EIN 4905/ESI 6912 Decision Support Systems Excel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EIN 4905/ESI 6912 Decision Support Systems Excel


Here we can see the difference in using the Or logical check. ... If, Then statements are used with Boolean variables to check if their values are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EIN 4905/ESI 6912 Decision Support Systems Excel

Spreadsheet-Based Decision Support Systems
Chapter 16 Programming Structures
Prof. Name
name_at_email.com Position
(123) 456-7890 University Name
  • 16.1 Introduction
  • 16.2 If, Then Statements
  • 16.3 Select, Case
  • 16.4 Loops
  • 16.5 Exit Statements and End
  • 16.6 Applications
  • 16.7 Summary

  • Using If, Then statements for conditional
    programming, logical checks, and error checking
  • VBA Select, Case structure
  • For Loops and Do Loops
  • Various exit statements and the End statement
  • Creating a banking account management application
    using the programming structures described in the

If, Then Statements
  • Logical Checks and Booleans

If, Then Statements
  • If, Then statements allow you to perform the same
    conditional actions that we learned with the IF
    function in Excel.
  • If a condition is met, a certain set of actions
    is performed, if it is not, another set of
    actions may be performed instead.
  • The general format for the If, Then statement is
  • If condition Then
  • action
  • End If

If, Then (cont)
  • The If, Then statement defines the action to
    performed if the condition is false by using the
    Else and ElseIf statements.
  • The Else statement allows you to specify the
    action to be performed if the condition is not
  • The ElseIf statement allows you to construct
    nested If statements.
  • That is, instead of performing a direct action if
    the original condition is not met, another If
    condition is considered.

If, Then Example
  • If x lt 1000 Then
  • MsgBox Your number is smaller than 1000.
  • ElseIf x lt 2000 Then
  • MsgBox Your number is greater than 1000 but
    less than 2000.
  • Else
  • MsgBox Your number is larger than 2000
  • End If

Logical Checks and Booleans
  • If, Then statements are also used with logical
    checks and Boolean variables.
  • Logical checks include And and Or statements
    similar to the AND and OR functions we learned in

And Logical Check
  • The And logical statement requires every
    condition in the If, Then statement to be true in
    order for the following action to be performed.
  • If only one of the conditions is false, the
    action will not be performed and the following
    Else or ElseIf statement will be read or the If,
    Then statement will end.
  • This statement structure is as follows
  • If condition1 And condition2 And condition3 And
  • action 1
  • Else (or ElseIf)
  • action 2
  • End If

Or Logical Check
  • The Or logical statement requires only one
    condition in the If, Then statement to be true in
    order for the following action to be performed.
  • Every condition would have to be false to skip
    the following action and read the Else, ElseIf,
    or End If statements.
  • This statement structure is as follows
  • If condition1 Or condition2 Or condition3 Or
  • action 1
  • Else (or ElseIf)
  • action 2
  • End If

And, Or Example
  • If x lt 1000 And x gt 500 Then
  • MsgBox Your number is between 500 and
  • Else
  • MsgBox Your number is smaller than 500 or
    greater than 1000.
  • End If
  • Here, the And check requires that both conditions
    be met.
  • If this is true, then the value of x should be
    between 500 and 1000, thus the first Message Box
    is displayed.
  • However, if either condition is false, then the
    statement in the second Message Box must be true.

And, Or Example (cont)
  • If x gt 1000 Or x lt 500 Then
  • MsgBox Your number is smaller than 500 or
    greater than 1000.
  • Else
  • MsgBox Your number is between1000 and 500.
  • End If
  • Here we can see the difference in using the Or
    logical check.
  • With Or, either of the conditions can be true to
    display the first Message Box.
  • That is either x can be greater than 1000 or less
    than 500.
  • If neither condition is met, then the second
    Message Box must be true.

