Title: Basic Parliamentary Procedure
1Basic Parliamentary Procedure
- An overview presented to University of Washington
students of Professor Wilkerson - October 26, 2005
- Presented by Mike Hoover, Senate Counsel
2Where do you start?
- Begin with the process in mind!
- Understand that, over and above the substantive
law, the bill will need to go through the
legislative process.
3Balancing Act Part 1
- Substantive Law v. Politics
- What sort of horsetrading might need to go on,
politically, to achieve your aims? - What if the perfect becomes the enemy of the
4Balancing Act Part 2
- Process v. Players
- Where are you in the process?
- Who can help you get to the next step?
5The Process
1. Introduced in the Senate or House
11. Go to the Governor for action.
2. Referred to a policy committee
10. Negotiate, concur, conference until same
measure passes both houses.
3. Passed from the policy committee (with
4. Referred to a fiscal committee
9. Go to opposite house, repeat 1-8
5. Passed from the fiscal committee (with
6. Referred to the Rules committee
7. Passed from the Rules committee, sent to the
8. Passed on the Floor (with amendments?)
6Know the process!
- Find the sources of law and process applicable to
your proceedings, such as - The Constitution
- Joint, Senate, House, and Reeds Rules and
- Tradition Thats the way its always been done!
7Bases of Process Rules
- Whats the point of the rules?
- To enable the majority to conduct its business
while protecting the rights of the minority. - This doesnt necessarily mean a partisan majority
or minority 25 50 rule the floor! - Avoid results that would stop the business before
the body! - Keep in mind that these are self imposed! Thus,
bending or even breaking the rules has little (if
any) legal impact. - Question Whats the result of breaking or
bending the rules in a parliamentary sense? - Answer Also very little. By subsequent actions,
the body could be viewed as having waived
particular rules to conducts its business.
8Bases of ProcessRules
- Some Final Thoughts on the Rules
- The legislative process is simply one whereby a
measure has to advance to certain points by
certain times. Knowing which rule can help get
the measure to the next point in time (or stop
it, depending on your perspective) is key to
understanding the process. You dont need to
know every rule, just the ones that are
applicable to where youre at in the process. - If the rules are against you, get 25 votes (or
9Bases of ProcessTimelines
- A hierarchy of legislative timelines
- Constitution RCWs
- Article II and RCW 44.04.010 set the time and
duration of the Sessions. - Concurrent Resolutions, the Cutoff Resolution
- Passed by both chambers, cannot be suspended by
one chamber alone (not like a rule, which can be
waived). - Instead, need to pass an exemption or a new
cutoff resolution both chambers ultimately need
to agree on the change. -
- Joint, Senate, House Rules
- Various rules provide timelines specific to a
particular matter.
10Know the players!
- Once you know understand the process, you need to
know who those people are that are key to the
process. - Identify those who can help!
- Identify those who could hinder!
11Disputes Differences
- What happens when the House Senate cant agree?
- Either
- They work it out through negotiation--
Concurrences Conference Committees or - Nothing. Theres no agreement, no bill that year.
12How do bills die?
- Most bills die quietly!
- Rarely is a bill voted down.
- Instead, the majority simply never moves it along
in the process and it misses all of the relevant
time deadlines and votes.
13Process Players Success!
- Knowing where you are in the process and who can
help you to the next step is crucial! - Moving ahead can be a strange mix of policy and
politics! - Remember Its supposed to be hard to pass a law!