Title: Preference relation in pliant system
1Preference relation in pliant system
- http//www.inf.u-szeged.hu/dombi/dr
University of Szeged Department of
Informatics Pamplona 2009
2Elements of pliant system
- Conjunction, disjunction, negation
- Aggregation
- Preference relation
- Distending function
- Distending function as preference
- Conjunction, disjunction, negation
4Conjunctive and disjunctive operator
- We shall be looking for the general form of
c(x,y) and - d(x,y)
- is continuous
- Strict monotonous increasing
- Compatible with the two valued logic
- Associative
- Archimedian
5Conjunctive and disjunctive operator
- Theorem (Aczél)
- If with u and v, h(u,v) also always lies in a
given - (possibly infinite) interval and h(u,v) is
reducible on - both sides, then
6Operators and DeMorgan law
- Lets generalize tha conjunctive and disjunctive
- operators and let
- where
- Definition
- ?(x) is a negation iff satisfies the
following - conditions
- ?(x) is continuous
- Boundary conditions are and
- Monotonicity for
- Involutivness
- Other properties
- ? fix point of the negation, where
- The decision value
- On Figure there are some negation functions with
different ? and ? values
10Operators and DeMorgan law
- Definition
- The DeMorgan law for general conjunctive and
- disjunctive operator is
- where ?(x) is the negation function.
11Operators and DeMorgan law
- Theorem (DeMorgan law)
- The generalized DeMorgan law is valid iff
- where
12Negation and DeMorgan law
- Parametrical form of the negation is
13Representation theorem of negation
- For all given ?(x) there exist an f(x) such
that - where k(x) is a strictly decreasing function
with the - property
- and f is the generator function of a
conjunctive, or - disjunctive operator.
- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------- - Trillas result
14Operator with various negations
- Theorem
- c(x,y) and d(x,y) build DeMorgan system for
- where if and only if
15Multiplicative pliant system
- Definition
- If k(x) 1/x, i.e.
- and then we call the generated
- connectives multiplicative pliant system.
16Multiplicative pliant system
- Theorem
- The general form of the multiplicative pliant
system is - where f(x) is the generator function of either
the - conjunctive or the disjunctive operator.
17Multiplicative pliant system
- If f fc , then depending on thevalue of ?
the - operator is
18Dombi operator system
19 20Aggregation
- Let us consider a set of objects .Let
us - characterize every object with a number m of
its - properties ,where and i 1,,n.
- Thus, if the aggregative operator as denoted as
, for a decision level ? we have
- Let us next substitute every property by its
antithetic - one (in the following its negative form and
carry - out division into classes at the level
22Aggregative operators and representable uninorms
- Definition (of correct decision formation)
- The condition of correct formation is thus
- Theorem
- It is necessary and sufficient condition of the
aggre- - gative operator satisfying correct decision
formation - that
- should hold.
23Aggregative operators and representable uninorms
- Definition
- An aggregative operator is a strictly increasing
- function with the properties
- Continuous on
- Boundary conditions are and
- Associativity
- There exists a strong negation ? such that
- (self DeMorgan identity)
24Aggregative operators and representable uninorms
- Definition
- A uninorm U is a mapping having the
- following properties
- Commutativity
- Monotonicity if and
- Associativity
- Neutral element
25Aggregative operators and representable uninorms
- Theorem
- Let be a function. It is an aggregative
- operator if and only if there exists a continuous
and - strictly monotone function with
- such that for all
- Theorem
- It holds that
- Theorem
- It holds for the aggregative operator that
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
28The neutral value
- Theorem (Additive form of negations)
- Let be a continuous function, then the
- following are equivalent
- ? is a negation with neutral value ?.
- There exists a continuous and strictly monotone
- function and such that for
- all
29Conjunctive, disjunctive and aggregative operators
- Definition
- We will use the term conjunctive operator for
strict, - continuous t-norms, and disjunctive operator for
- strict, continuous t-conorms. The expression
logical - operators will refer to both of them.
30Conjunctive, disjunctive and aggregative operators
- Theorem
- The following are equivalent
- is a logical operator.
- is an aggregative aoperator.
31Aggregation and Pan operators
- Pan operator
- Theorem
- Let c and d be a conjunctive and a disjunctive
opera- - tor with additive generator functions fc and
fd . - Suppose their corresponding negations are
equivalent - (i.e. ), denoted by ? (?(?) ? ). The
- three connectives c, d and ? form a De Morgan
triplet - if and only if fc(x)fd(x) 1 .
