Title: Earthquakes and Risk Management
1Earthquakes and Risk Management???????
- David L. Olson
- James H.K. Stuart Chancellors Distinguished
Chair - University of Nebraska
- Desheng Wu
- University of Reykjavik, University of Toronto
22008 Sichuan Earthquake????
- 8.0 magnitude
- Over 87 thousand deaths
- Felt in Beijing Shanghai
- Over 26 thousand aftershocks
- Heavy damage to infrastructure
- Quake lakes
- Massive economic loss
3Call for papers ????!??????SCI??????
- Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment
(HERA ) - Special Issue on Risk Management Views from
Sichuan Earthquake ????0.912 - Guest editor Desheng Dash Wu and David Olson
- Submission Deadline December 30, 2008????
2008?? - Camera-ready version September 30,
2008 International Conference on Risk Management
Engineering Management
4Earthquakes are Worldwide Problem????????
- 5 July 1201 Eastern Mediterranean
- 1.1 million deaths
- Syria to Upper Egypt
- 1755 Lisbon, Portugal
- Over 60 thousand deaths
- Triggered tsunamis ????
- Led to Voltaires view A just God wouldnt let
this happen ??????? ????????????? - May 1970 Peru
- Over 50 thousand deaths, 7.9 magnitude
- 23 December 1972 Managua, Nicaragua
- 5 to 20 thousand deaths
- Government mishandling cited as leading to
Sandinista revolution - 2007 Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant
- Radioactive water leak into ocean
5Chinese Earthquakes
6Chinese Red Cross Red Crescent Report
- Sichuan provincial government 12 Aug 2008
- All displaced people in transitional housing
- 4.5 million lost homes
- 978,000 urban households in transitional housing
- 3,400 resettlement areas built
- 3.5 million rural families rebuilt housing
themselves, with government subsidies - 20,000 rural permanent homes completed
- 175,000 under construction
7RCSC Food Basic Non-food Items??????????????
- Objective 1 (0-3 months)
- Ensure up to 100,000 families receive food,
water, sanitation - Objective 2 (1-12 months)
- Ensure up to 100,000 families receive food
enabling move to transitional shelter - Progress
- 150,000 tents
- gt120,000 quilts
- 250,000 clothing items
- 1.7 million mosquito nets
- 6,480 tons of food
8RCSC Shelter??
- Objective 1 (0-3 months)
- Ensure 100,000 families receive emergency shelter
- Objective 2 (1-12 months)
- Provide technical support for 1,000 health
centers, 1,500 schools - Objective 3 (3-36 months)
- Provide earthquake-resistant houses for 2,000
rural families - Progress
- 53 planes chartered to deliver tents from Iran,
elsewhere - 102,210 international tents received by end of
9RCSC Health??
- Objective 1 (0-3 months)
- Deploy medical, first aid, psychological support
teams - Objective 2 (1-12 months)
- Provide technical assistance training health
clinics - Objective 3 (3-36 months)
- Provide technical assistance training
preparedness service - Progress
- 10 medical teams deployed by end of May
10RCSC Water, Sanitation, Hygiene?,????,??
- Objective 1 (0-3 months)
- Provide drinking water, sanitation, hygiene
promotion - Objective 2 (1-12 months)
- Provide technical assistance training service
Emergency Response Units - Objective 3 (3-36 months)
- Provide technical assistance training water
sanitation emergencies, provide facilities - Progress
- 2 M15 water emergency response units (Austria,
Spain) served 30,000 - 1.3 million Water purification tablets (PRC)
- 1,000 household purification sets
- others
11RSCS Rural Livelihood????
- Objective 1 (0-3 months)
- Training technical advice on livelihood
substitution - Cash voucher transfer programming
- Objective 2 (3-36 months)
- Provide livelihoods to 2,000 families in
permanent shelter program - Progress
- Awaiting area stabilization
12Approaches to Earthquake Risk Management?????????
- US ??
