Title: Alignment of the ALICE Silicon tracking detectors
1Alignment of the ALICE Silicon tracking detectors
A.Dainese INFN Padova for the ALICE Collaboration
- The ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS) ? see also
V. Manzari - ITS alignment strategy
- Cosmics for alignment
- Validation of survey measurements
- Results from software alignment algorithms
- Summary and outlook
3Inner Tracking System (ITS)
- Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD)
- 10M channels
- 240 sensitive vol. (60 ladders)
- Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
- 133k channels
- 260 sensitive vol. (36 ladders)
- Silicon Strip Detector (SSD)
- 2.6M channels
- 1698 sensitive vol. (72 ladders)
ITS total 2198 alignable sensitive volumes ?
13188 d.o.f.
4ITS detector resolutions target alignment
detector local c.s. xlocrfglob, ylocrglob,
zloc zglob
- Residual expected misalignment left after
applying the realignment procedure(s). Target
0.7?resol. ? 20 degradation of the resolution
5Impact of ITS misalignmenton ITSTPC tracking
- Effect of misalignment on track impact parameter
to the primary vertex (d0), pt, vertex
resolutions studied
d0 resolution
pt resolution
no misal misal 10 mm misal 20 mm misal 30 mm
no misal misal 10 mm misal 20 mm misal 30 mm
Target residual misalignment
- effect of misalignment
- ? large worsening
- factor 2 at high pt
- plus 5 mm
effect of misalignment above 10 GeV/c
6ITS alignment with tracksgeneral strategy
- Data sets cosmics first pp collisions (and
beam gas) - use cocktail of tracks from cosmics and pp to
cover full detector surface and to maximize
correlations among volumes - Start with B off, then switch on B (pp) ?
possibility to select high-momentum (no multiple
scattering) tracks for alignment - General strategy
- validation of survey measurements with cosmics
- start with layers easier to calibrate SPD and
SSD - good resol. in rf (12-20mm), worse in z
(120-830mm) - global ITS alignment relative to TPC (already
internally aligned) - finally, inclusion of SDD, which need longer
calibration (interplay between alignment and
calibration) - Two independent track-based alignment methods
- global Millepede (default method)
- local iterative method based on residuals
7Triggering and tracking the cosmics
- Trigger SPD FastOR
- Coincidence between top outer SPD layer
- and bottom outer SPD layer
- rate 0.18 Hz
- ITS Stand-Alone tracker adapted for cosmics
- pseudo-vertex point of closest approach between
two tracklets built in the top and bottom SPD
half-barrels - Search for two back-to-back tracks starting from
this vertex
8Cosmic data sample
- Statistics collected (after reco) 105 events
with B0 in 2008
Layer 5 (SSD)
Layer 4 (SDD)
Layer 1 (SPD)
Layer 4 (SDD)
Layer 4 (SDD)
Layer 1 (SPD)
Layer 1 (SPD)
9Validation of Strips (SSD) survey with cosmics
- SSD survey 2 local shifts (x,z) 1 rotation (q)
- Modules on ladders (critical small stat on
single modules with cosmics) - precision 5 mm
- Ladders on support cones (important starting
point for alignment) - precision 15 mm
- Validation with cosmics. Three methods
- Extra clusters from acceptance overlaps ?
distance between two clusters from same track on
contiguous (overlapping) modules on same ladder - Fit one track on outer layer, one on inner layer
? distance and angles between the two tracks - Fit track on one SSD layer (2 points) ? residuals
on other SSD layer
10Validation of SSD survey with cosmics (1)
- Extra clusters from acceptance overlaps ?
distance between two clusters from same track on
contiguous (overlapping) modules on same ladder
module on ladder misalignment
- ???xy)25 ?m (48)
- ??point)25/v218 ?m
- ??misal)lt5 ?m (27)
- ???xy)26 ?m (36)
- ??point)26/v218 ?m
- ??misal)lt5 ?m (15)
11Validation of SSD survey with cosmics (2)
- Fit one track on top half barrel, one on bottom
? distance and angles between the two tracks
12Validation of SSD survey with cosmics (3)
- Fit track on one SSD layer (2 points) ? residuals
on other SSD layer
overall module misalignment
- ??point)25 ?m
- ??misal)10 ?m
13ITS alignment with Millepede
- Determine alignment parameters of all modules
in one go, by minimizing the global c2 of
track-to-points residuals for a large set of
tracks (cosmics pp) - The alignment of the ITS follows this
hierarchical sequence
- optionally SPD STAVES (60)
- SPD LADDERS (sensitive modules 240)
14Checking the quality of realignment
- Select muons with DCA to (0,0) lt 1 cm
- Main variable track-to-track Dxy at y0
- Acceptance overlaps ? extra clusters
- Alignment monitoring tool
15Millepede SPD realignmentDxy at y0
- Track-to-track matching (2 points per track in
the pixels)
Sim, ideal geom
not realigned
ALICE Preliminary
43 mm
48 mm
track-to-track Dxy cm
Expected spread
? sspatial14 mm ? smisal9 mm
? sspatial11 mm (Sim)
16Millepede realignmentSPD extra clusters
Sim, ideal geom
not realigned
ALICE Preliminary
15 mm
20 mm
Expected spread
? sspatial14 mm? smisal9 mm
? sspatial11 mm (Sim)
17Cross checks with B-on runs
- Stand-alone tracking in SPD (two points) and look
at extra clusters to track distance (unaffected
by curv.)
