Title: Drill Requirements
1Drill Requirements
June 19, 2002 NSF / ICDS / RPSC Madison, WI
(Bob Morse)
2Drill Requirements
- 45cm Holes after 30hrs of Drill/Ream
- Depth 2450m Straight ( )
- Drill Cycle Time 3.5 Days
- Fuel Usage 8000 10 per hole
- Computer Controlled
30 m
2450 m
4Drill Requirements
- Operate in (-30C to 40C)
- Storage in (-70C)
- Requires Rodriguez Well 18000 gal/hole
- Efficient Environmentally sound
- Target 16 holes/yr without moving the drill
5Cable plan -Sequence of Drilling
6 Drilling and Detector Deployment Schedule,
16-Hole Season Spole Station Opens Nov
1 Start Drill Set-up (18-25 days) Nov
4-5 Complete Set-up Nov 23-30 Start Drilling
(rate of 2 holes per week) Nov 26-31 Finish
Drilling and Deployment Jan 26-30 Start Drill
Build-down (7-10 days) Jan
27-31 Complete Drill Build-Down Feb 2
10 Spole Station Close Feb 15.
7Logging -Telescope Requirements
- Ability to reconstruct the hole profiles to
within 1-2m of the holes actual location at
any depth - Produce birds-eye profile curves for any drill
depth giving the X-Y location as a function of
depth Z - Produce a survey in ABSOLUTE co-ordinates
(referenced to grid-north-Greenwich)
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