Using Boolean Variables
  • If, Then statements are used with Boolean
    variables to check if their values are True or
  • You can simply use the following two statements
  • If variable True Then
  • action 1
  • End If
  • --------------------------------
  • If variable False Then
  • action 2
  • End If

Using Boolean Variables (cont)
  • To check if a Boolean variable is True, you can
    also just state the name of the variable.
  • that is, the default value of any Boolean
    variable is True.
  • Instead of the first statement in the previous
    slide, you can just type
  • If variable Then
  • action
  • End If

Boolean Example
  • If found Then
  • MsgBox The solution has been found.
  • ElseIf found False Then
  • MsgBox The solution has not been found.
  • End If

Select, Case
  • The Select, Case statement is used to list
    possible situations in which certain actions
    should be performed.
  • The general structure of the Select, Case
    statement gives a particular expression which is
    to be evaluated and a list of cases of possible
    values of that expression.
  • Select Case number
  • Case 1
  • MsgBox Your number is 1.
  • Case 2
  • MsgBox Your number is 2.
  • End Select

Select, Case (cont)
  • We can also give a range of values as a case
  • Select Case number
  • Case 1 To 5
  • MsgBox Your number is in the interval (1,
  • Case 6 To 10
  • MsgBox Your number is in the interval (6,
  • End Select

Select, Case (cont)
  • There is also an optional Case Else statement
    which can be used to specify all other cases
    which are not listed.
  • The ability to give a range of values as a case
    instance using the To statement can be extended
    to string values.
  • Select Case name
  • Case Adams To Henderson
  • MsgBox Please look in files A to H.
  • Case Ignatius To Nichols
  • MsgBox Please look in files I to N.
  • Case Else
  • MsgBox Please look in files N to Z.
  • End Select

Select, Case (cont)
  • You may also include some conditions as cases
    instead of simple instances.
  • This is useful in replacing several ElseIf
    statements in an If, Then structure.
  • Select Case number
  • Case number lt 10
  • MsgBox Your number is less than 10.
  • Case number gt 10
  • MsgBox Your number is greater than 10.
  • End Select

Select, Case (cont)
  • You can place a condition on a range of values
    using the Is statement.
  • Select Case number
  • Case 1 To 5 Is number
  • MsgBox Your number is in the interval (1,
  • Case 6 To 10 Is number
  • MsgBox Your number is in the interval (6,
  • Case Else
  • MsgBox Your number is greater than 10.
  • End Select

  • For Loops
  • Do Loops

  • Loops are programming structures which allow you
    to repeat a set of actions a certain number of
  • The number of loops can be specified by counting
    up to (or down to) a certain value.
  • For, Next
  • For Each, Next
  • Or the loops can run continuously while or until
    a certain condition is met.
  • Do, While
  • Do, Until

For Loops
  • The For, Next and For Each, Next loops are used
    to repeat a loop while counting up toward to down
    to a certain number.
  • We refer to them both generally as For Loops.
  • We perform the counting using some simple index
    variable such as i or a counting variable such as
    count or iteration.
  • These variables are integer data types.

For, Next
  • The more common of these two structures is the
    For, Next loop.
  • The structure of this loop is as follows
  • For counter start To end
  • actions
  • Next counter

For, Next (cont)
  • There is also a Step parameter used with this
  • The Step value specifies how much the counter
    variable should increase or decrease during each

For, Next (cont)
  • If you want to count up towards a number, the
    Step value should be positive and the start value
    should be less than the end value.
  • For i 1 to 10 Step 2
  • actions
  • Next i
  • If you wish to count down to a number, the Step
    value should be negative and the start value
    should be greater than the end value.
  • For i 10 to 1 Step -1
  • actions
  • Next i

For Each, Next
  • The For Each, Next loop works almost identically
    to the For, Next loop.
  • The only difference is that For Each, Next is
    counting a certain number of objects in a group
    of objects.
  • That is objects are counted rather than using a
    counter variable.

For Each, Next (cont)
  • For example, if we want to count the number of
    worksheets in the current workbook, we could
    declare a worksheet variable ws and use the
    following For Each, Next loop with some count
  • For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
  • count count 1
  • Next

Do Loops
  • There are two main Do Loops
  • Do, While
  • Do, Until
  • These Do Loops perform a set of actions
    repeatedly while or until a condition is met.
  • There are two main structures for these loops
  • Specify While or Until condition before actions
  • Specify While or Until condition after actions

Do Loop Structures
  • In the structure below, a while condition is
    considered before a set of actions will be
  • Do While count lt 10
  • actions
  • count count 1
  • Loop
  • In the second structure, the set of actions will
    be performed and then the while condition will be
    checked before the actions are repeated.
  • Do
  • actions
  • count count 1
  • Loop While count lt 10

While vs Until
  • The difference between looping while the
    condition is met and until the condition is met
    is important to note.
  • For the Do, While loop, if the condition is true
    this signals the loop to repeat the actions.
  • However, for the Do, Until loop, if the condition
    is true, this signals the loop to stop repeating
    the actions.

