Title: Data Mining Techniques: Classification
1Data Mining TechniquesClassification
- What is Classification?
- Classifying tuples in a database
- In training set E
- each tuple consists of the same set of multiple
attributes as the tuples in the large database W - additionally, each tuple has a known class
identity - Derive the classification mechanism from the
training set E, and then use this mechanism to
classify general data (in W)
3Learning Phase
- Learning
- The class label attribute is credit_rating
- Training data are analyzed by a classification
algorithm - The classifier is represented in the form of
classification rules
4Testing Phase
- Testing (Classification)
- Test data are used to estimate the accuracy of
the classification rules - If the accuracy is considered acceptable, the
rules can be applied to the classification of new
data tuples
5Classification by Decision Tree
A top-down decision tree generation algorithm
ID-3 and its extended version C4.5 (Quinlan93)
J.R. Quinlan, C4.5 Programs for Machine Learning,
Morgan Kaufmann, 1993
6Decision Tree Generation
- At start, all the training examples are at the
root - Partition examples recursively based on selected
attributes - Attribute Selection
- Favoring the partitioning which makes the
majority of examples belong to a single class - Tree Pruning (Overfitting Problem)
- Aiming at removing tree branches that may lead to
errors when classifying test data - Training data may contain noise,
7Another Examples
Eye Hair Height Oriental
Black Black Short Yes
Black White Tall Yes
Black White Short Yes
Black Black Tall Yes
Brown Black Tall Yes
Brown White Short Yes
Blue Gold Tall No
Blue Gold Short No
Blue White Tall No
Blue Black Short No
Brown Gold Short No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
8Decision Tree
9Decision Tree
10Decision Tree Generation
- Attribute Selection (Split Criterion)
- Information Gain (ID3/C4.5/See5)
- Gini Index (CART/IBM Intelligent Miner)
- Inference Power
- These measures are also called goodness functions
and used to select the attribute to split at a
tree node during the tree generation phase
11Decision Tree Generation
- Branching Scheme
- Determining the tree branch to which a sample
belongs - Binary vs. K-ary Splitting
- When to stop the further splitting of a node
- Impurity Measure
- Labeling Rule
- A node is labeled as the class to which most
samples at the node belongs
12Decision Tree Generation Algorithm ID3
ID Iterative Dichotomiser
(7.1) ? Entropy
13Decision Tree Algorithm ID3
14Decision Tree Algorithm ID3
15Decision Tree Algorithm ID3
16Decision Tree Algorithm ID3
17Decision Tree Algorithm ID3
18Exercise 2
19Decision Tree Generation Algorithm ID3
20Decision Tree Generation Algorithm ID3
21Decision Tree Generation Algorithm ID3
22How to Use a Tree
- Directly
- Test the attribute value of unknown sample
against the tree. - A path is traced from root to a leaf which holds
the label - Indirectly
- Decision tree is converted to classification
rules - One rule is created for each path from the root
to a leaf - IF-THEN is easier for humans to understand
23Generating Classification Rules
24Generating Classification Rules
25Generating Classification Rules
- There are 4 decision rules are generated by the
tree - Watch the game and home team wins and out with
friends then bear - Watch the game and home team wins and sitting at
home then diet soda - Watch the game and home team loses and out with
friend then bear - Watch the game and home team loses and sitting at
home then milk - Optimization for these rules
- Watch the game and out with friends then bear
- Watch the game and home team wins and sitting at
home then diet soda - Watch the game and home team loses and sitting at
home then milk
26Decision Tree Generation Algorithm ID3
- All attributes are assumed to be categorical
(discretized) - Can be modified for continuous-valued attributes
- Dynamically define new discrete-valued attributes
that partition the continuous attribute value
into a discrete set of intervals - A ? V A lt V
- Prefer Attributes with Many Values
- Cannot Handle Missing Attribute Values
- Attribute dependencies do not consider in this
27Attribute Selection in C4.5
28Handling Continuous Attributes
29Handling Continuous Attributes
30Handling Continuous Attributes
Sorted By
Sorted By
31Handling Continuous Attributes
First Cut
Price On Date T1 gt 18.02
Price On Date T1 lt 18.02
Second Cut
Price On Date T gt 17.84
Price On Date T lt 17.84
Third Cut
Price On Date T1 gt 17.70
Price On Date T1 lt 17.70
32Exercise 3????
