Title: The American Constitution: Institutional Features and Enumerated Powers
1The American Constitution Institutional Features
and Enumerated Powers
- The Framers Constitution as a Solution to the
Crisis of Republican Government
2Addressing the Problems of the 1780s Within the
Imperatives of Institutional Design
- The Constitution had to address the problems
of the Articles of Confederation and the state
governments 1) the impotency of the national
government, 2) commercial warfare between the
states, 3) their corporate aggressiveness and the
threat of civil war, 4) violations of individual
rights within the states, 5) the inability of the
national government to provide adequate national
security and establish the status of the United
States as an equal nation within the community of
independent nations - without violating core
principles of republicanism, popular sovereignty,
federalism, and natural rights.
3Rejected Alternatives
- Monarchy and Mixed Government
- Neither consolidation nor confederation was
possible. - Short leash republicanism was rejected as
incompatible with the protection of rights and
the promotion of good government.
4- How Does the Framers Constitution Address the
Problems of the 1780s?
5Problem under the Articles No Power to Compel
- Solution in the Constitution Empower
the National Government with the power of
taxation. Article I, Section 8 The Congress
shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes,
Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and
provide for the common Defence and general
Welfare of the United States but all Duties,
Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout
the United States. - Most delegates did not expect that direct
taxes would be extensively used although they
were made constitutional. Impose duties and land
sales created the bulk of federal revenues until
the 20th century and the imposition of an income
tax. Neither states nor the national government
was permitted to tax exports under the
Constitution. -
6Problems under the Articles No power to regulate
commerce and commercial warfare between the
- Solution in the Constitution The Commerce
Clause Article I, Section 8, Clause 1,3 The
Congress shall have power . . . To regulate
commerce with foreign nations, and among the
several states, and with the Indian tribes. The
commerce clause creates a national common market
for the United States as affirmed in Gibbons v.
7Addressing the National Debt
- The United States and the states had gone over
400 million dollars in debt to fight the
Revolution. Almost all leaders in the nation
Federalist as well as Anti-federalists believed
that this should be paid. Otherwise, our credit
and credibility across the world would be
severely undermined. Article VI of the
Constitution stipulates All debts contracted
and engagements entered into, before the adoption
of this Constitution, shall be as valid against
the United States under this Constitution, as
under the Confederation. But three questions
arose. Would the state debts be assumed by the
national government? Would the debt be refinanced
but perpetuated or financed with goal of paying
it off? Would discrimination be made between the
current and original holders of the national
debt? (Would, in other words, the original
holders of the debt receive any compensation?)
8Conflicting Systems of Political Economy
Hamilton Versus Madison
- The addition of a power to regulate commerce did
not, however, mean that the Framers of the
Constitution had the same economic vision. The
visions of Hamilton and Madison were quite
different even as they left the Constitutional
9Hamiltons Mercantile Economic Vision
- Beginning in the 1780s, Hamilton believed that a
perpetually funded debt and a national bank could
be used as means of facilitating the growth of
investment capital in the young republic. Getting
wealthy merchants and mercantile men to invest in
the national government, Hamilton believed, would
tie their financial fate directly to the fate of
the national government. They would not therefore
let the republic fail. Hamilton also favored the
development of large scale, public American
manufacturers subsidized through government
bounties. A nation that did not produce its own
agricultural products and household
manufacturers, Hamilton argued, would be
primitive and lack the productive capacity
generated by the division of labor in more
advanced societies. It would also ultimately not
have an adequate army or navy.
10Jeffersons Celebration of the Independent Farmer
- Those who labour in the earth are the chosen
people of God, if ever he had a chosen people,
whose breasts he has made his peculiar deposit
for substantial and genuine virtue. It is the
focus in which he keeps alive that sacred fire,
which otherwise might escape from the face of the
earth. Corruption of morals in the mass of
cultivators is a phenomenon of which no age nor
nation has furnished an example. It is the mark
set on those, who not looking up to heaven, to
their own soil and industry, as does the
husbandman, for their subsistance, depend for it
on the casualties and caprice of customers.
