DRO Assistant Administrator John H. Dunnigan
(301) 713-3074, ext. 154 Deputy Assistant
Administrator William Corso (301) 713-3074, ext.
Staff Office for International Programs Clement
D. Lewsey (301) 713-3078, ext. 213
Management Budget Office Deputy Director, Donna
Rivelli (301) 713-3056, ext. 132
Line Environmental Compliance Safety Officer
(LECO) Jean Durosko (301) 713-3050, ext. 165
DRO NOAA Coastal Services Center Director,
Margaret Davidson (843) 740-1220 Deputy Director,
Jeffrey L. Payne (843) 740-1207 Environmental/Safe
ty Officer Ann Whitsett (843) 740-1258
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products
Services Deputy Director, Richard Edwing (301)
713-2981, ext. 123 Environmental/Safety
Officer Bernadette Stellabotte (301) 713-2981,
ext. 119
Office of Coast Survey Deputy Director, Kathryn
Ries (301) 713-2770, ext. 139 Environmental/Safety
Officer Curtis Loy (301) 713-2780, ext. 137
Office of National Geodetic Survey Actg Deputy
Director, Dru Smith (301) 713-3222, ext.
144 Environmental/Safety Officer Dennis
Hoar (301) 713-3215, ext. 115
Office of Ocean Coastal Resource
Management Deputy Director, Donna Wieting (301)
713-3155, ext. 123 Environmental/Safety
Officer Diana Olinger (301) 563-1149
Office of Response Restoration Deputy Director,
Brian Julius (301) 713-2989, ext.
101 Environmental/Safety Officer Nir Barnea (206)
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Actg
Deputy Director, Russell Callender (301)
713-3028, ext. 162 Environmental/Safety
Officer Richard Meitzler, (843)
762-8842 Environmental Management Rep. Bernie
Gottholm, (301) 713-3020
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Deputy
Director for Facilities, Safety, Vessels
Aviation, Ted Lillestolen (301) 713-3125, ext.
253 Environmental/Safety Officer Pam Plakas (301)
713-3125, ext. 287
DRO Instrumentation Methodologies
Branch Corbin, VA Chief, Kendall Fancher (540)
Atlantic Hydrographic Branch Environmental/Safety
Officer Chief, LCDR Shepard Smith (757) 441-6746
DRO Center for Coastal Fisheries Habitat
Research, Beaufort, NC Director, David F. Johnson
(252) 728-8746 Environmental/Safety
Officer Joseph Bizzell (252) 728-8718
DRO Pacific Services Center Bill Thomas (808)
DRO Field Operations Division Chief, Mike
OHargan (757) 842-4430 Environmental/Safety
Officers Larry Neeson, Chesapeake, VA (757)
842-4428 Rolin Meyer, Seattle, WA (206) 526-6367
Emergency Response Division Deputy Chief, Mark
Dix (206) 526-4603 Environmental/Safety
Officer Nir Barnea (206) 526-6943
DROs Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries Environmental/Safety Officers (See
page 2)
DRO Field Operations Branch Norfolk,
VA Cartographer, Stewart Kuper 757-441-6595 Enviro
nmental/Safety Officer Ralph Harrell, (757)
Pacific Hydrographic Branch Environmental/Safety
Officer Chief, CAPT David Neander (206) 526-6835
DRO Sub-Arctic Ecosystem Change Branch, Kasitsna
Bay Laboratory, AK Director, Kris Holderied (907)
399-4412 Environmental/Safety Officer Mike
Geagel, (907) 235-4042
DRO Geosciences Research Division, Table
Mountain,CO Geodesist, Daniel Winester (303)
DRO Center for Coastal Environmental Health
Biomolecular Research Charleston,SC Director,
Geoff Scott (843) 762-8508 Environmental/Safety
Officer Richard Meitzler, (843) 762-8842
DRO CCEHBR Cooperative Oxford Laboratory,
MD Chief, Robert Wood (410) 226-5193 Environmental
/Safety Officer Jay Lewis, (410) 226-5193
DRO Center for Human Health Risk, Charleston,
SC Actg. Director, Geoff Scott (843)
762-8813 Environmental/Safety Officer Richard
Meitzler, (843) 762-8842
Americas Oceans and Coasts Safe, Healthy, and
NOTE Unless otherwise noted, Designated
Responsible Officials (DROs) are the
Environmental/Safety Officers
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Deputy
Director for Facilities, Safety, Vessels
Aviation Ted Lillestolen (301) 713-3125, ext.
253 Environmental/Safety Officer Pam Plakas (301)
713-3125, ext. 287
DRO Flower Garden Banks National Marine
Sanctuary George P. Schmahl (409) 621-5151, ext.
102 Environmental/Safety Officer LTJG Tracy
Hamburger (409) 621-5151, ext. 104
DRO Gulf of the Farallones National Marine
Sanctuary Maria Brown (415) 561-6622 Environmental
/Safety Officer Brian Johnson (415) 561-6622,
ext. 236
DRO Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Underwater Preserve Jefferson Gray (989)
356-8805, ext. 12 Environmental/Safety
Officer Russ Green (989) 356-8805, ext. 16
DRO Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary Dan
Howard (415) 663-0314 Environmental/Safety
Officer Michael Carver (415) 663-1437
DRO Fagatele Bay National Marine
Santuary Genevieve Brighouse 011 (684) 633-7354
DRO Gray's Reef National MarineSantuary George
Sedberry (912) 598-2439
DRO Monitor National Marine Santuary David Alberg
(757) 591-7326 Environmental/Safety Officer Jeff
Johnston (757) 599-3122, ext. 351
DRO Olympic Coast National Marine
Sanctuary Carol A. Bernthal (360) 457-6622, ext.
11 Environmental/Safety Officer LTJG Allison
Mahaney(360) 457-6622, ext. 14
DRO Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National
Marine Sanctuary Craig D. MacDonald (781)
545-8026, ext. 202 Environmental/Safety
Officer Benjamin Cowie-Haskell (781) 545-8026,
ext. 207
DRO Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National
Marine Sanctuary, Oahu Office Naomi McIntosh
(808) 397-2651, ext. 231 Environmental/Safety
Officer Paul Wong (808) 397-2651, ext. 250 Maui
Office Environmental/Safety Officer LTJG Ben
LaCour (808) 879-2818, ext. 109 Kauai Office
Environmental/Safety Officer Jean Souza (808)
DRO Channel Islands National Marine
Sanctuary Chris Mobley (805) 966-7107, ext.
465 Environmental/Safety Officer Ben
Waltenberger 805-966-7107, ext. 461
ACTG DRO Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary Sean Morton (305) 809-4670, ext.
233 Actg. Environmental/Safety Officer Steve
Baumgartner (305) 292-0311 Upper Region
Environmental/Safety Officer Bill Valley (305)
852-7717, ext. 31
DRO Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Paul
Michel (831) 647-4258 Environmental/Safety
Officer Karen Grimmer (831) 647-4253
DRO Papahanaumokuakea Marine National
Monument Aulani Wilhelm (808) 397-2660, ext.
223 Environmental/Safety Officer Randall Kosaki
(808) 694-3943
Americas Oceans and Coasts Safe, Healthy, and
NOTE Unless otherwise noted, Designated
Responsible Officials (DROs) are the
Environmental/Safety Officers