While vs Until (cont)
  • Compare the values generated by the following two
  • Do While count lt 10
  • x 2x
  • count count 1
  • Loop
  • For this first loop, assuming the value of the
    count variable is initialized to be 1, the
    condition will be met the first time (1 lt 10)
    and the next 10 times.
  • The action (x 2x, again assuming x is
    initially 1) will therefore be repeated 10 times
    yielding the final values of
  • x 210
  • count 11

While vs Until (cont)
  • Do Until count 10
  • x 2x
  • count count 1
  • Loop
  • This second loop, however, will stop repeating
    when count reaches 10 (but not including 10).
  • Thus yielding final values of
  • x 29
  • count 10

Boolean Variables in Do Loops
  • Do Loops can also be used with Boolean variables.
  • That is, the Boolean variable can be used as the
    condition for the Do, While or Do, Until loops.
  • These conditions usually imply some nested If,
    Then statements which would change the value of
    the Boolean variable once a certain result is

Boolean Variables (cont)
  • Do While found False
  • actions
  • If x gt 100 Then
  • found True
  • End If
  • Loop
  • Here we are performing some actions while a
    certain result is still not found.
  • Once the found variable is set to True, the While
    condition is no longer met and the loop ends.

Exit Statements and End
  • Exiting Procedures
  • Exiting Loops
  • Ending the Program

Exit Statements
  • As we develop and run longer programming
    structures such as nested If, Then statements and
    Do Loops, we may want a way to exit the current
    set of actions at any time.
  • We may also want to use this option while running
    any sub procedure or function procedure.
  • VBA provides several Exit Statements which allow
    current actions to stop and moves the program to
    following code.
  • We will usually use these statements with the If,
    Then structure.

Exiting Procedures
  • To exit a procedure we use either Exit Sub or
    Exit Function depending on if we are currently
    running a sub procedure or function procedure
  • When Exit Function is stated, the function
    procedure will stop being executed and the
    program will return to the point in the code from
    which the function was called.
  • When the Exit Sub statement is used, the sub
    procedure will stop being executed, and if the
    sub was called from another sub, the program will
    return to this sub and begin executing the next
    line of code.

Exit Sub and Exit Function Example
  • Here, we perform simple error checking with a
    Divide function.
  • Sub Calculations()
  • x InputBox(Enter x value.)
  • y InputBox(Enter y value.)
  • value Divide(x, y)
  • If value none Then
  • Exit Sub
  • End If
  • MsgBox x divided by y is Divide(x, y)
  • End Sub
  • ------------------------------------------------
  • Function Divide(a, b)
  • If b 0 Then
  • Divide none
  • Exit Function
  • End If
  • Divide a / b
  • End Function

Exiting Loops
  • To exit a loop we use Exit For and Exit Do
    depending on if we are currently in a For, Next
    or For Each, Next loop or in a Do, While or Do,
    Until loop.
  • Similar to the above exit statements, Exit For
    will stop executing a For, Next or For Each, Next
    loop and move to the next line of code after the
    Next statement.
  • The Exit Do code will stop executing a Do Loop
    and move to the next line of code after the Loop

Exit For Example
  • Sub Organize()
  • Set StartCell Range(A1)
  • For i 1 to 100
  • StartCell.Offset(i, 0).Value i (i 1)
  • If i (i 1) gt 50 Then
  • MsgBox The calculation values exceed the
  • Exit For
  • End If
  • Next i
  • End Sub

Exit Do Example
  • Do
  • x x2
  • If x mod 5 0 Then
  • MsgBox The number x is divisible by
  • Exit Do
  • End If
  • x x 1
  • Loop Until x gt100

