Title: NIH Resubmissions
1- Grants.gov Training for NIH Resubmissions
2Form SF 424 (RR)Box 1-Type of Submission
3Form SF 424 (RR)Box 4- Federal Identifier
- Need Federal Identifier of prior grant or
application (i.e. CA123456) - Do NOT put CA-123-456-no dashes
- Do put R01 NOT RO1-use the number 0 not the
letter O.
4Box 8-Type of Application
5Box 8- Check Resubmissions
- For revised or amended applications
- Up to 2 tries are allowed
- No longer restricted to 2 yr time frame
- Must have Summary Statement from previous review.
- Acceptance of a resubmission application
automatically withdraws the prior version as 2
versions cannot be pending at the same time.
6Resubmissions Continued
- Must Include
- Introduction
- READ to find the page limit-may be just 1 or
sometimes can be more. - Summarize substantial additions, deletions,
changes. - Must include response to issues raised in
Summary Statement - If you are changing to include multiple
PIs-mention the new team members here.
7Upload it here
8Resubmissions Continued
- Research Plan of Resubmission
- Must include substantial changes in each section.
- Identify changes in each section of the research
plan by bracketing or indenting unless the
majority of your text represents change. In this
case, no indentation or bracketing is required. - These changes should also be outlined in the
introduction. - Do NOT underline or shade changes.
9Resubmissions Continued
4-Preliminary Studies/ Progress report- Should
incorporate any work done since prior version
was submitted
1014-Multiple PI Leadership Plan-If Applicable
11Leadership Plan Must Include
- Rationale for choosing multiple PD/PI.
- Governance organizational structure.
- Communication plans.
- Process for decision making on scientific
direction. - Procedures for resolving conflicts.
- Delineate roles for admin, technical scientific
- If budget allocation is planned-distribution of
resources to individual PD/PIs should be
deliniated. - If awarded, this will show as a footnote in the
NOGA. - Drexel is not, however, obligated to establish a
separate linked fund.
13If you are no longer going to be the Contact
PI-fill out Checklist
14Identical Applications or those with only minor
changes will NOT be accepted for review. NIH
15Box 8-Check Renewals
- For competing continuations
16Box 8-NEVER check Continuation
- Do not use
- May be used in the future for Progress Reports
17Box 8-Check Revision
- Administrative Supplement
- Competing Supplement
18Revision-Administrative Supplement
- At this time-NOT done via grants.gov
- Must be done before grant expires
- Consult in advance with designated Grants
Management Officer and Program Official - Submit a request in writing to the Institute or
Center (Not Center for Scientific Review) signed
by the PI and ORCA. - Describe the need for addl funding and the
category of costs. - Point out what will NOT be accomplished if the
request is denied.
19Revision-Competing Supplement
- Use to request support for a significant
expansion of a projects scope. - NOT to restore awards to the full Scientific
Review Group recommended level if it was reduced
by the funding agency. - Do NOT submit until the original application is
awarded. - Cannot extend beyond the term of the current
award period.
20Revision-Competing Supplement-Contd
- 1 page introduction to describe nature of the
supplement how it will influence specific aims
research design of the current grant. - Covert to PDF and upload in PHS 398-Research Plan
- Section 2.1 Introduction to Application.
21(No Transcript)
22Revision-Competing Supplement-Contd
- The body of the application should contain
sufficient information from the original grant to
allow evaluation of proposed supplement in
relation to the original goals. - If the specific line of investigation was not
recommended for approval originally-you must
address issues from prior Summary Statement
with clear revisions summarized in the
23Any budget changes for the remainder of the
project period of the current grant.
24Should be discussed in a PDF Budget Justification
uploaded in K.
25In Conclusion
- Resubmission-Revised or amended applications
- Renewal-Competing Continuations
- Continuation-Do NOT use
- Revision-Competing Supplement