32Conjunctive, disjunctive and aggregative operators
- Definition
- Let f be the additive generator of a logical
operator. - The aggregative operator is called
- the corresponding aggregative operator of the
- conjunctive or disjunctive operator, and vice
versa. -
33Conjunctive, disjunctive and aggregative operators
- Multiplicative form of negations
- The function is a negation with neutral
- value ? if and only if
- where f is a generator function of a logical
operator. -
34Pliant operators
- Theorem
- Let c and d be a conjunctive and disjunctive
operator - with additive generator functions fc and fd .
Suppose - their corresponding negations are equivalent (
i.e. - ), denoted by . The three
- connectives c, d and n form a DeMorgan triplet
if and - only if
35Unary operators
- The general form of the unary operator
- Special case of the function
- if ?1 and ? gt ?0 then
concentration operator - if ?1 and ? lt ?0 then dilutor
operator - if ?-1 then negation
operator - if f(?0) f(?) 1 then sharpness
36Pliant operators
37Pliant operators
- Modifier
- if ?1 and ? gt ?0 then
concentration operator - if ?1 and ? lt ?0 then dilutor
operator - if ?-1 then negation
operator - Negation
38 39Preference operator on the 0,1 interval
- We define the preference function in the
following - way
40Properties of preference operator
- Theorem
- Let the pliant operations
- and the preference operator
41Properties of preference operator
- The following properties hold for the preference
rela- - tions
- I. Preference properties
- 1. Continuity
- 2. Monotonicity
- 3.Compatibility conditions
42Properties of preference operator
- 4. Boundary conditions if then
- 5. Neutrality
- 6. Preference property
43Properties of preference operator
- 7. Bisymmetric property
- 8. Common basis property for all z
- II. Preference and negation operator
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
44Properties of preference operator
- III. Preference and aggregation
- 1. Transitivity with aggregation
- 2. Common basis principles
- 3. Inverse property
- 4. Neutrality
45Properties of preference operator
- 5. Exchangeability
- 6. Preference of aggregation
46Properties of preference operator
- IV. Threshold property
- 1. Threshold transitivity
- p(x,y) is threshold transitiv if
- 2. Strong completeness
- 3. Antisymmetricity
47Preference and multicriteria decision making
- We can express the preference relation in
additive - form
- where g(x)ln(f(x)) .
- In multicriteria decision the preference is
48Preference and multicriteria decision making
- In pliant concept and so (1) and (2) are
- the same. Most cases in the framework of
multicriteria - decision (3) are used. We can approximate (3)
using - Rolle theorem i.e.
- Substituting it into (1)
- where
- i.e. the preference depends on y and x .
49 50Distending function instead of membership function
- Let choose an often used one the term old. The
same - example exist in Zadehs seminal paper . We
suppose - now that the term old depends only on age, and
we - do not care that most polar terms are always
context - dependant i.e. old professor is defined in an
other - domain than old student. In classical logic we
have to - fix a dividing line, in our case let it be 63
years (a63). - If somebody is older than 63 years then he/she
- belongs to the class (set) of old people,
otherwise does - not.
51Distending function instead of membership function
- We can write this in an inequality form, using a
- characteristic function
- The expression altx is equivalent with the
expression - 0 lt x-a , so the above form could be written as
52Distending function instead of membership function
- Generaly, on the left side of the inequality
could be - any g(x) function.
- In the pliant concept we introduce the distending
- function. We will use the notation
- We can generalize this in the following way
53General form of the distending function
- Let start with the aggregation concept. The
weighted - aggregation operator is
- where xi are the distending values and f is
- the generator function of the logical operator.
- Intuitively aggregation is a weighted average of
the - values,
- The following theorem gives the exact description
54Distending function
- Theorem
- Using the aggregation
- if and only if
- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------- - Dombi operator case
55Sigmoid function and logistic regression
- The sigmoid function has the following
properties. - The sigmoid function is able to modelize
- Distending function as preference
57Distending function as preferences on the real
- The distending function has the following form
- We can define a preference function
58Distending function as preferences on the real
- The following properties hold for .
- I. Preference properties
- 1. Continuity
- 2. Monotonicity
- 3. Limes property
59Distending function as preferences on the real
- 4. Boundary conditions
- 5. Neutrality
- 6. Preference property
60Distending function as preferences on the real
- 7. Translation property
- II. Preference and negation operator
- III. Preference and aggregation
- 1. Transitivity with aggregation
- 2. Common basis principles
61Distending function as preferences on the real
- 4. Neutrality
- IV. Threshold property
- 1. Threshold transitivity
- P(?) is threshold transitiv if
- 2. Strongly complete
62Distending function as preferences on the real
69- Thank you for your attention!