Title: Learning Purchasing Basics A
1(No Transcript)
2Presenters Contact Information
Larry Klein Procurement Services
Group Office of General Services larry.klein_at_o
gs.state.ny.us (518) 474-1350 OGS
Website www.ogs.state.ny.us
- Welcome and Introductions
- Course Overview
- Learning the Purchasing Basics Session A
- General Information
- Session Time
- Hush Sounds
- Ask Questions
- Listen, Learn, and Enjoy
- Glossary of Terms
- Governing NYS Laws, Rules, Regulations and
Other References and Resources - Discretionary and Prior Approval Thresholds
- Procurement Requirements
- Procurement Guidelines
- Appendix A and B
- Agency Purchasing Flowchart
5The Procurement Process
- Determining your need
- Discretionary Purchasing Levels
- IFB or RFP
6The Agency Purchasing Flowchart
- Choices and decisions at each step
- Remember the Procurement Record
7Selecting a Procurement Method
Complete Needs Assessment Commodities, Services
and Technologies
Are needs met by Preferred Sources?
Preferred Sources
Are needs met by Centralized Contract?
Centralized Contract
Are needs met by Competitive Bid?
Competitive Bid
While more than one contractor could meet needs,
could agency provide substantial basis for
selecting a single contractor?
Is price the sole criterion for selection,
provided contractors satisfy minimum
Would only one contractor meet needs?
Best Value Acquisition Sharing Existing Contract
Resources Or Developing new P/S w/existing
Build It Yourself
8Process a Request for a Needed Commodity or
- Determine
- Form, function, and utility determination
- Availability from preferred source
offerings/Purchase from preferred source - Check list of OGS Centralized
Contracts/Purchase from OGS Centralized
Contract - Not available as needed from either?
9Discretionary Purchases
- Not subject to States competitive bidding
requirements - 15,000 50,000 for most State agencies
- 15,000 to 50,000 50,000 to 100,000 if
purchased from NYS small business, M/WBE
or recycled/remanufactured products - Guidelines on website at
- www.ogs.state.ny.us/procurecounc/pdfdoc/
- Discretionarypurchasingguidelines8-17.pdf
10Discretionary Purchases
- Under 15,000 50,000
- Procurement record must support selection of
vendor and reasonableness of price - Must advertise quarterly in the Contract
Reporter for anticipated purchases between
11Discretionary Purchases
- 15,000 - 50,000
- Procurement record must support selection of
vendor and reasonableness of price - Must advertise in Contract Reporter
12Formal Competition
- Choosing a Method of Bidding
- IFB or RFP?
- Be sure you know what your agency really needs
- Write a specification that gets to what is
needed but is not unduly restrictive
13IFB Essentials
- Responsive and responsible offerors
- Contract Reporter insertion
- Fully defined method of award
- Be prepared for tie bids and other glitches
14If a Low Bid Award is Not Feasible
- Use the RFP Process
- Define the project
- Explain general parameters that will
determine best value - Have OSC review the draft RFP
15Whether IFB or RFP
Level Playing Field
16What is the Contract Reporter?
- Online listing of bid opportunities worth
15,000 or more - Maintains a level playing field
- Official source of New York State government
bid solicitations and - Procurement resource for the business
17What Am I Responsible For?
- NYS agencies, public authorities, and public
benefit corporations are required to publish - Bid solicitations of 15,000 or more
- Quarterly anticipated procurements of 5,000 -
15,000 (Agencies) and 10,000 - 20,000
(SUNY/CUNY) - Instructions of how to be placed on bid lists
(with quarterly report) and - Knowing and following applicable statute
- Article 4-C.
18Contact Information
Visit www.nyscr.org and click on NYS Finance Laws
-- See Article 4-C Procurement Opportunities
19How Do I Submit a Bid Solicitation Online?
- Contact your agency administrator to
establish a user profile for you. - Go to www.nyscr.org.
- View the tutorials, user guide, FAQs.
- Become familiar with the site and submit a
test ad (just delete it after successful
20What if I Have an Exemption?
- Guidelines may be found at the NYS Contract
Reporter website - NYS Finance Laws, Article 4-C
- OSC Bulletin No. G-107B
- Procurement Opportunities Newsletter
- OSC approves/denies exemption and notifies
the Contract Reporter. - Bid info must still appear in the Contract
Reporter (w/o proposal due date).
21How to Do a Search in the MWBE Directory
- Website Address
- www.empire.state.ny.us
22How to Do a Search in the MWBE Directory
- To access the webpage Click NY Loves Biz
Doing Business in New York. - Once in the New Attitudes New Opportunities New
York page click on Small Growing Businesses
on the left and select minority and women-owned
business in the drop down list. - Go to the second bullet (Minority and
Women- Owned Business Certification) and select
Search the Directory and you will be taken
directly into the MWBE Automated Directory.
23State Agency Use Only
Please call DMWBD (Division of Minority and
Women Owned Business Development) at (518)
292-5250 to get your password
24Prevailing Wage Rates
What are they? Prevailing Wage Rates are the
wages and supplements to be paid and/or
provided to laborers, workers and mechanics
employed on a public work project.
25Prevailing Wage Rates
How are they determined? Prevailing rates are
based on collectively bargained
agreements. The Department of Labor utilizes
those agreements to determine the rate that
covers the type of work activity in question.
26Prevailing Wage Rates
When are they determined? The prevailing rate
of wages and supplements are determined
annually on July 1 of each year and are
effective through June 30, i.e. July 1, 2002
June 30, 2003. (Article 8, Section 220, subd.
27Prevailing Wage Rates
When should they be used? Prevailing Wage Rates
must be used on any public work project.
Generally, projects for construction,
reconstruction or maintenance done on behalf
of a public agency (entity) are public work.
28Prevailing Wage Rates
When should they be used? The Contracting Agency
must provide the prime contractor with a copy of
the appropriate prevailing wage schedule. Be
sure to list PRC in solicitation.
29Prevailing Wage Rates
When should they be used? State law requires
that these schedules be made part of all
contracts between a government entity and a
contractor. (Article 8, Section 220, Subdivision
30Prevailing Wage Rates
Which Rates Apply? Work involving the employment
of laborers, workers or mechanics is subject to
Article 8. Building service workers, i.e.,
janitorial services, are covered under Article 9
of the New York State Labor Law.
31Prevailing Wage Rates
- Which Work Classification Applies?
- The Bureau of Public Work looks at all factors to
determine classification, including - Nature of the work
- Collective bargaining agreements
- Jurisdictional agreements
- Jurisdictional decisions
- Historical practice
- Past DOL recognition
- Case law precedents
32Where to Find Prevailing Wage Rate Information
The annual determination is available on the
Department of Labor website www.labor.state.ny.u
33Additional Information
- A copy of the current or past years Prevailing
Wage Rates can be obtained on CD by e-mailing
your request to - nysdol_at_labor.state.ny.us
- Any questions, please contact
- NYSDOL Bureau of Public Work
- SOBC Building 12, Room 130
- Albany, NY 12210
- Phone (518) 457-5589
- Fax (518) 485-1870
34Questions and Answers
35Presenters Contact Information
Larry Klein Procurement Services
Group Office of General Services larry.klein_at_o
gs.state.ny.us (518) 474-1350 OGS
Website www.ogs.state.ny.us