Title: Welcome to the Restaurant Manager Dealer Training
1Selling Expertise in Credit Card Security
2- What can ASI do tohelp resellers sell PCI
Compliant software?
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4New Competitive Advantage
- Expertise in the area of Credit Card Security
gives you a Competitive Advantage over other POS
providers in your local market
5Start by askingyour clients
- What percentage of your
- business revenues are
- generated via credit card payment?
6Industry Statistics
- Quick Service 12
- Family Style 36
- Night Clubs 47
- Fine Dining 59
7Then ask
- What would your business look like
- If you couldnt process credit cards?
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9Who controls whether credit cards are used in a
- Customers
- Credit Card Processors
10What might change their behavior?
- Skimming/Identity Theft
- Security Breach of PCI DSS
11What is PCI DSS?
- Payment Card Industry (PCI)
- Data Security Standards (DSS)
- (NOTE Attend Tech Track Session on PCI
Compliance to find out more.)
12Non Compliance Liability
- Financial Losses from Security Breach
- Fines in Excess of 100,000
- Loss of credit card processing privileges
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14Its Official
- Restaurant Manager and the Write On Handheld are
now certified as PCI Compliant
15Full PCI Compliance
- Requires more than a compliant POS appplication,
including - Equipment Installation
- Other Physical Infrastructure
- Daily Procedures
16ASIs PCI Compliance Checklist
ltComing soongt
17Who guaranteesPCI Compliance?
- POS providers who guarantee PCI Compliance
- what it involves
18Your Competitive Advantage has a dollar value
- Business Proposals related to
- PCI Compliance should HIGHLIGHT the dollar value
- of the service you provide
19Your customers know
- When a service is FREE
- you usually get what you pay for
20Templates from ASI
- Protect you from liability
- Help sell upgrades
21Your strongest sales pitch on PCI Compliance
- It ensures your clients remain in good standing
w/ the credit card processors.
22The Federal Trade Commission reports
over 1 billion dollars a year in credit card
losses due to skimming
23Dont Limit Yourself to PCI Compliance
- Experts in credit card fraud at restaurants must
also discuss Mobile Payment Processing
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25Skimming Device
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28Compelling Benefits
- Reduced Opportunity for Fraud
- Customers Security is Enhanced
- Merchants Liability is Reduced
- Other Benefits Include
- No settlement to wrong card
- Cards never left behind
- Customer waiting decreased
- Table Turns increased
29Hardware Options
30The MC50 from Symbol
31Your strongest sales pitch on Mobile Payment
- It will protect restaurant customers from credit
card fraud - It will enhance the reputation of the restaurant
so that customers feel confident using their
credit cards
32Your Competitive Advantage
- Your company will have a competitive advantage
as credit card security experts if you combine
your knowledge of PCI Compliance and Mobile
Payment Processing
33Fighting Credit Card Fraud with Handheld Wireless