Dependance begets subservience and venality,
suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit
tools for the designs of ambition. Generally
speaking, the proportion which the aggregate of
the other classes of citizens bears in any state
to that of its husbandmen, is the proportion of
its unsound to its healthy parts, and is a
good-enough barometer whereby to measure its
degree of corruption. Let our workshops remain
in Europe. The mobs of great cities add just so
much to the support of pure government, as sores
do to the strength of the human body. Thomas
Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia.
11Madison and Jeffersons Commercial Agrarianism
- In contrast to Hamilton, Madison and Jefferson
believed that the national debt should be paid
and paid off, not perpetuated. They hoped that
the United States would remain primarily an
agricultural nation. The independent farmer, they
believed, would not be beholden to either an
employer or government patronage for his
livelihood. The cornerstone of this economic
vision was the policy of commercial
discrimination against foreign nations that
discriminated against American goods. Such a
policy, Madison and Jefferson steadfastly if
perhaps quixotically believed would compel
foreign nations to open markets to Americas
surplus agricultural products. An open market for
American goods would, in turn, insure that large
numbers of Americans did not have to become
employed in manufacturing and thus that the
republic would remain agrarian and virtuous.
12Was the Constitution the Institutional Framework
for Capitalism?
- One need not resort to conspiracy theory to
argue that the Constitution provided not just the
historical capstone of American republicanism but
also the institutional cornerstone of American
capitalistic development and that some of the
framers, at least, intended it. The powers given
to Congress and the ones denied to the states are
evidence enough. By creating a common market, a
national system of taxation and finance, a common
money system, a communications network, by
granting legally enforceable property rights to
inventors and authors, by denying to the states
the right to coin money...emit Bills of
Credit...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin
a Tender, pass bills of attainder, ex post facto
laws, and laws altering or impairing the
Obligation of Contracts, the Constitution
created a legal environment far more favorable to
entrepreneurial values than anything America had
known. Where in any of the original state
constitutions is there a comparable list of
permissions and prohibitions? - Edward
Countryman, Of Republicanism, Capitalism, and
the American Mind, The William and Mary
Quarterly, Third Series, Vol. 44, No. 3, The
Constitution of the United States (Jul., 1987),
pp. 556-562
13Problem under the Articles Corporate
Aggressiveness of the States
- Solution in the Constitution Article 1, Section
10 prohibitions against the states - No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance,
or Confederation grant Letters of Marque and
Reprisal. - No State shall, without the Consent of the
Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or
Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary
for executing it's inspection Laws and the net
Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any
State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use
of the Treasury of the United States and all
such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and
Controul of the Congress. - No State shall, without the Consent of Congress,
lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of
War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or
Compact with another State, or with a foreign
Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded,
or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of
14Problem under the Articles Threat of
Intervention of Foreign Nations in North America
- Strong Executive is created with the power as
Commander in Chief - Standing Army is created under the Constitution.
No longer will it be held that the country can be
defended by local militias.
15Problem under the Articles (from the perspective
of the large states) large states are not
proportionately represented in the national
- Partial Solution in the Constitution
Proportional Representation in the House of
Representatives - Revenue Legislation Must Originate in the House.
Article I, section 7 grants the House the sole
prerogative to originate revenue legislation.
This was a concession to the large states. This
important power, it was argued, would first be
subject to approval in the body in which the
large states were more completely represented and
had greater power. - Incidentally, this power has subsequently become
the subject of considerable dispute. Everyone
agrees that taxes measures (revenue raising
measures) must originate in the House, but the
Constitution does not directly address
appropriations or spending measures. Must they
also originate in the House? The House and the
Senate disagree.
16Problem Under the Articles Majority tyranny
within the states
- Solution in the Constitution Article 1, Section
10 prohibitions against the states - No State shall .... coin Money emit Bills of
Credit make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a
Tender in Payment of Debts pass any Bill of
Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing
the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title
of Nobility.
