Title: Zero Suppression Study with a fast MC
1Zero Suppression Studywith a fast MC
- John Krane
- At large member of DØ
Calorimeter Task Force December, 2002
- Run 1k events in a few seconds(actual is
currently 15k jets/min) - Simulate jet energy profiles
- Longitudinal
- Ncells in each layer
- Simulate noise
- Simulate arbitrary ZSP scheme
3Method of Fast MC
- Sample (random number thrown against histo)
Layer_E - While total jet layer E lt Layer_E
- Sample fractional cell E distribution
- Add noise by sampling actual calibration
histograms (R. Zitoun) - Result fluctuates around the generated
Layer_Ethis is OK - Add noise to any remaining cells in jet cone
- Suppress cells with 1.5s, 2.5s, or different s
for different layerswhatever you liketowers
4Method for Inputs
- Study jets in Monte Carlo for initial profiles
- Free of noise pathology and zero-suppression
- Low, med, high-pT 15-20, 100, 300 GeV
- Get histo of E, layer by layer
- Get histo of Cell E fraction per layer
- Currently using p10.14 with noise and zsp, want
Jet MC with no noise and no zsp
Forced positive!
5Input Histograms Total Energy by Layer
Central lyr 1
Central lyr 2
Central lyr 15
Low pt lyr 15 is noise High pt lyr 15 populated
Central lyr 15 for jets gt20 GeV
6Input Histograms fractional Energy per cell
Central lyr 15
Central lyr 1
7Current Results (pending better inputs!)
- Have result histos for 9 different ZSP schemes
- Central, ICR, Forward
- Low, med, high jet pT
- Also, 0 GeV Jets, i.e. how noise can fake jetsI
allowed double-wide jets - Looking at positive-E towers vs. /- towers
8Definition of a tower in Fast MC
Cell array 154
- Store cell energies per layer in an array
- Random number of cells rqd to reach the generated
Layer_E - A tower is each vertical sum through these
arrays - Ignoring merged jets noise jets
Lyr 12
Lyr 11
Lyr 7
Lyr 6
Lyr 5
Lyr 4
Lyr 3
Lyr 2
Lyr 1
9Aside on Noise jets
- Many noise jets are merged and split DOZENS of
times (as many as 99 times!) - Multiply that by number of jet algo
- Reco CPU needs increase
- Event has many many cells so disk needs increase
- My numbers on noise jets provide info on one ZSP
scheme relative to anotherabsolute numbers not
so valid because Im not simulating merge/split
10ZSP schemes
1 EM1
2 EM2
3,4,5,6 EM3
7 EM4
11 FH1
12 FH2
13 FH3
15 CH
- 1.5 s zsp
- 2.5 s zsp
- 1.5 in low-noise layers (2,3,4,5,6,7)and 2.5
elsewhere - 2.5 in EM and 3.5 elsewhere
12Noise, central region
13Noise, ICR
14Noise, forward region
15Jet Energy
16Jet Energy Loss, Resolution (central)
Still Gaussian
17Jet Energy Loss, Resolution (ICR)
18Jet Energy Loss, Resolution (forward)
19Resolution Calculation
- Previous plots were raw resolution
- Want to assume an Energy Scale Correction that
performs as well as it can - Perfect noise correction on average will not
affect width of resolution gaussian - Perfect response correction on average
resolution gaussian width scalles with
20Corrected Resolution (Central)
Circ /- tow Star pos-only tow Line is Run I
reso Note odd slope forextreme zsp
21Corrected Resolution (ICR)
Circ /- tow Star pos-only tow
22Corrected Resolution (Forward)
Circ /- tow Star pos-only tow I dont trust
this one!
- Fast ZSP Monte Carlo is working
- Post-analysis of JES-corrected resolution
- Need better MC for input histograms