Title: Teacher Effectiveness
1Teacher Effectiveness
2What does the research say?
- Teacher Preparation
- Knowledge and effectiveness- 1
- Fully prepared teachers are more effective in the
classroom and their students demonstrate larger
achievement gains. - Teachers classroom practices greatly influence
student achievement.
3What is a fully prepared teacher?
- Knows how to
- guide and encourage individual student learning
- individualize student learning
- plan productive lessons
- diagnose student problems
- Has an in-depth knowledge of content and how it
can be taught effectively so students learn.
4Student Achievement
- Increases are shown in student achievement when
students have teachers who are - Trained in developing higher order thinking
skills - Skilled at implementing hands-on experiences in
the classroom - Trained to work with special populations.
- Know How to Teach
5National Research Council
- Teachers must be highly skilled in working with
students to develop true understanding of
concepts. The level of skill that a teacher must
have to ensure student understanding takes time
to develop. It does not happen overnight.
6Content Knowledge alone, while necessary, is not
sufficient knowledge for a teacher
today. Clinical practice and professional
study are crucial!
7 The influence of teachers on student
achievement is many times greater than any other
commonly observable variable.Rivkin, Hanushek,
and Kain (1998) NCATE accredited institutions
expect candidates to know the subject matter they
will teach and how to teach it effectively.
8 NCATE Summary Data on Teacher Effectiveness,
Teacher Quality, and Teacher Qualifications
Available http//www.ncate.org/resources/factsh