Title: Speak Up With Confidence
1E S P
Smile Smile Smile
Extra Please!!!
2Brian Hodgson
- British
- Lived in Hong Kong for 18 years
- Founder Board Director of a US listed
public company - Public speaker, Auctioneer TV Host and
Specialist in Communications
3Whats in it for me ?
- How to prepare a 5 minute presentation
- How to look good on Video
- How to Control nerves
- How to give a BAD presentation
4Know your Audience
- Size (one-on-one, small group, large group)
5Preparation - Content
- Purpose (general/specific)
- Title isheadline in an advertisement
- WIIFM "What's in it for me?
- - Audience's interest
6Liven up a Presentation
- 1 Use Humour
- Make it relate to topic/point
4 Involve your audience
7Making a Presentation !!!
8Video Presentation Tips
- 1- Look at the camera
- 2- Check the sound
- 3- Have good camera angles
- 4- Do not over gesture
- Have clear message
- Use movement
- Captures audience attention
- Leads into speech topic
- First point
- Statement of fact
- Supporting material
- Second point
- Statement of fact
- Supporting material
- Third point
- Statement of fact
- Supporting material
- Review or summary
- Call to action or memorable statement
- Grooming
- - Attire, knowledge and confidence, posture
13(No Transcript)
148 Strategies for Overcoming Nerves
- Know your speech -
- Know your audience
- Know the room
- Be organised
- Practice Practice Practice
158 Strategies for Overcoming Nerves
- 2 Visualise the outcome you want- believe in
168 Strategies for Overcoming Nerves
- 3 Focus on the message not yourself- put
energy into it. - 4 Connect with audience- look for smiling face
- 5 Put the past behind you
- 6 Look your best
178 Strategies for Overcoming Nerves
- 7 Breathe deeply- take deep breaths
- 8 Give up the belief that you have to be
perfect. Professional speakers make mistakes
from time to time.
18Why do we tell stories ? 1- Brings the audience
closer to us 2- Is a technique for conveying
messages 3- Relaxes you easier to remember
stories 4- Adds credibility
19When should we use ? -Any time during the
presentation -Make it relevant - Use names
20DO - 1- Use to illustrate relevant points 2-
Select stories to match audience intelligence ,
experience, occupation and age and nature of
occasion 3- Space stories remember
pattern of speech 4- Tell stories about own
troubles, stupidity, ignorance- Makes the
audience feel comfortable 5- Use short stories,
interesting ,keep to relevant detail
21DO - 6- Specify location 7- Use familiar
places , people the audience knows 8- Use
adjectives and Verbs- make descriptive 9- Learn
stories keep practicing 10- Use facts use
your own stories
22DO - 11- Use emotional words to hook
listener 12- Work out different lengths have
relevant quotation 13- Slant story to audience ,
use different words 14- Use terms like , imagine
this , let me take you to
23DONT 1- Say I have a funny story 2- When
getting out of a story But seriously guys 3-
Don't be the hero or if you are, be humble
4- Use terms foreign to audience 5- Dont read
story he said
24Topic Development 1- Your family 2- Your
customers 3- Yourself 4 Make it a YOU
presentation NOT I ratio - ten you to
one I
25BASIC Believe in the story , speak from your
heart Appropriate. Is the story appropriate for
your message and audience Structure. Opening,
problem and a resolution Internalize. Practice,
becomes natural Captivate. Bring story to life
and focus on audiences needs and your message,
use gestures , voice inflection or props
26- How to Give a Bad Presentation
Ten Commandments I Thou shall not be neat Why
waste time preparing PowerPoint's? Ignore
spelling, grammar and legibility. Who cares what
50 people think ? II Thou shall not waste space.
Why use so much memory when you can convert 5
slides into 3. III Thou shall not covert
Brevity Do you want people to think you do not
have a degree. Always use complete sentences,
never just key words. If possible use whole
paragraphs and read every word.
27- How to Give a Bad Presentation
Ten Commandments IV Thou shall use WordArt and
Plenty of graphics If Mr. Gates had not intended
us to use WordArt why did he put it there ?
Graphics are groovy . The more the merrier. V
Thou shall not write large Be humble- use a
small font. Important people sit at front. Who
cares about the others. VI Thou shall not use
Color. Use of color indicates uncareful
research. Its unfair to emphasize some words over
28- How to Give a Bad Presentation
Ten Commandments VII Thou shall Not use Eye
contact You should advert eye contact to show
respect. Sunglasses also add mystique VIII Thou
shall not skip Slides You have prepared slides,
people come for whole talk. Just talk faster,
skip summary and conclusion XI Thou shall talk
in foreign tongues It works for the religious
people. Slur words , talk fast. People forget
what you say anyway
29- How to Give a Bad Presentation
Ten Commandments X . Thou should not practice
Why waste time practicing a presentation. How
can you appear spontaneous ? You must also speak
overtime. Your words are valuable. The audience
can wait.