Title: The Carbon Trust
1The Carbon Trust
- Taking Action on Cutting Carbon Emissions
Dr Kathryn Vardy
9th November 2007
2UK carbon emissions
Source Dukes 2003 and BRE data
3Climate ChangeRisk or Opportunity?
lead to opportunities to..
- Reduce Costs
- Reduce energy bill through energy management
important as prices have risen significantly - Improve operational effectiveness
- Comply with Regulation
- Ensure compliance for up-coming rounds of Climate
Change legislation, EU ETS, Buildings Directive,
and more - Enhance or Maintain Reputation
- Maximise brand reputational impact of reducing
carbon emissions
4The Carbon Trust is making business sense of
climate change
- Our mission is to accelerate the move to a low
carbon economy by helping organisations reduce
their carbon emissions and develop commercial low
carbon technologies
Innovations Developing new low-carbon technologies
Solutions Delivering carbon savings for
Insights Explaining the low-carbon economy
Enterprises Creating new low-carbon businesses
Investments Financing low-carbon businesses
5Support from the Carbon Trust
- The Carbon Trust exists to work with businesses
to help them reduce their carbon emissions. - We have a number of products and services to help
you do this.
- Free Advice
- Web
- Customer Centre
- Publications
- Carbon Management
- Putting carbon at the heart of business
strategy - Tailored to customer needs
- Site Surveys
- Survey Application
- Survey action plan
- Feedback Follow-up support
Immediate Action
Expert Energy Consultant
A Strategic Approach
- Financial packages
- All businesses Enhanced Capital Allowance by
purchasing products from the Energy Technology
List - SMEs - Interest free loans to purchase energy
efficient products
6Practical and Free Advice
- Our Customer Centre
- Free, ongoing advice and support.
- Open Monday to Friday,9am to 5.30pm and is ready
to help you cut carbon today!
- Our Website
- Dedicated Energy Efficiency website.
- Top tips and information specifically about your
sector or the technologies you use. - Order or download publications.
7Regional Events
- Various topics from behavioural change to
technical briefings - Most are free
- Keep up to date with current events through our
website - www.carbontrust.co.uk
Next NW Workshop Find out more about your
organisations Carbon Footprint Manchester, 22
November 2007
8Site survey productsFor 50k or above energy
- Opportunities Assessment
- Multi-site Assessment
- Detailed Survey (Feasibility Study)
- CHP Advice
- Implementation Advice
- Design Advice
- Contact the Advice line for further information
9Interest Free Loans
- Available to SME's
- lt 250 employees
- lt 35m (50m Euros) turnover
- or
- lt 30m (43m Euros) assets
- max 25 non-SME controlling interest
- Interest free loans of 5,000 to 100,000 (200k
NI) available for energy saving projects. - Loan repayable over maximum of 4 years
10A robust carbon management strategy
Stage 1 Direct emissions reduction
- Calculate emissions
- Look for internal abatement opportunities
- Develop an emissions reduction/carbon management
- Carbon Management Programmes - A five step
process - CM Energy Efficiency / Renewable Energy / Design
Advice Projects
- Map supply chain process
- Construct carbon footprint
- Identify emissions reduction opportunities and
prioritise - Develop an implementation plan across the supply
chain - Bring new low carbon products to market
- Low Carbon Supply Chain Projects
- Carbon Labelling Process
Stage 2 Indirect emissions reduction
- Offsetting Policy Project
- Establish reasons for buying offsets
- Define type of offsets to buy
- Carry out due diligence on robustness of offsets
Stage 3 (optional) Offsetting
11Carbon Management programme
12Carbon TrustMaking Business Sense of Climate
- Kathryn Vardy, PhD
- Key Account Manager
- www.carbontrust.co.uk