Title: Automatic Card Dealer and Shuffler
1Automatic Card Dealer and Shuffler
The Team
The Automatic Card Shuffler and dealer has four
main components that provide a smooth and
reliable user experience. The components are the
shuffler, card ejector/accelerator, rotational
base, and user interface. Each component has
been carefully designed to provide the most
accurate dealing and facilitate smooth gameplay.
The card ejector/ accelerator has two distinct
components an accelerator and an ejector. The
ejector is a servomotor and is placed on a wooden
arm which is easily raised and lowered by the
user. The servomotor controls a small wheel which
feeds cards forward to the card accelerator. The
card accelerator is controlled by a powerful DC
motor which accelerates the card to the player,
who now has their card and is ready to play!
From left to right we have Justin "Unbefugten
Zutritt Verboten" Madigan Justin is a fifth year
Computer Engineering student. He enjoys travel,
poker, blackjack, casinos, roller coasters, and
video games. Matt "Happy/Friendly/Funloving"
Erhard Matthew is a Computer Engineering fifth
year honors student. He speaks Japanese and
enjoys ultimate Frisbee, rollerblading, action
video games, and movies. Brian "Dude, where's my
brain?" Cody Brian is a fifth year Computer
Engineering student. He speaks Japanese as well
and enjoys writing Kanji. Brian's interests
include video games, poker, Family Guy, and
eructation during mastication.
The shuffler is a storebought Radio Shack brand
Deluxe Model card shuffler. It is capable of
running on only five volts of power and can
randomize an inserted deck of cards whenever
prompted. Its elegant wood framing and machine
crafted metallic base ensure hours of shuffling
Side View
To help the shuffler and dealer slide easily, it
is placed on a wheel-mounted "Lazy-Susan"-type
base. The wheels are extra lubricated to decrease
friction and wear-and-tear on the shuffler
itself. This also places less of a burden on the
servomotor which rotates the base.
The user interface houses not only the user's
view of the system but also the heart of the
project. A low-power PIC microcontroller provides
a lightweight but powerful core to the
Front View
Top View
The Automatic Card Shuffler and Dealer performs
all the common dealer functions without the use
of a human! Its automated operation makes dealer
cheating a thing of the past and card games
easier to play, more fun, and more exciting!
shuffler and dealer. With a clockspeed of only
125 kHz, the PIC is able to run on low-power yet
maintain total control over the entire shuffler
and dealer system. The user interface is also
intuitive and easy to follow, while remaining
unobtrusive. It has eight switches which control
with a simple push if a player is in the game and
if they want a card dealt. The LEDs light up to
allow the user to visually see who is present.
Below them, from left to right, are the emergency
stop, the knob to choose the game, and the mode
select. Above the LEDs and to the left is the
shuffle button. In the middle is the active
player display and finally, to the right is the
deal button. Power is on the right-hand side of
the UI.
Dimensions Height 32cm collapses to
17cm Width 22.5cm Depth 25cm
prices ending in 95 cents or up were rounded up