Title: Turn-Based Games
1Turn-Based Games
- sources
- http//www.game-research.com/
- www.gamespot.com
- Wikipedia.org
- Russell Norvig AI Book Chapter 5 (and slides)
- My own
Héctor Muñoz-Avila
2Turn-Based Strategy Games
- Early strategy games was dominated by turn-based
games - Derivate from board games
- Chess
- The Battle for Normandy (1982)
- Nato Division Commanders (1985)
- Turn-based strategy
- game flow is partitioned in turns or rounds.
- Turns separate analysis by the player from
actions - harvest, build, destroy in turns
- Two classes
- Simultaneous
- Mini-turns
3Turn-Based Games Continues to be A Popular Game
- At least 3 sub-styles are very popular
- Civilization-style games
- Civilization IV came out last week
- Fantasy-style (RPG)
- Heroes of Might and Magic series
- Poker games
- Poker Academy
4Some Historical Highlights
- 1952 Turing design a chess algorithm. Around the
same time Claude Shannon also develop a chess
program - 1956 Maniac versus Human
- 1970 Hamurabi. A game about building an economy
for a kingdom - The Battle for Normandy (1982)
- 1987 Pirates!
- 1990 Civilization
- 1995 HoMM
- 1996 Civilization II
- The best game ever?
- 2005 Civilization IV
- 2006 HoMM V
5Side-tracking Game Design Contradicting
- Principle All actions can be done from a single
- Classical example Civ IV
- But HoMM uses two interfaces HoMM IV
6Coming back How to Construct Good AI?
- Idea Lets just use A and define a good
heuristic for the game - Search space a bipartite tree
- After all didnt we use it with the 9-puzzle
game? - Problems with this idea
- Adversarial we need to consider possible moves
of our opponent (s) - Time limit (think Chess)
7Types of AdversarialTBGs (from AI perspective)
Chess, Go, rock-paper-scissors
Perfect information
Backgammon, monopoly
Bridge, Poker
Imperfect information
Battleships, Stratego
Civilization, HoMM
8Game tree (2-player, deterministic, turns)
- Concepts
- State node in search space
- Operator valid move
- Terminal test game over
- Utility function value for outcome of the game
- MAX 1st player, maximizing its own utility
- MIN 2nd player, minimizing Maxs utility
- Finding perfect play for deterministic games
- Idea choose move to position with highest
minimax value best achievable payoff against
best play - E.g., 2-play game
10Minimax algorithm
11Properties of minimax
- Complete?
- Optimal?
- Time complexity?
- b branching factor
- m moves in a game
Yes (if tree is finite)
Yes (against an optimal opponent)
- For chess, b 35, m 100 for "reasonable"
gamesTherefore, exact solution is infeasible
12Minimax algorithm with Imperfect Decisions
13Evaluation Function
- Evaluation Function
- Is an estimate of the actual utility
- Typically represented as a linear function
- EF(state) w1f1(state) w2f2(state)
wnfn(state) - Example
14Evaluation Function (2)
- Obviously, the quality of the AI player depends
on the evaluation function - Conditions for evaluation functions
- If n is a terminal node,
- Computing EF should not take long
- EF should reflect chances of winning
EF(n) Utility(n)
If EF(state) gt 3 then is almost-certain that
blacks win
15Cutting Off Search
16a-ß pruning example
17a-ß pruning example
18a-ß pruning example
19a-ß pruning example
20a-ß pruning example
21Properties of a-ß
- Pruning does not affect final result
- Good move ordering improves effectiveness of
- With "perfect ordering," time complexity
O(bm/2) - ? doubles depth of search
- A simple example of the value of reasoning about
which computations are relevant (a form of
22Why is it called a-ß?
- a is the value of the best (i.e., highest-value)
choice found so far at any choice point along the
path for max
- If v is worse than a, max will avoid it
- ? prune that branch
- Define ß similarly for min
23The a-ß algorithm
24The a-ß algorithm
25Resource limits
- Suppose we have 100 secs, explore 104 nodes/sec?
106 nodes per move
- Standard approach
- cutoff test
- e.g., depth limit (perhaps add quiescence search)
- evaluation function
- estimated desirability of position
26Evaluation functions
- For chess, typically linear weighted sum of
features - Eval(s) w1 f1(s) w2 f2(s) wn fn(s)
- e.g., w1 9 with
- f1(s) (number of white queens) (number of
black queens), etc.
27Cutting off search
- MinimaxCutoff is identical to MinimaxValue except
- Terminal? is replaced by Cutoff?
- Utility is replaced by Eval
- Does it work in practice?
- bm 106, b35 ? m4
- 4-ply lookahead is a hopeless chess player!
- 4-ply human novice
- 8-ply typical PC, human master
- 12-ply Deep Blue, Kasparov
28Deterministic games in practice
- Checkers Chinook ended 40-year-reign of human
world champion Marion Tinsley in 1994. Used a
precomputed endgame database defining perfect
play for all positions involving 8 or fewer
pieces on the board, a total of 444 billion
positions. -
- Chess Deep Blue defeated human world champion
Garry Kasparov in a six-game match in 1997. Deep
Blue searches 200 million positions per second,
uses very sophisticated evaluation, and
undisclosed methods for extending some lines of
search up to 40 ply. - Othello human champions refuse to compete
against computers, who are too good.
- Go human champions refuse to compete against
computers, who are too bad. In go, b gt 300, so
most programs use pattern knowledge bases to
suggest plausible moves.
- Games are fun to work on!
- They illustrate several important points about AI
- perfection is unattainable ? must approximate
- good idea to think about what to think about