17Preventing the National Government from undue
- Solution in the Constitution Long Leash
Republicanism. Only one branch of the national
government the House of Representatives - is
directly elected by the people. The Senate is
elected by the state legislatures, the President
through an Electoral College, and the Judiciary
is appointed by the President and confirmed by
the Senate. The Federal Pyramid
18Preventing the National Government from undue
19Separation of Powers and Long Leash Republicanism
- The system of separation of powers set forth
in the Constitution was designed to protect
against legislative encroachments on the other
branches and to control popular majorities. In
part as a result of their experiences with the
state governments during the mid-1780s and in
part because their accompanying understanding of
the nature of republican governments, Madison and
the Federalists viewed the House of
Representatives as a passionate, powerful, ever
encroaching branch that necessarily
predominates in republican governments.
Tyrannical majorities, they believed, would be
most likely to capture this branch. The checks
given to the Judiciary, Executive, and Senate -
including life tenure for judges, the qualified
executive veto, and especially bicameralism -
were thus designed to increase the independence
and power of the weaker and more indirectly
selected branches so that they had sufficient
means to temper unjust legislative majorities and
to defend themselves from constitutional
encroachments from the House of Representatives.
20Separation of Powers (continued)
- Why do we have separation of powers?
- a) Prevent tyrannical government
- b) Prevent majority tyranny
- c) To insure impartiality and the rule of law. No
man should be a judge in his own cause. No branch
should both make and interpret the laws or make
and execute the laws. - d) Good government Separation of powers
guards against inept as well as tyrannical
21Separation of Powers (continued)
- How is Separation of Powers maintained?
- a) Not by periodic revisions called by the
people, or merely marking the different powers
out on paper. - b) Separation of powers is maintained by sharing
powers among the branches in such a way as to
give to the members of each branch the necessary
constitutional means and personal motives to
resist encroachments of the others. (The
Federalist No. 51) Members of each branch must
jealously guard the sphere of constitutional
authority assigned to their branch against
encroachments by the other branches.
22Separation of Powers (continued)
- The conception of separation of powers under
the Constitution also relies on a division of
labor between the branches. It suggests that some
powers are by their nature executive,
legislative, and judicial and thus belong in the
appropriate branch. It also suggests that under
the Constitution the various branches have been
designed by the virtue of how the officials in
that branch are selected and the length of term
of office to exercise certain powers.
23The Relationship of Mode of Selection, Number,
and Term of Office to Power Exercised in the
Framers Constitution.
- Thus, Senators are given a long length of office
and are expected to have an institutional memory
in order to exercise power in the area of foreign
relations. - The President is unitary to allow for the swift
executive of powers he has as commander in chief. - Judges are given life terms to promote their
understanding of the law and to exercise judgment
in the service of upholding the law. - The House of Representatives is numerous and
members serve short terms to insure that they
reflect the will of the people.
24Problem under the Articles Difficulty of
- Solution in the Framers Constitution
- Create a new system of amendments that allows for
a majority of the states acting in unison to
amend the document. - Amendments can be proposed by a) two-thirds of
the members present in both branches of the
national legislature or b) by a special
convention called at the request of
three-quarters of the states. - Amendments can be ratified by a) three quarters
of the states or b) special conventions held in
three quarters of the states. -
25- Was the Framers Constitution Consistent with
the Principles of Republicanism and the American
26The Federalist Persuasion (Popular Sovereignty
and Republicanism)
- Popular Sovereignty and Republicanism is secured
in the Constitution Popular Sovereignty The
government must be strictly republican or
wholly popular. - If we resort for a criterion, to the different
principles on which different forms of government
are established, we may define a republic to be,
or at least may bestow that name on, a government
which derives all its powers directly or
indirectly from the great body of the people and
is administered by persons holding their offices
during pleasure, for a limited period, or during
good behaviour. It is essential to such a
government, that it be derived from the great
body of the society, not from an inconsiderable
proportion, or a favored class of it otherwise a
handful of tyrannical nobles, exercising their
oppressions by a delegation of their powers,
might aspire to the rank of republicans, and
claim for their government the honorable title of
republic. It is sufficient for such a government,
that the persons administering it be appointed,
either directly or indirectly, by the people and
that they hold their appointments by either of
the tenures just specified otherwise every
government in the United States, as well as every
other popular government that has been or can be
well organized or well executed, would be
degraded from the republican character. The
Federalist No. 39.