Exiting Loops (cont)
  • These statements can also be used with nested
  • The exit statement will apply to the inner most
    loop in which it is used.
  • For i 1 to 100
  • For j 1 to 50
  • StartCell.Offset(i, j).Value i j
  • If i j gt 60 Then
  • Exit Do
  • End If
  • Next j
  • Next i

Ending the Program
  • We can stop executing the entire program by using
    the End statement.
  • Just as the End Sub, End Function, End If, and
    End With statements end the execution of the
    enclosed lines of code, the End statement will
    stop executing all code and exit all loops and
  • This can be a useful function if there is some
    significant condition or requirement that must be
    met before the program can function correctly.

End Example
  • In this code, the Username sub procedure is
    called to prompt the user for a username.
  • Then the FindFile function procedure is called to
    find the filename listed for the given username
    in a particular database.
  • Sub Main()
  • Call Username
  • Call FindFile(username)
  • If filename Then
  • MsgBox No file was found for this user.
  • End
  • End If
  • Call EditRecord
  • End Sub
  • If the file is found, then the record for this
    user can be edited, however if no file is found
    which matches the username given then there is no
    need to continue running this program as this is
    a necessary requirement for all further actions.

Basic Error Checking
  • Possible Error User Input
  • User input is usually assigned to a variable.
  • This variable must have been declared previously
    with a specific data type.
  • An error can occur if the data that the user
    provides as input does not match the data type
    already assigned to the variable.
  • The Variant data type
  • A temporary Variant data type variable can be
    used to assign to any input that is provided by
    the user
  • An Error Checking Solution IsNumeric and CInt
  • The IsNumeric function returns the value True or
    False depending on whether or not the variable or
    expression is a numeric data type
  • The CInt conversion function will ensure that
    this variable has the data type needed for
    subsequent calculations

Basic Error Checking (contd)
  • Dim TempInput As Variant, x As Integer
  • TempInput InputBox(Please enter a number.)
  • If IsNumeric(TempInput) True Then
  • x CInt(TempInput)
  • End If
  • Similarly, the IsDate and CDate functions can be
    used for date input.
  • (See Appendix B for a detailed discussion of
    other error checking solutions.)

  • Banking Account Management

  • This program stores deposits, withdrawals, and
    the current balance of a users banking account.
  • The user can record a new deposit or new
    withdrawal or they can sum current deposits or
  • Each time a new deposit or withdrawal is made,
    the balance is updated.
  • There is also a minimum balance requirement of
    100 for this account.

  • There are only two worksheets for this program.
  • Account Welcome
  • Account
  • Like any welcome sheet, the Account Welcome
    sheet has a program title and description.
  • We have also added a Start button this button
    will be associated with a Main sub procedure

Figure 16.1
Account Sheet
  • The Account sheet is where the program actions
    will occur.
  • The record of account transactions is shown with
    the date and description of each transaction.
  • Each button is associated with the action stated
    in the button caption.
  • The Exit button, as in all of our applications,
    will bring the user back to the welcome sheet.

Figure 16.2
  • We will have a NewDeposit and NewWithdrawal
    procedure associated with the first button
  • In each of these procedures we will be adding a
    new user-supplied value to the Amount column.
  • We will also need to update the balance in both
    procedures by calling an UpdateBalance function
  • We will also need two summing procedures which we
    will call SumDeposits and SumWithdrawals.

Procedures (cont)
  • The first, and most important organizational sub
    procedure will be the Main sub procedure.
  • This macro will be associated with the Start
    button on the welcome sheet.
  • We will clear previous sum values from their
    respective ranges, set any range variables,
    initialize any other variables if needed, and
    hide the welcome sheet and bring the user to the
    Account sheet.
  • There will also be a short ExitAccount procedure
    to be assigned to the Exit button.

  • We will have a deposit and withdrawal variable to
    insert the new values and update the balance.
  • We will use a value variable (declared as a
    variant data type) to receive user input before
    assigning values to the deposit and withdrawal
    variables this is in order to perform error
  • We will have sumDep and sumWith variables to
    calculate the respective sums.