- Assess risk
- Standards
- Software
- Identify alternative risk mitigation strategies
- Engineering alternatives
- Management practices
- Financial mechanisms
- Evaluate life-cycle economic economics of
alternatives - Software
- Scientific endeavor
- Understand, predict
- Earthquakes are rare events
- Animal behavior Unusual cloud patterns
- Statistical analysis
- Standards
- Software
- Identify alternative risk mitigation
- Emergency reaction
14Europe ??
- NaTech natural disaster-triggered events
- Regulations
- Prevention
- Limiting consequences
- Industrial facilities dealing with dangerous
substances - required to have major-accident prevention
policies - Emergency plans to deal with accidental chemical
release - Hazard assessments
- Process safety analysis
- Mitigation measure evaluation
- Building codes
- Require earthquake resistant design
- Hazardous material measures
- Hazard assessment
- Scenarios of domino effects Impacts on
- Natural disaster risk prevention
- Hazard identification
- Risk assessment
- Monitoring Warning programs
- Prevention Mitigation policies
- Regulations
- Zoning
- Disaster preparedness
- Emergency response
- Integrated system of prevention warning systems
- Disaster triggers post-evaluation
- Update regulations
- Emergency response plans required
- With hazard maps
- Department of Civil Protection
- Nationwide study evaluating civil protection
plans - Scenarios of direct, indirect effects on
- Human health
- Food chain
- Pollution
- Regulation for Security for Structures
- In-depth study assessing seismic vulnerability
- 1997
- Emergency contingency plan
- GIS-based simulator of seismic scenarios
- Information on geophysical, geological, housing,
structural, population data by region
- All-hazards approach
- Municipalities required to
- Identify local risks
- Generate preventive measures
- Emergency response plans
- National agencies
- Provide supervision
- Tools
- Guidance
- Support
21Risk Management Process??????
- Identification
- Potential losses quantified for every significant
risk source - Earthquake timing, magnitude, location
- Loss modeling tools
- Risk maps
- Analyses of risk impact and likelihood
- Establish Acceptable Level of Loss
- Risk Control
- Building codes
- Emergency management agencies
- Emergency food, water deployment of
construction equipment - Risk Transfer (for firms, not governments)
- Insurance
- Catastrophe bonds
22What is ERM???(??)????
- Enterprise risk management
- Formerly exclusively finance
- Hedging, insurance
- Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (2004)
- Enron, WorldCom
- Manage all risks facing an organization
- Finance
- Accounting
- Information systems, supply chains, project
management - Emergency management
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
25Intelligence Cycles
- Identification of what is not known
- Collection
- Gather information related to what is not known
- Production
- Answer management questions
- Dissemination
- Get answers to the right people
26Earthquake Risk Management Tools????????
- Insurance pools
- Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR)
- Geographic information systems (GIS)
- Earth science data
- Socioeconomic information by locality
- Communications
- Telephones, whiteboards, the Internet
- Database systems, Data mining tools
- Models in Decision Support Systems
27Risk Management in Post-Earthquake Construction
- Can use information technology (earthquake
disaster data systems) ????,????????? - ERM ??????
- Need to research value of prediction markets ????
- Recognition-primed decision approach a way to
prepare ????????
2008 International Conference on Risk Management
Engineering Management
28Disaster Information Management Systems????????
- Collect relevant data
- Recognize handle diverse disaster data sources
- Geographical, registry information, aid
information - Handle disparate disaster data formats
- E-mails, documents, pictures, movies, audio
- Some data gathered prior to disaster
- Hazard information
- Victim locators
- Registries of families, medical needs
29Emergency Management Support Systems
- Decision Support Systems focusing on emergency
management - US National Incident Management System
- US National Disaster Medical System
- Information processing
- Response planning
- Inter-agency coordination
- Europe Global Emergency Management Information
Network Initiative - Earthquake prediction (Aleskerov et al., 2005)
30Earthquake Response Systems??????