27Federalism (According the Federalists)
- National Supremacy is limited to those powers
enumerated in the Constitution or fairly implied
from them. The states The states retained powers
not given to the national government or implied
from those enumerated constitutional powers, but
the states had no right to secede from the union.
- The national government was not granted a
universal or even qualified veto, but national
supremacy was both insured and limited through
enumeration, judicial review of state laws, the
national supremacy clause, and Article I, Section
ten restrictions on the states. - The Constitution reserves to the states the
exercise of the police powers over health,
safety, and morals of the citizenry.
28A Bill of Rights is Not Necessary (Natural Rights
are not threatened by the Constitution)
- Paper declarations do not protect natural rights.
- Institutional arrangements and extent of
territory will protect rights. - The states have bills of Rights
- The Constitution is a Bill of Rights
29 30Who Were They?
- Small farmers and debtors?
- But also some wealthy and powerful men who
favored state sovereignty. - Men who were fastened to the Whig ideology of the
Revolution that feared corruption and
governmental tyranny.
31Anti-federalists The True Federalists
- The Federalists assumed the name Federalists,
but it applies better to the Anti-federalists who
were the real proponents of a decentralized
system built upon the idea of a limited national
government and substantial local autonomy. A
leading Anti-federalist, Elbridge Gerry suggested
that the proper labels should be Rats and
Anti-Rats for those in favor and those opposed
to ratification.
32What Did the Anti-Federalists Believe?
- The Government Under the Constitution Would
Become Tyrannical. They feared... - Presidential Reeligibility
- Life tenures for Federal Judges
- Too Few Representatives
- Government was Too Distant from the People
- Inadequate System of Separation of Powers
33The Anti-Federalists (continued)
- The Small Republic Thesis They believed that
the United States was too large to have a
republican form of government. Republics could
only exist in small areas with homogeneous
interests where people could know their
34The Anti-federalists case Against the Extended
- A. Elections from large districts and extent of
territory were efforts to diminish the chances
for elections of men of middling rank with only
local reputations. When Madison and other
Federalists defend elections from large districts
as a means of extracting the purest and noblest
characters in the society and promoting the
choice of men with the most attractive merit and
the most diffusive and established characters,
they were, according to many Anti-federalists,
really using code words not simply for the
selection of a natural aristocracy but for the
choice of men who had extensive property,
education, refinement, and social status and who
were unlikely to favor paper money or low
taxation rates. Men of property more easily form
associations and unite their interests. The
Federalists also sought to diminish personal
solicitations (crash electioneering such as
making speeches) over permanent popularity.
- B. Many of the Anti-federalists saw the adoption
of an extended republic as a means of preventing
the operation of local democracy as it had
developed in the states during the mid-1780s.
35Union and a Strengthened Confederation
- The Anti-federalists said that they did not
oppose union, only a consolidation of the states
into one grand republic. They favored some
additions to the powers of the national
36Conservatives or Men of Little Faith
- Anti-federalists wanted to conserve the
government under the Articles. They were
conservatives in this sense and feared the
adventurousness of the Federalists.
37The Addition of the Bill of Rights to the
- The Bill of Rights became a part of the
Constitution as a result of the dynamics of the
ratification struggle. The Anti-federalists
raised the objection that there was no bill of
rights. The Federalists responded by agreeing to
recommend amendments to the Ist Congress after
ratification. James Madison fulfilled this
campaign pledge. But did Madison give the
Anti-federalists what they wanted?