ALICE Preliminary
17?2 mm
ALICE Preliminary
18?1 mm
ALICE Preliminary
20?2 mm
18Millepede SPD realignmentgetting right the
ALICE Preliminary
19Millepede SPD-SSD realignmentDxy at y0
- PixelsStrips two tracks (top and bottom) with 4
pts each
Sim, ideal geom
ALICE Preliminary
19 mm
30 mm
track-to-track transverse distance at y0 cm
20Millepede SPD-SSD realignmentDxy at y0
- PixelsStrips two tracks (top and bottom) with 4
pts each
Simulation ideal geometry target of alignment
promising! already close to target
ALICE Preliminary
30 mm
track-to-track transverse distance at y0 cm
- single track impact parameter resolution
30/v221mm - but pt unknown ? need data with B-on (2009)
21Alignment monitoring
- Excluding selected points from fit
- Compute residuals
fit points residuals
22Alignment monitoring
- rf residuals in inner pixel layer, with B-off and
data B0 s26mm
data B0.5T s26mm
data B-0.5T s26mm
simul B0.5T s17mm
23A second alignment methodIterative local
- Alignment params from minimization of residuals
- Local works on a module-by-module basis
- Iterations are used to take into account
correlations between the alignment params of
different modules - For the pixels, similar alignment quality as
Millepede s 49 mm
Iterative s 52 mm
track-to-track transverse distance at y0 cm
track-to-track transverse distance at y0 cm
24Comparison of Millepede and Iterative
- Comparison of alignment parameters is promising
for - estimate of residual misalignment / systematics
- investigations of possible problems (outliers)
25Silicon Drift Detectors calibration alignment
- The two intermediate layers
- In SDD, local x determined from drift time
- xloc (t t0) vdrift
- two calibration parameters t0 and vdrift
- Interplay between alignment and calibration
- t0 and vdrift (also obtained from injectors) as
additional parameters in Millepede
Geometry only
Geometry calibration
26Summary Outlook
- ALICE Inner Tracking System alignment strategy
presented - Hierachical track-based alignment using global
fit (Millepede) - Strips (SSD) survey validated with cosmics
- Most of pixels (SPD) realigned to ?10 mm
- need cross-checks with pp, especially on the
sides - With SPDSSD ? track impact parameter resolution
20 mm, but difficult to conclude because
momentum is unknown (B0) - Next steps
- include SDD (calibration ongoing)
- ITS-TPC alignment
- cosmics 2009 (data taking in progress)
- data with B0.5T ? performance VS pt!
- finalize alignment and monitoring for
28TPC-ITS relative alignment
- Kalman-filter aligner with 8 model parameters
misalignment of TPC wrt ITS (6 pars), TPC
calibration (time zero, drift velocity) - Procedure starts with matching of TPC tracks to
ITS stand-alone tracks - Propagate tracks to reference cylinder at R80 cm
? residuals - The residuals are fed to the Kalman aligner for
fitting - Benchmarked on simulation ? OK
- First result on cosmic data with B0 (ITS aligned
with Millepede)
29TPC-ITS relative alignment
- TPC vdrift correction from TPC-ITS alignment VS
same from TempPressure sensors ? difference
lt0.5 - Data re-reconstructed with TPC-ITS alignment ?
new realignment ? results consistent with 0 ? OK
(B on)
30First look at statistics in pp
- 10k (scaled to 100k) pp events at 0.9 and 14 TeV
B0.5T - Minimum number of points for module in each layer
- 6 points tracks with ptgt250 MeV
? First Physics sample(s) look OK
(statistics-wise) to perform First Alignment
31First look at statistics in ppchecking the
alignment with extra clusters
- 10k (scaled to 100k) pp events at 0.9 and 14 TeV
B0.5T - Number of extra clusters per layer per det type
(assuming the tracking finds all of them)
? First Physics sample(s) look OK
(statistics-wise) to layer-by-layer check of
First Alignment with extra cls
32Millepede SPD realignmentstability in time
Stability test with nine 10k-tracks subsamples
Dxy at y0 plots with same alignment file
From trk Mean (mm) Sigma (mm) 0
-13 57 10000 -4 54 20000
6 52 30000 -3 56 40000 -2 53 50000
1 53 60000 5 52 70000
8 52 80000 -1 54
Dxy cm
33Analysis of Millepede results
Dxy cm
Strongest improvements when aligning staves
w.r.t. sectors