Variables (cont)
  • We will have two range variables to identify the
    Amount and Balance columns.
  • We call them AccountStart and BalanceStart.
  • We will later use an integer counter i for our
    loops and a response variable (declared as a
    variant data type) in a MsgBox function.

  • This time we improve our code by using a
    worksheet variable, ws, and a For Each, Next
  • Private Sub Workbook_Open()
  • For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
  • If ws.Name "Account Welcome" Then
  • ws.Visible True
  • Else
  • ws.Visible False
  • End If
  • Next
  • End Sub

Variables (contd)
  • We define all previously discussed variables,
    including the worksheet variable, publicly as
  • Public deposit As Double, withdrawal As Double,
    sumDep As Double, _
  • sumWith As Double, AccountStart As Range,
    BalanceStart As Range, _
  • ws As Worksheet, Value As Variant, i As Integer,
    response As Variant

  • In preparation for coding we have named the two
    ranges in which the sum values will be
  • DepositSum and WithdrawalSum respectively
  • Sub Main()
  • Range("DepositSum").ClearContents
  • Range("WithdrawalSum").ClearContents
  • Set AccountStart Worksheets("Account").Range
  • Set BalanceStart Worksheets("Account").Range
  • sumDep 0
  • sumWith 0
  • Worksheets("Account").Visible True
  • Worksheets("Account Welcome").Visible False
  • Worksheets("Account").Activate
  • End Sub

  • The navigational procedure for the Exit button is
  • Sub ExitAccount()
  • Worksheets("Account Welcome").Visible True
  • Worksheets("Account").Visible False
  • End Sub

Summing Procedures
  • For each Sum button we will look through every
    entry of the Amount column until the end of the
    column is reached.
  • We do this using a Do, Until loop, AccountStart
    range variable, and the Offset property.
  • For each entry we check if the value is a
    withdrawal or deposit and update our respective
    sum variables.
  • We do this using If, Then statements.
  • We will use the counter variable i for the loop.

  • Sub SumDeposits()
  • i 1
  • Do Until AccountStart.Offset(i, 0).Value ""
  • If AccountStart.Offset(i, 0).Value gt 0
  • sumDep sumDep AccountStart.Offset(
    i, 0).Value
  • End If
  • i i 1
  • Loop
  • Range("DepositSum").Value sumDep
  • End Sub

  • Sub SumWithdrawals()
  • i 1
  • Do Until AccountStart.Offset(i, 0).Value ""
  • If AccountStart.Offset(i, 0).Value lt 0
  • sumWith sumWith
    AccountStart.Offset(i, 0).Value
  • End If
  • i i 1
  • Loop
  • Range("WithdrawalSum").Value sumWith
  • End Sub

  • The first line of code will be to ask the user
    for the amount of the new deposit.
  • We will temporarily set the value variable equal
    to our InputBox function so that we can perform
    error checking on the input.
  • Sub NewDeposit()
  • value InputBox("Please enter amount to
    deposit.", _"New Deposit", 150)

NewDeposit (cont)
  • To perform the error checking, we will use the
    IsNumeric function with the value variable to see
    if the user entered a numerical data type.
  • If so, then we can continue running the sub
    procedure, however if the value is not numeric
    then we cannot continue with the procedure
  • We therefore inform the user of their error using
    a simple Message Box and then use Exit Sub.
  • If IsNumeric(value) False Then
  • MsgBox "You have not entered a numerical
    value. Please try again."
  • Exit Sub
  • End If
  • If the user has provided a numeric value then we
    assign this value to the deposit variable.
  • deposit value

NewDeposit (cont)
  • We now insert this value into the Amount column
    using the AccountStart range variable and the End
  • We also format this new row of the table by
    changing the background color of the appropriate
  • With AccountStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
  • .Value deposit
  • .Interior.ColorIndex 0
  • End With
  • Range(AccountStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0,-3),
  • AccountStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0,
    -2)).Interior.ColorIndex 0
  • BalanceStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1,
    0).Interior.ColorIndex 0

NewDeposit (cont)
  • The only action left to perform is to update the
    balance by calling the UpdateBalance function.
  • After those actions are complete we can simply
    inform the user that they may enter a date and
    description for the new entry with a Message Box.
  • Call UpdateBalance(deposit, "D")
  • MsgBox "You may now enter the date and
    description of your _
  • deposit into the table."

