Title: Scaling Study of the L-T Separated p(e,e
1Scaling Study of the L-T Separated p(e,ep)n
Cross Section at Large Q2
P. Bosted, H. Fenker, D. Gaskell, T. Horn, M.
Jones, D. Mack, G.R. Smith, M. Spata, M. Epps,
S. Wood, C. Butuceanu, G. Huber, G.J. Lolos, Z.
Papandreou, A. Sarty, W. Boeglin, P. Markowitz,
A. Asaturyan, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, V.
Tadevosyan, E. Brash, C. Perdrisat, K. Aniol, E.
Christy, C.E. Keppel, L. Tang, V. Tvaskis, D.
Hornidge, V. Punjabi, J. Calarco, G. Niculescu,
I. Niculescu JLab, Regina, FIU, Yerevan, CNU,
WM, California State, Hampton, Mount Allison,
Saint Marys, Norfolk, New Hampshire, JMU
- Motivation
- Experimental Details
- Summary
PAC 32
August 2007
2Partons and Factorization
- Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) can be factorized
into short and long distance physics in the limit
of large Q2 and at fixed values of xB - Hard scattering can be calculated in perturbative
QCD (pQCD) - Soft physics is described by Parton Distribution
Functions (PDFs) - A similar factorization of scales is expected for
hard exclusive processes DVCS is simplest - Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) are a
generalization of PDFs, where initial and final
quark-gluon momenta are not identical - Unified concepts of quark parton density and
elastic form factors - Transverse spatial distribution of quarks
- Spin decomposition of the nucleon
3Hard-Soft Factorization
- To access physics contained in GPDs, one is
limited to the kinematic regime where hard-soft
factorization applies - No single criterion for the applicability, but
tests of necessary conditions can provide
evidence that the Q2 scaling regime has been
- One of the most stringent tests of factorization
is the Q2 dependence of the p electroproduction
cross section - sL scales to leading order as Q-6
- sT scales as Q-8
- As Q2 becomes large sL gtgt sT
- Factorization theorems for meson
electroproduction have been proven rigorously
only for longitudinal photons - Dominance of sL is important as it contains the
GPD one would like to extract
- Determining the applicability of the GPD
mechanism is a high priority for the 12 GeV
program - Only if hard-soft factorization applies can GPDs
be extracted - Extraction of GPDs from unseparated observables
relies on the dominance of sL - what about
transverse contributions? - Effect from sT may cancel in asymmetries and
ratios need to know the relative contribution
of L and T - Precision separated L/T data from JLab suggest
that transverse contributions to the p cross
section are larger than predicted by Regge
calculations and the constituent quark model - Limited knowledge of L/T ratio at higher energies
limits the interpretability of unseparated cross
sections in p production
5Q2 dependence of sL and sT
Hall C data at 6 GeV 3 different experiments
- The Q-6 QCD scaling law is consistent with the
JLab sL data - Limited Q2 coverage and large uncertainties make
it difficult to draw a conclusion - The two additional factorization predictions that
sLgtgtsT and sTQ-8 are not consistent with the
data - Testing the applicability of factorization
requires larger kinematic coverage and improved
Q22.7-3.9 GeV2
Q21.4-2.2 GeV2
Horn et al., arXiv0707.1794 (2007)
Vanderhaeghen, Guidal and Laget, Phys. Rev. C57,
1454 (1998).
Vanderhaeghen, Guichon and Guidal, Phys. Rev.
D60 (1999).
6Q2 Scaling of the Interference Terms
Preliminary from Fpi1, Fpi2
- Scaling prediction based on transverse content to
the amplitude - sLT Q-7
- sTT Q-8
- Limited Q2 coverage complicates the
interpretation - Interference terms decrease in magnitude as Q2
Q2 range is small
7Motivation - Applicability of the GPD formalism
- One of the most stringent tests of QCD
factorization is the Q2 dependence of separated
cross sections - Scaling of asymmetries or charge ratios may
indicate cancellation of higher order
corrections, but are not a stringent test of
factorization itself - Many studies of exclusive meson cross sections
exist, but contribution of sT unknown at higher
energies - JLab measurements from
- Hall B E99-105 (?, ?)
- Q2 1.5-3.5 GeV2, -tlt1.5 (GeV/c)2
- Hall C Fp1, E91-003, Fp2, pionCT (p)
- Q2 range for precision L/T to 2.45 GeV2
- Hall A, Hall B DVCS, e1-6 (p - unseparated)
8Transverse contributions results from Fp-2
Fp-2 L/T data at W2.2 GeV
- Even at Q22.45 GeV2, sT is not small
- But electroproduction is a multi-variable phase
space - At fixed W, tmin increases with Q2 and sL
decreases more rapidly than sT - Scaling tests need high precision separated cross
sections at fixed xB and -t
Note -tmin is different
Horn et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 192001 (2006)
Vanderhaeghen, Guidal and Laget, Phys. Rev. C57,
1454 (1998).
