Title: Island Biogeography
1Island Biogeography
2Formation of a New Island
- Island of Krakatau
- Massive volcanic eruption in 1883.
- Destroyed two-thirds of island. Also, eradicated
life on neighboring islands of Rakata, Sertung,
and Panjang.
3Formation of a New Island
- 1930, a new island was formed from volcanic
activity (Anak Krakatau). - Recolonization studies
- Nine months after 1883 eruption first colonist
of Rakata was a spider. - 1896, 11 species of ferns and 15 species of
flowering plants. 16 species were dispersed by
wind and another 8 by sea.
4Formation of a New Island
- Recolonization of Rakata was greatly affected by
how well plants were able to disperse. - Early plant communities were dominated by
grasses. - 25 years later, plant communities were dominated
by Cyrtandra bushes. - In the 1920s, the plant communities were
dominated by Neonauclea trees.
5Formation of a New Island
- Initially, wind and sea dispersed plants were
more easily dispersed than those that required
animals. - After 40 years, animal dispersed species became
as common as wind and sea dispersed.
6Formation of a New Island
- Recolonization of islands was based on the size
of the island and the distance of the island to
source of colonists, and the ability of an
organism to disperse.
7Theory of Island Biogeography
- Equilibrium theory of insular zoogeography -
first comprehensive theory of island
biogeography Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson
(1963, 1967). - The number of species on an island tends toward
an equilibrium number.
8Theory of Island Biogeography
- This equilibrium number is the result of a
balance between the rate of immigration and the
rate of extinction. - Rate of immigration is highest when there are no
species present on the island. - Rate of extinction is low at the time of first
colonization. - Eventually, rate of extinction will equal rate of
9Theory of Island Biogeography
- Both immigration and extinction lines should be
curved. - Species arrive at an island at different rates.
- Extinctions rise at accelerating rates.
- As more species arrive, competition increases.
- r-selected species arrive first (poor competitors
followed by K-selected species (better
10Theory of Island Biogeography
- The equilibrium number of species is determined
only by the islands area and position, which
influences the rate of immigration and extinction.
11Theory of Island Biogeography
- Equilibrium is dynamic hence following
colonization of an island - Number of species remains constant.
- Extinction immigration.
- Results in a turnover of species.
12Theory of Island Biogeography
- Major modifications to MacArthur and Wilsons
theory of island biogeography. - Target effect (Whitehead and Jones 1969)
- The rate of immigration depends on an islands
13Theory of Island Biogeography
- The rescue effect (Brown and Kodric-Brown 1977).
- The distance from an island to a source pool of
potential colonists affects both rate of
extinction and rate of immigration.
14Theory of Island Biogeography
- Target and rescue effects complete MacArthur
15Theory of Island Biogeography
- Concept of an island
- Patches of particular habitat on continents are
viewed as islands in a sea of other unsuitable
16Theory of Island Biogeography
- Strength of MacArthur-Wilson model generated
falsifiable predictions. - Prediction 1 the number of species should
increase with increasing island size.
17Theory of Island Biogeography
- Prediction 2 the number of species should
decrease with increasing distance of the island
from the source pool.
18Theory of Island Biogeography
- Prediction 3 the turnover of species should be
considerable the number of species on the
island might remain the same, but the identities
of those species should change.
19Species-Area Effects
- Oceanic islands - Studies of biogeography Lesser
Antilles - Islands enjoy a similar climate, surrounded by
deep waters, and no historical connections to the
20Species-Area Effects
- Ricklefs and Lovette (1999) summarized species
richness for birds, bats, reptiles amphibians,
and butterflies over 19 islands that varied in
area (13 1,510 km2).
21- Significant relationship between area and
22Species-Area Effects
- Habitat islands
- James Brown (1978) - mountain ranges of the Great
Basin. - Mountain ranges are essentially isolated from one
another. - Significant relationship between species and area
for mammals and birds.
23Species-Area Effects
- As larger areas are sampled, fewer new species
are added on continents than on islands. - Continents have more transient species.
24Species-Area Effects
- In this study, the results for mammals were
consistent with island results, while the results
for birds showed less of an effect.
25Species-Area Effects
- Species as islands
- Species of host plants act as islands in a sea of
other vegetation for the herbivores that eat from
the plants.
26Species-Area Effects
- Elaborated by Donald Strong (1974)
- Found a speciesarea relationship between
geographical area of distribution of British tree
species and the number of insect herbivore
27Species-Area Effects
- Entire island of Great Britain was divided up
into 10-km2 grids. - Area the tree occupied in Britain was determined.
- Number of insect herbivores per species of tree
was determined.
28Species-Area Effects
- Reasons for a species-area relationship (Hart and
Horwitz 1991). - Extinction rates are greater on small islands.
- The passive effect of increased sampling effort
in bigger areas increases the number of rare
species found. - Speciation may be more likely in bigger areas, an
explanation also given for greater species
richness in the tropics.
29Species-Area Effects
- Larger areas contain more core areas, which are
less affected by disturbances. - Perimeter areas contain more species that are
sensitive to these disturbances. - The species-area relationship may more likely be
the result of an increased diversity of habitats
on large islands than just an increase in area
30Species-Area Effects
- Larger areas often contain greater diversity of
habitats. - Barry Fox (1983) investigated the relationship
between species, area, and habitat diversity in
Australian mammals. - Classified habitats into seven broad types.