- Damage assessment of structures
- dont compound disaster
- Lessons of post-earthquake recovery
- Rehabilitation recovery
- Public policy
- Land use options
- Urban planning design
31Emergencies ??
- Surprises
- Asteroid strikes
- Human-induced
- Repetitive
- Hurricanes ??
- Earthquakes (tsunamis ??)
- Repetitive emergencies have data
- RISK some predictability
- Can prepare
32Emergency Management Problem??????
- Tools exist to gather data
- Data mining tools might be able to make some
TIME - Need filters to focus on crucial data
33Recognition Primed Decision RPD????????
- Klein, G.A. A recognition-primed decision (RPD)
model of rapid decision making 1993 - people use experience to avoid some of the
limitations of analytical strategies - No time for classical rational decision making
- situational assessment
- Generate a plausible course of action
- mental simulation
- Quickly evaluate
- describes how decision making is usually carried
out in real settings
34Observed behavior
- Emergency situations
- Firefighting, critical care nursing
- act and react based on prior experience
- generate, monitor, and modify plans as needed
- No evidence of extensive option generation
- No way to optimize
- need workable, timely, cost effective solutions
35Prediction Markets ??????
- Participants can buy shares in whatever they
think will happen - Pooled market prices
- Real money provides incentives
- University of Iowa
- US presidential elections
- Impressive accuracy
- Gains the knowledge of many participants
expressed in bids - Has been proposed for earthquake prediction
36China Natural Disasters
- Atmospheric Aquatic ???????
- Flood, drought, typhoon, tsunami, wind, snow, ice
- Geological Seismic ??????
- Earthquake, cave-ins, landslides??,
desertification ??? - Biological ??????
- Pest ??, rodents ??
- Fire ??
- Forests, grasslands
37Major Disaster Reduction Actions????????
- 1989 Inter-agency coordination body created
- China National Commission for the International
Decade on Natural Disaster Reduction - 2000 Renamed China Commission for the
International Disaster Reduction - Composed of 30 ministries departments
- Study formulate principles, policies plans
- Coordinate major disaster activities
- Guide local governments
- Promote international exchange cooperation
38Laws Regulations
- Over 30
- Law on Water and Soil Conservation
- Law on Earthquake Prevention and Disaster
Reduction - Law on Fire-Fighting
- Meteorological Law
- Law on Production Safety
- Regulation on Forest Fire-Fighting
- Regulation on Preventing Forest Pests
- Regulation on Safety Management of Dangerous
39National Disaster Reduction Plan????
- April 1998 National Natural Disaster Reduction
Plan - Prevention the priority
- Role of science, technology, education
- Major objectives
- Projects bearing on overall national economy and
social progress - Disaster-reduction technology widely applied
- Public awareness knowledge
- Alleviate impacts
40Projects Completed
- Flood-afflicted river projects
- Drought pest-stricken farmland
- Roads railways affected by landslides
- 1,461 protective embankments along Yangtze,
Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake - 620,000 households 2.42 million people
resettled - Forest ecological development, fire-prevention,
pest control-
41Warning Systems
- Disaster monitoring pre-warning system
- Earthquake monitoring network
- Hydrometric network
- Forest fire-fighting pest prevention forecast
network - National Disaster Reduction Center
- Small-satellite constellations for environment
disaster monitoring to be build - National emergency-response plan system
- Material reserve system of disaster relief
- Public awareness raised
42Conclusions ??????
- Sichuan earthquakes were a major event ????
- China had many disaster-response systems in place
- Response was quick and effective ??????
- Challenges continue
- Want to reduce additional problems from human
error - Guiding principles ????
- Peoples interests first
- Disaster prevention major priority
- Apply science, technology, education
- All positive elements mobilized
- International exchange cooperation should be
strengthened - Risk Management in Post-Earthquake Construction
?????????? - Can use information technology (earthquake
disaster data systems) - Need to research value of prediction markets
- Recognition-primed decision approach a way to
prepare - ERM