9Motivation Summary
- L/T separated cross sections will play a large
role in guiding the 12 GeV GPD program - If transverse contributions are larger than
anticipated, the accessible phase space for GPD
studies may be limited - The charged pion L/T ratio is of significant
interest to the study of p cross sections at 12
GeV - If sL is small, absolute measurements will
require information from a double-arm
spectrometer setup interpretation of asymmetry
measurements questionable - Our theoretical understanding of hard exclusive
reactions will benefit from L/T separated data
over a large kinematic range - puzzle of the relatively large p transverse
cross section
10Experiment Goals
- Measure the Q2 dependence of the p(e,ep)n cross
section at fixed xB and t to search for evidence
of hard-soft factorization - Separate the cross section components L, T, LT,
TT - The highest Q2 for any L/T separation in p
electroproduction - Also determine the L/T ratio for p- production to
test the possibility to determine sL without an
explicit L/T separation
11Experiment Overview
Phase space for L/T separations with SHMSHMS
- Measure separated cross sections for the
p(e,ep)n reaction at three values of xB - Near parallel kinematics to separate L,T,LT,TT
- The Q2 coverage is a factor of 3-4 larger
compared to 6 GeV - Facilitates tests of the Q2 dependence even if
L/T is less favorable than predicted
Overlap, but only for 6 of proposed beam time
x Q2 (GeV2) W (GeV) -t (GeV/c)2
0.31 1.5-4.0 2.0-3.1 0.1
0.40 2.1-5.5 2.0-3.0 0.2
0.55 4.0-9.1 2.0-2.9 0.5
The kinematics for the LD2/p- measurement
12Cross Section Separation
- The virtual photon cross section can be written
in terms of contributions from transversely and
longitudinally polarized photons.
- Separate sL, sT, sLT, and sTT by simultaneous fit
using measured azimuthal angle (fp) and
knowledge of photon polarization (e)
13Separation in a Multi-Dimensional Phase Space
- Cuts are placed on the data to equalize the Q2-W
range measured at the different e-settings
- Multiple SHMS settings (2 left and right of the
q vector) are used to obtain good f coverage over
a range of t - Measuring 0ltflt2p allows to determine L, T, LT and
TT - Determine LT, TT for xB0.31, 0.40 only
- For xB0.55 apply a parallel cut on ?p
High e
Radial coordinate (-t), Azimuthal coordinate (f)
14Expected Missing Mass Resolution
- Missing mass resolution is very good
- Good p/K separation using Cerenkov, and
accidental coincidence subtraction - Decay products from real e- K coincidences
cannot be eliminated in this way, but are
projected to be lt0.1 for most settings - Largely eliminated after applying offline
analysis cuts
Simulation at Q29.1 GeV2 and high e
15Predictions for the Q2 dependence of RsL/sT
- Fp parameterization was used for the L/T ratio in
this proposal - Projected ?(L/T)10-25 for typical kinematics
- For xB0.55, the projected ratio shows a rapid
increase in the uncertainty between 9-10 GeV2 - Future predictions may indicate larger values of
R, and thus lower uncertainties - Reaching Q210 GeV2 would require only minor
modification to the current run plan
Fp param
16Projected Uncertainties for Q-n scaling
- QCD scaling predicts sLQ-6 and sTQ-8
- Projected uncertainties for sL use the Fp
parameterization for L/T ratio
Fit 1/Qn
xB dnL dnT dnLT dnTT
0.31 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.6
0.40 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.8
0.55 2.5 1.0 - -
17Projected Uncertainties for sL at constant Q2
- xB scan at Q24 GeV2
- Can easily distinguish between pole and axial
contributions within the framework of GPD
calculations - Provides information about non-pole contributions
- May constrain longitudinal backgrounds in the
extraction of Fp
Axial only
Pion pole only
Axial and pole
18p- cross section measure sL without explicit
- Fp1 and Fp2 saw sL/sT larger for p- than for p
- If sT is small, one may extract sL from the
unseparated cross sections - Scaling prediction for sT/sL is Q-2
- Measure L/T from p- production to an absolute
precision of 0.1-0.3 - Uncertainties assume R sL/sT for p p- is at
least 12 (based on Fp1 and Fp2 results)
19Accidental Rates for the LD2/p- measurement
- Online coincidence time window may be relatively
large, e.g. t40 ns, but rates are still well
within DAQ design specifications - The offline timing window will be smaller (t2
ns) - After PID cuts random coincidences will be mostly
Assume 14500 electron rejection