- Larger areas include more types of habitats.
31- Number of mammalian species is well predicted by
32- However, species richness was better predicted
from the number of habitats than from area.
33Species-Area Effects
- Dan Simberloff (1976a,b) investigated the effect
of area alone on the richness of species. - Chose habitats that do not change as you sample
bigger islands. - Studied islands of pure mangroves of varying size
in the Florida Keys. - Collected every species that fed on the islands.
34Species-Area Effects
- Reduction in area caused a reduction in the
richness of invertebrate species. - Area of islands was reduced experimentally.
- Seven months later, the insects became
reestablished at equilibrium. - Insect densities dropped on all experimental
35The Effect of Distance on Island Immigration
- MacArthur Wilsons best evidence for the effect
of distance on island immigration came from a
study of the numbers of land and freshwater bird
species on four groups of islands.
36The Effect of Distance on Island Immigration
- The relationship between area and number of
species is clear. - There is also a distinct effect of distance
nearer islands support more species.
37The Effect of Distance on Island Immigration
- Jared Diamond (1972) relationship between
distance and number of species. - Tabulated land birds on islands close to the
source area (New Guinea), and assumed these
islands had 100 of the available birds.
38- He documented drop-off in species with increasing
distance from New Guinea.
39The Effect of Distance on Island Immigration
- Degree of saturation richness of bird species as
a proportion of the number found on New Guinea. - Strong decline with increasing distance.
- Supports MacArthur-Wilsons predictions.
40Species Turnover
- Francis Gilbert (1980) investigations of
turnover. - Found 25 investigations to demonstrate turnover
determined that most of them suffered from fatal
flaws. - Methodology, statistics, or quality of data.
41Species Turnover
- Ex. Jared Diamond (1968) studied birds of
Californias Channel Islands National Park. - Compared his list to that of A. B. Howell (1917).
- Diamond reported that 5-10 species per island
were no longer present, but just as many species
not listed by Howell had apparently colonized the
island indicating turnover.
42Species Turnover
- Results were challenged Lynch and Johnson (1974)
pointed out that Howells list was not exhaustive
and just a summary of all known breeding records
(some as old as 1860). - Comparing old list with new lists can be
43Species Turnover
- Simberloff and Wilson (1969, 1970) only study of
turnover with any merit. - Censused small (11 to 25 m in diameter) red
mangrove islands in Florida Keys for all
terrestrial arthropods.
44Species Turnover
- Fumigated their experimental islands with methyl
bromide to kill all arthropods.
45Species Turnover
- Periodically after fumigation, they censused all
islands for several years. - After 250 days, most islands had similar number
of arthropod species that they began with. - Supporting MacArthur-Wilson theory.
46Species Turnover
- Colonization and extinction rates were observed.
- Colonization rates during the first 150 days were
higher on nearer islands than far islands. - Supporting MacArthur-Wilson theory.
- Calculated rates of turnover were very low (1.5
extinctions per year). - Data was weak support for MacArthur-Wilson theory
of turnover .
47Species Turnover
- Same species returned to island.
- Indicates the existence of biological processes
that shape the final community structure the same
way every time the island is recolonized. - Contrary to the theory of biogeography.
- Treats the dynamics of different colonizing
species as equivalents. - Community properties unimportant.
48Species Turnover
- Conclusion
- Turnover involves only a subset of transient or
unimportant species, with more important species
becoming permanent after colonization.
49Species Turnover
- Take home message turnover rates are low, which
gives little support to this part of
MacArthur-Wilson theory.
50Theory of National Park Design
- Shape, design and management of nature reserves.
- Centered on island biogeography theory, which
suggests that large parks hold more species than
smaller ones.
51Theory of National Park Design
- International Union for Conservation of Nature
and Natural Reserves (IUCN) stated that refuge
criteria and management practice should be based
on the equilibrium theory of island biogeography. - Recommendations are on shaky ground.
- Large areas cost a lot of money.
52Theory of National Park Design
- Which is better, single large areas or several
small ones? - Single large preserves may buffer populations
against extinction. - Many studies show that multiple small sites
contain more species (broader range of habitats).
53Theory of National Park Design
- Fauna were shown to be richer in collections of
small national parks than in large parks. - Smaller parks are better for maintaining
diversity. - Implications for future land purchases.
- Island biogeography theory predicts that the
equilibrium number for species on an island is
determined by a balance between immigration of
species onto that island and extinction of
species already there.
- The theory suggests that the number of species is
determined by an island's size and position
relative to a source pool of colonists. - Extinction should increase on small islands,
because of their smaller populations, and
immigration should decrease on far islands,
because colonists have a difficult time reaching
distant places.
- Island biogeography theory also suggests that
there is much turnover on islands as new species
arrive and old ones become extinct. - There is little evidence, however, to support
this prediction. - Most turnover that has been documented suggests
that rates of turnover are low and center mainly
on transient species.
- Island biogeography theory may be applied to
"habitat islands" as well as real islands. - In the relationship between species richness and
area, the slope of the line may be steeper for
true islands than habitat islands and steeper for
poor dispersers like mammals than for good
dispersers like birds.