NewDeposit (cont)
  • We can add an additional option to continue
    adding more new deposits by using the MsgBox
    function and response variable.
  • We prompt the user if they want to enter another
    deposit and set the Message Box buttons to be
  • The MsgBox function is assigned to the response
    variable so we check the value of the response
    variable and perform the related actions.

NewDeposit (cont)
  • We will use another If, Then statement to see if
    the response was Yes, which is equal to the VB
    Constant vbYes, and call the NewDeposit sub
    procedure again if it is.
  • Otherwise we will just end the sub.
  • .
  • response MsgBox("Would you like to enter
    another deposit?", _ vbYesNo, "Another Deposit?")
  • If response vbYes Then
  • Call NewDeposit
  • End If
  • End Sub

  • The NewWithdrawal procedure will be very similar.
  • We do not give the option to create another new
    withdrawal here, but you can add this later.
  • The only main changes are using the withdrawal
    variable instead of deposit and entering the
    value in the table as a negative number.

NewWithdrawal (cont)
  • Sub NewWithdrawal()
  • value InputBox("Please enter amount to
    withdraw.", "New withdrawal", 150)
  • 'error checking
  • If IsNumeric(value) False Then
  • MsgBox "You have not entered a numerical
    value. Please try again."
  • Exit Sub
  • End If
  • withdrawal value
  • 'insert into table and format new row
  • With AccountStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
  • .Value -withdrawal
  • .Interior.ColorIndex 0
  • End With
  • Range(AccountStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0,-3),
  • AccountStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0,
    -2)).Interior.ColorIndex 0
  • BalanceStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1,
    0).Interior.ColorIndex 0
  • 'update balance

  • There will be two parameters for this function.
  • The deposit or withdrawal value.
  • And a simple letter signifying if this is a
    deposit D or withdrawal W.
  • Notice that these variables are passed when the
    function is called from the above two procedures.
  • The function declaration refers to these two
    parameters simply as x and y.
  • We can then use a Select, Case statement to check
    the value of the y parameter.
  • In the case that it is D we will add the
    deposit value to the last entry of the Balance
  • In the case that it is W we will subtract the
    withdrawal value from the last entry of the
    Balance column.

UpdateBalance (cont)
  • We must also perform one more check in the case
    that a withdrawal is made we must ensure that
    the 100 balance requirement will still be met
    after the withdrawal is made.
  • We use an If, Then statement to check the result
    of this calculation.
  • If the withdrawal will result in a balance less
    than 100, we do not perform the transaction.
  • The user is informed that their balance is too
    low, the initial entry to the Amount column is
    cleared, and the function is exited using the
    Exit Function statement.
  • However, if the requirement will still be met,
    then we update the balance and tell the user they
    can enter the date and description for the
    withdrawal .

UpdateBalance (cont)
  • Function UpdateBalance(x, y)
  • Select Case y
  • Case "D"
  • BalanceStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1,0).v
    alue _
  • BalanceStart.End(xlDown).value x
  • Case "W"
  • If BalanceStart.End(xlDown).value - x
    lt 100 Then
  • MsgBox "This withdrawal cannot be
    made due to the 100 _
  • balance requirement."
  • AccountStart.End(xlDown).ClearCont
  • Exit Function
  • End If
  • BalanceStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1,0).v
    alue _
  • BalanceStart.End(xlDown).value - x
  • MsgBox "You may now enter the date
    and description of your _
  • withdrawal into the table."
  • End Select
  • End Function

Application Conclusion
  • The procedures are now complete.
  • We assign them to their respective buttons and
    test the macro.
  • The application is finished.

  • If, Then statements allow you to perform
    conditional actions. If a condition is met, a
    certain set of actions is performed if it is
    not, another set of actions may be performed
  • Use the Select, Case statement to list possible
    situations in which certain actions should be
  • Loops are programming structures that allow you
    to repeat a set of actions a certain number of
  • VBA provides several Exit Statements that allow
    current actions to stop and moves the program to
    ensuing code.

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