working on this one now
Algorithms need some more work too (suspicions of
memory leakage)
3Segment finding
- Hit finding needs proper calibration of
time/drift-distance relations (driftcircles?!?) - Segment finding works fine with MC data, but
d-rays not well simulated - cant use neighboring
wires - Track finding needs implementation of
non-uniform magnetic field
- ToDo list for the March 15 Milestone
- complete component test for unpacking algorithm
- setup test for unpacking tool interfaces
- finish tracking tool and test
- filter script
- check tracking algorithms for memory leakage
- March 15 L3Muon will filter events by performing
tracking the muon system.
slides at http//www-d0.fnal.gov/balm/muon/tal