Singles Rates low e
Q2 (GeV2) e- SHMS (kHz) p- SHMS (kHz) K-SHMS (kHz) p-HMS (kHz) e- HMS (kHz) Raccidental t40ns (Hz) Raccidental t40ns (Hz)
2.12 41.5 4.9 0.07 1.9 1.2 5.8 0.6
4.00 497.4 2.5 0.03 2.3 0.2 51.2 0.3
5.50 847.6 1.4 0.03 2.6 0.1 93.7 0.2
20Beam Time Estimate
Q2 (GeV2) xB LH2 (hrs) Dummy Overhead (hrs) Total (hrs)
1.45 0.311 1.4 0.2 8 9.6
2.73 0.311 7.3 0.6 8 15.9
4.00 0.311 9.0 0.6 8 17.6
Subtotal x0.311 43.1 (1.8 days)
2.12 0.40 1.8 0.2 8 10.0
4.00 0.40 17.5 0.9 8 26.7
5.50 0.40 34.7 2.5 8 45.2
Subtotal x0.40 81.9 (3.4 days)
4.00 0.55 7.0 0.5 8 15.9
6.60 0.55 164.1 11.5 8 183.6
9.10 0.55 462.4 32.4 8 502.8
Subtotal x0.55 702.3 (29.3 days)
Subtotal LH2/p 705.6 49.7 72 827.3
LD2/p- 72.0
Calibrations 48.0
Beam energy 48.0
Total 995.3 (41.4 days)
- L/T separated p cross sections will be essential
for understanding the reaction mechanism at 12
GeV - If transverse contributions are larger than
anticipated, this may influence the accessible
phase space for GPD studies - L/T separated p data over a wide kinematic range
will have a significant impact on our
understanding of hard exclusive reactions - Relative contribution of sL and sT in p
production - interpretation of asymmetry and
ratios - The charged pion L/T ratios will provide valuable
information for p cross section measurements with
CLAS12 - If sL is small, absolute measurements may be
limited to focusing spectrometers - p- data will check the possibility of measuring
sL without explicit L/T separation
22Systematic Uncertainties
Source pt-to-pt () t-correlated Scale ()
Acceptance 0.4 0.4 1.0
PID 0.4
Coincidence Blocking 0.2
Tracking Efficiency 0.1 0.1 1.5
Charge 0.2 0.5
Target Thickness 0.2 0.8
Kinematics 0.2
Pion Absorption 0.1 1.5
Pion Decay 0.03 0.5
Radiative Corrections 0.1 0.4 2.0
Monte Carlo Model 0.2 1.0 0.5
Total 0.6 1.6 3.3
23Simulated p(e,e,K)X
- Good p/K separation can be accomplished
(Cerenkov, and accidental coincidence
subtraction) - Decay products from real e- K coincidences
cannot be eliminated in this way, but are
projected to be lt0.1 for most settings.
24RL/T for p- data Fp-1 and Fp-2
- Fp-1 and Fp-2 saw sL/sT larger for p- than for p
- Combined with Fp-1 p-data suggests that the trend
increases with Q2
25Parallel Cut
- To ensure parallel kinematics place a cut on ?/f
- Eliminate interference terms by averaging over f
26LD2 missing mass
- Lose events to missing mass cut at 2p threshold
- included in rate estimates
- Cross section using p- from deuterium and p from
hydrogen and deuterium
2p threshold
- Correct for proton and neutron mass difference
when applying the cut
27Uncertainty in sL
- Assuming equal correlated sytematic uncertainties
at each e
- Due to amplification by 1/?e, uncertainty in sL
is dominated by uncorrelated systematic
uncertainty - If R more favorable, precision in sL improves
even for small ?e
28Two ? exchange?
- In the Rosenbluth separation of the proton
electric form factor, 2? contributions may be
important because one is trying to separate a
small cross section (electric) from a much larger
(magnetic) one. - 2? exchange is not expected to be a significant
issue in the extraction of ?L in pion
e-range to be covered
Q26 GeV2 calculation performed by Tjon and
Melnitchouk. CorrectiondFULL-dMoTsai
29Interference terms from pionCT
- Interference terms decrease in magnitude as Q2
increases - Scaling prediction based on transverse content to
the amplitude - sLT Q-7
- sTT Q-8
Horn et al., arXiv0707.1794 (2007)
Vanderhaeghen, Guidal and Laget, Phys. Rev. C57,
1454 (1998).
30Contribution of L and T
VGL/Regge model calculation
- At fixed W, -tmin increases as Q2 increases
- L is dominated by the pole, so decreases faster
then T - BUT, for fixed kinematics, there is reasonable
expectation that sT/sL ltlt 1 as W and Q2 increase
31Higher Order Corrections
Calculation using the VGG model
- Higher order corrections play a significant role
at accessible energies - Soft term may mimic the expected LO QCD Q2
scaling - Precision cross sections will constrain
predictions for higher order corrections - Not measurable in asymmetries
32Non-pole contributions to sL in the GPD Framework
VGG/GPD prediction
- Typically assume that the pion pole dominates at
low -t
- But, at leading order, the axial term still
contributes - As Q2 increases, the ratio becomes less favorable
- A better understanding of these non-pole
contributions would also help to constrain
backgrounds in the extraction of Fp