Title: Ellis Island Webquest
1 Ellis Island Webquest
Created By Kristina Szalay
2 Introduction
This webquest is based on the
immigration inflation that took place at Ellis
Island during the late 1890s to the early 1900s.
You are about to embark on a webquest journey
that will take you to a new world of knowledge
about a place known as Ellis Island. A place that
for many meant the beginning of a new life.
During your virtual journey you will meet some of
these new Americans, you will visit Ellis Island
as a student in search of knowledge. No
single place is more responsible for making the
United States the most diverse multicultural land
than Ellis Island. As over 12 million people
arrived in America during that time period, the
sight of the Statue of Liberty became the symbol
of America, the land of opportunity, liberty, and
freedom. Today there are so many
American citizens that can trace their ancestry
to those who came through Ellis Island.
Immigrants from all around the world contributed
to the inflation of immigration into America.
Many of these immigrants had very little money
and brought only the baggage they could
carry. This journey was nerve wracking and
dangerous but it also meant a bright future and a
fresh start.
3 Goals
At the conclusion of this webquest, your research
and journey will permit you to answer the
following questions Millions of people
immigrated to America and were arranged into
classes. 1. What do you think children felt
and experienced coming into America as an
immigrants? 2. What could have been done in
order to make the trip to America healthier?
In order for you to fully appreciate your
journey and its research this webquest will be
divided into two different types of goals 1.
Short Term 2. Long Term
4 Short Term Goal
In order to appropriately answer the essential
questions you will need to conduct research as
well as view the 2 visual pictures posted. There
will also be a page with some recommended
research websites.
5 Long Term Goal
Upon successful completion of the short term
goal, research and viewing of pictures, you will
be able to utilize this information to do the
following Create a song or written poem that
thoroughly deduces the feelings and experiences
felt by those immigrants coming into America.
6 Directions for your journey!
Now that you have read through the Introduction
and Goals lets take a step into the shoes of
those immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island!
After we listen to the book Coming to America,
A Story of Immigration by Betsy Maestro youre
going to begin your research on Ellis Island as
well as view the 2 pictures posted.
7 Take a Moment
to look at the following pictures taken onsite
at Ellis Island . These pictures are all taken
during the time period immigrants came into
America in hopes to become a part of the American
8 Evaluate
Does this look like a healthy situation?
9This picture was taken on Christmas Eve at Ellis
Island. Most children would want to be with their
families but during this time all families spent
Christmas Eve together.
How would you feel?
10 Resources
- Ellis Island Virtual Tour
- http//capital.net/alta/history.htm
- The History Channel
- http//www.historychannel.com/ellisisland
- Ellis Island The Gateway to America
s/process.html - Ellis Island Tour
- http//teacher.scholastic.com/immigrat/ellis/index
.htm - Pictures of Ellis Island
- http//www.cmp.ucr.edu/exhibitions/immigration_id.
html - Seymours Journey
- http//teacher.scholastic.com/immigrat/seymour/ind
ex.htm - Learning Adventures in Citizenship Ellis Island
- http//www.pbs.org/wnet/newyork/laic/episode4/acti
vity2/activity2.html - A Tour of Ellis Island
- http//teacher.scholastic.com/immigrat/ellis/index
11 What will you be graded on?
- Concept Maps
- Accuracy to research found on Internet
- Completed
- Written poem or song
- Accuracy to information found on the Internet
- Completion of written poem or song under the
guidelines set forth by the teacher. Also found
under the Process section of lesson plan. - Spelling and grammar clarity
- Presentation
- Presentation articulation and content
- Equal presentation of all members
12 Evaluation
Scoring Rubric
13 Conclusion
- You have completed your journey through
Ellis Island - Now that you have taken a journey through the
immigration process at Ellis Island take a few
minutes to see if you can answer the following
questions - How has this changed America?
- If you could change the immigration process what
would you do differently? - Predict how would you feel as a child immigrating
to America. - How could you make the immigration process
healthier? - The immigration to Ellis Island not only changed
the lives of those who came to America but it
also changed America. I hope your research has
broaden your knowledge about Ellis Island and how
this immigration experience was for millions of