Title: California High School
1California High School
2Block Schedule
- Monday Tuesday/Friday
- Collaboration 730 - 825
- Period A 835 - 920 Period A
730 - 820 - Period 1 or 2 925 - 1055
Period 1 or 2 825 - 1005 -
Tutorial 1005 -
1035 - Brunch 1055 - 1110 Brunch
1035 - 1050 - Period 3 or 4 1115 - 1245
Period 3 or 4 1055 - 1235 - Lunch 1245 - 120 Lunch
1235 - 110 - Period 5 or 6 125 - 255
Period 5 or 6 115 - 255
3Projected Enrollment
- 9th Grade 612
- 10th Grade 644
- 11th Grade 569
- 12th Grade 604
- Total 2429
4Assistant Principal Alpha Breakdown
- Hilary Dito
- A - G
- Joy Brahmst
- H - O
- Ken Nelson
- P - Z
- Rene Bourdet
- Michelle Sampson
- Lindy Burgon
- Cheryl Youngberg
- Maria DuBose
- Erin Johnson
- Liz Oliver
- Patty OMalley
- Beverly Hall - Support Counselor
6Digital High School
- Campus Networked
- Over 250 Computers
- E-Mail/Internet
- Five computer labs
- Integrated at all grade levels
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cross-Country
- Diving
- Football
- Golf
- Lacrosse
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track
- Volleyball
- Water-Polo
- Wrestling
8Clubs and Organizations
- 6th Man
- Academic Decathlon
- American Cancer Society
- American Heritage Exchange
- Anime Club
- Art Club
- Asian American Assn.
- Badminton Club
- Basketball Club
- Biology
- Bone Marrow
- Building With Books
- Caffeine Club
- CHS Chess Club
- CHS Pen Spinners
- Comedy Club
- Conservative Club
- Cookie Club
- Creative Writers Club
- Cricket Club
- Culinary Club
- Cultural Club
- Dark Poetry
- Drama Club/Play Production
- Fashion Club
- French Club
- Future Engineers Club
- Gay-Straight Alliance
- German Club
- Give a Kid A Backpack
- Growing Seeds
- Habitat for Humanity
- Inter Cultural Club
- Ignite Your Faith
9Clubs and Organizations
- Interact
- International Film Club
- Jesters Club
- Jr. Statesman
- Key Club
- Mars Hill
- Mock Trial
- Model United Nations
- Multicultural Athletic Club
- Music for A Smile
- Mu Alpha Theta
- National Honor Society
- Newspaper Club National Honor Society
- Odyssey of The Mind
- Picking Up The Tab For Dialysis
- Phileo Mens Christian Group
- Philosophy
- Poetry Slam
- Picking Up The Tab For Dialysis
- Phileo Mens Christian Group
- Philosophy
- Poetry Slam
- Poker Club
- Protagonist
- Robotics
- Rubiks Cube
- Save Danfur
- Settlers Club
- So. Asian Students Assn
- Soroptomist Club
- Spanish Club
- Speech Debate/Forensics
- Spreading Disease Awareness Throughout
- Stanford Protein Folding Program
- Techno Club
- Youth 2 Youth
10Cal High is mandated to
- Finish these remaining projects
- Modernize theater - Fall 2009
- Construct auxiliary gym-activities center
Winter 2010 - Modernize gym and locker rooms - Spring 2011
- Programs funded thru
- Parent Donations- 200 per student- Employer
Matching Funds - eScrip
- Nob Hill Quality Life Cards
- Student Directory proceeds
- SAT Practice Tests
- Ames Seminars
- Reduces Class Size
- 2008 - 14 Semester Sections
- Teacher Grants
- 2008 - 25K
- Special Donations
- 2008 - 15K to Computer Lab
- Other Programs
- Academic Awards
- College Night
- Student Directory
- SAT Practice Tests and classes
12Teacher Grants over the years
- Books for English, Art, Math, Foreign Language
- Dictionaries, Maps Thesauruses
- Science Lab Equipment
- Computer books software
- Science, history, language DVDs and Videos
- Music, microphones, sound equipment
- Digital Projectors
- Robotics Equipment
- Career Center Materials
- Magazines for English, Health, Foreign Language
- Digital Cameras, enlargers, photography supplies
- School-wide Assemblies
- DVD Cassette Players
- Computers
- Equipment for Culinary Arts
- Academic Teams
- And more
100 of your donation is spent at California High
13Athletics Booster Charter
- Promote Athletics at Cal High
- Fund ALL Athletic Programs
- Research indicates that a student involved in
athletics has a greater chance for success during
adulthood. - Many character traits required to be successful
student athletes are exactly those that will
promote a successful life after high school. - Our student athletes develop a positive spirit
for their school and community, while teaching
them to have a positive attitude and outlook on
14What does Athletic Boosters Do?
- We Raise Money thru
- Membership
- Grizzly Grill during Football
- Apparel Sales
- Grizzly Raffle Tickets
- Grizzly Madness Dinner Auction
- Corporate Sponsorships
- We Spend Money on
- All 24 teams thru Grizzly JumpStart Funding
- Special projects like the football scoreboard,
shot clocks, soccer goals, wrestling and cheer
mats, technology for lacrosse, golf, etc. - We fund 60 of the Weight Training program
- Post-season travel for coaches
We would love to have you join us!
15Band Boosters
- Our purpose is to sponsor and finance programs
that advance instrumental music at California
High School. - All families of band students are considered
members of the Band Boosters. - Members activities include coordinating
fundraisers, chaperoning trips and creating
resources to support the band program
- Performing groups that benefit from booster
support - Concert Band Symphonic Band
- Jazz Band String Orchestra
- Jazz Ensemble Wind Ensemble
- Marching Band Colorguard
- Winterguard Winter Drumline
17Drama Boosters
- Are you or your child interested in the
Performing Arts? If you answer yes, then this is
the group for you!! - The Drama Boosters is a parent organization that
supports the Drama program and Drama Club at Cal
18The Drama Boosters are supported by
- Fundraising
- Concessions during shows
- Membership fees
- United Way donations
- Family donations
- Local Business donations
19Celebrating the Visual Arts
How important are the visual arts? I feel
strongly that the visual arts are of vast and
incalculable importance. Of course I could be
prejudiced. I AM a visual art.Kermit the Frog
Art is the humble admiration of beauty created
by something greater than ourselves. Kristen,
11th grader
- Our Goals
- To encourage parent and student education.
- Programs Womens Self-Defense class and The
Teen Scene A Major Wake-Up Call to the Parents
in Our Community - To encourage communication between school and
parents. - Bear Facts monthly newsletter, School Activity
Calendar, Parent Info Board, Disaster Plan Update - To inform our parent community about legislation
that benefits all children - To prepare the Cal High campus in the event of a
21What does PTSA do?
- Primos Run for Education
- Publicity
- Assist w/Red Ribbon Week
- Reflections Program
- Scholarships
- Senior Letters
- Staff Appreciation Events
- Staff Welcome Back Breakfast
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Measure A Election Information
- Web Site
- All School Awards Night
- Disaster Preparedness Plan and Supplies
- Honorary Service Awards
- Hospitality Tables for School Events
- Landscaping CHS campus
- Legislative Information
- Bear Facts Newsletter
- Outreach Book/Clothing Drive
- Parent and Student Education Programs
22Students, as well as parents, are encouraged to
join the Cal High PTSA
- There are many opportunities for students to make
a difference in their school and community with
PTSA. Please join us for an exciting year at Cal