CM No. of Homes in Community
ID Location Type Miles SF CM Home Price (K)
1 Urban Detached 2 2000 50 High
2 Rural Detached 9 2000 5 Low
3 Urban Attached 3 1500 150 High
4 Urban Detached 15 2500 250 High
5 Rural Detached 30 3000 1 Low
6 Rural Detached 3 2500 10 Medium
7 Rural Detached 20 1800 5 Medium
8 Urban Attached 5 1800 50 High
9 Rural Detached 30 3000 1 Low
10 Urban Attached 25 1200 100 Medium
SF Square Feet
33Unknown Attribute Values in C4.5
34Unknown Attribute Values Adjustment of
Attribute Selection Measure
35Fill in Approach
36Probability Approach
37Probability Approach
38Unknown Attribute Values Partitioning
theTraining Set
39Probability Approach
40Unknown Attribute Values Classifying an Unseen
41Probability Approach
42Evaluation Coincidence Matrix
Cost 190 (closing good account) 10
(keeping bad account open)
Decision Tree Model
Accuracy (???) (36632) / 718
93.0 Precision (???) for Insolvent 36/58
62.01 Recall (???) for Insolvent 36/64
56.25 F Measure 2 Precision Recall /
(Precision Recall ) 2
62.01 56.25 / (62.01 56.25 )
0.7 / 1.1826 0.59 Cost 190 22
10 28 4,460
43Decision Tree Generation Algorithm Gini Index
- If a data set S contains examples from n classes,
gini index, gini(S), is defined aswhere pj is
the relative frequency of class Cj in S. - If a data set S is split into two subsets S1 and
S2 with sizes N1 and N2 respectively, the gini
index of the split data contains examples from n
classes, the gini index, gini(S), is defined as
44Decision Tree Generation Algorithm Gini Index
- The attribute provides the smallest ginisplit(S)
is chosen to split the node - The computation cost of gini index is less than
information gain - All attributes are binary splitting in IBM
Intelligent Miner - A ? V A lt V
45Decision Tree Generation Algorithm Inference
- A feature that is useful in inferring the group
identity of a data tuple is said to have a good
inference power to that group identity. - In Table 1, given attributes (features) Gender,
Beverage, State, try to find their inference
power to Group id
46(No Transcript)
47(No Transcript)
48Naive Bayesian Classification
- Each data sample is a n-dim feature vector
- X (x1, x2, .. xn) for attributes A1, A2, An
- Suppose there are m classes
- C C1, C2,.. Cm
- The classifier will predict X to the class Ci
that has the highest posterior probability,
conditioned on X - X belongs to Ci iff P(CiX) gt P(CjX) for all
1ltjltm, j!i
49Naive Bayesian Classification
- P(CiX) P(XCi) P(Ci) / P(X)
- P(CiX) P(Ci?X) / P(X) P(XCi) P(Ci?X) /
P(Ci) gt P(CiX) P(X) P(XCi) P(Ci) - P(Ci) si / s
- si is the number of training sample of class Ci
- s is the total number of training samples
- Assumption Independent between Attributes
- P(XCi) P(x1Ci) P(x2Ci) P(x3Ci) ...
P(xnCi) - P(X) can be ignored
50Naive Bayesian Classification
- Classify X(agelt30, incomemedium,
studentyes, credit-ratingfair) - P(buys_computeryes) 9/14
- P(buys_computerno)5/14
- P(agelt30buys_computeryes)2/9
- P(agelt30buys_computerno)3/5
- P(incomemediumbuys_computeryes)4/9
- P(incomemediumbuys_computerno)2/5
- P(studentyesbuys_computeryes)6/9
- P(studentyesbuys_computerno)1/5
- P(credit-ratingfairbuys_computeryes)6/9
- P(credit-rating fairbuys_computerno)2/5
- P(Xbuys_computeryes)0.044
- P(Xbuys_computerno)0.019
- P(buys_computeryesX) P(Xbuys_computeryes)
P(buys_computeryes)0.028 - P(buys_computernoX) P(Xbuys_computerno)
51Homework Assignment