Title: Baseline Suppression in ECG-signals
1Baseline Suppression in ECG-signals
Lisette Harting
- Introduction to the problem
- Problem approach
- ECG analysis
- Common used solutions ideas
- Results
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Questions
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
3Introduction to the problem
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
4Function of the heart
- Distribute oxygen and nutrition
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Bad conductance of signal
- Second pacer also initiates contraction
- Needs to be destructed destructor
- 2 types of operation
- Open chest
- Minimal surgery (catheters, ablation)
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
7Measuring ECG/EG
- Where does the ECG origin?
- Chest (only) resistive ? potentials on the skin
potentials on heart factor - Three deductions of ECG
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
8Measuring ECG/EG
- Extremity leads
- Einthoven
- Goldberger
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
9Measuring ECG/EG
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Diagnostic system
- Exercise ECG
- Operation room system
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
11Baseline drift
- In exercise ECG caused by
- Movements of the patient
- Breathing
- Changing electrode skin contact
- In operation room merely caused by
- Breathing
- Ablation
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Design of baseline drift filter for
operation-room ECG - With test-signals for breathing originated
baseline drift - Later to be used in exercise ECG and other
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Input
- Multiple channels (6 to gt 12)
- Already first order high pass-filtered with
cutoff frequency 0.5 Hz or 0.05 Hz
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literature - results - conclusions
14- Desired output
- Cutoff frequency 0.5 Hz
- 0.5 Hz and lower minimal 6 dB attenuation
- Delay maximal 120 ms
- Minimize signal to noise ratio
- Minimize distortion of signal
- Must work real time on a normal computer
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
15Problem approach
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Literature study
- Oscillation filter on synthetic test signal
- Analyzed experimental signals
- Made for-backward filter with heart rate
adaptation - Demonstration program
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
17- To do
- Write report
- Optimize chosen filter further
- Work out theoretical problem
- No time for
- Adaptive filters
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
18ECG-signal analysis
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
19Time domain
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Signal to noise ratio (from PSD)
- S/N 10 10log(Ps/Pn)
- Signal
- Heart rate and higher frequencies
- Noise
- Rest of signal
- Compared qualities of the signals from the 19
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Varied between 25 and 35
- Was detected correctly 100 by the algorithm (to
be discussed later) - Not tested with ill patients
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
23Common solutions
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Idea behind hp digital filters
- Out In(delayed) In(filtered)
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
25Average based filters
- Average based filters
- Moving average filters (box)
- Triangular FIR-filter
- With smart size of window to be able to use
shifting instead of division after adding - FIR
- May be linear phase
- But need large calculation power
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
26Bidirectional filters
- Input hardware filter is reversed in time and
sampled - Symmetric filter (zero phase shift)
- Problem fixed cutoff frequency
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
27Incrementally changing filter
- Incrementally changing filter for QRS-complex and
rest of ECG-signal
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
28Slew rate limiter
- slew rate limiter
- Against fast increase of baseline drift (optimize
step response) - Limit rising and falling rate of the signal
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
29Other solutions
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literature - results - conclusions
30Heart rate detection
- Simple algorithm
- Derivative lt minimal value ? count1
- Derivative gt minimal value ? reset count
- If count gt limit ? QRS-complex detected
- reset count
- pause detection algorithm 100 ms
- adjust cutoff frequency filter
- Time between 2 complexes heart rate
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
31Envelope method
- Baseline drift estimation
- envelope around input signal
- Estimation is mean of the envelope
- Idea
- Use information about ECG phase
- to correct for distortion of ECG
- based on (measured) phase dependent distortion of
a pure ECG-signal
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
32Adaptive oscillator
- Principle
- Suppress ECG-signal (SLR or lp-filter)
- After SLR-interval average is BLD-estimation
- Use 2 BLD-estimates to predict 3rd (IIR)
- d(n) a(n) d(n-w) d(n-2w)
- Update a
- a(n1) a(n) d_real(n) d_meas(n) / d(n-1)
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
33Cross-Correlation filter
- Principle
- Do not adapt filters one by one, but use
knowledge about other signals - Why?
- There is a high correlation between the signals
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
34Cross-correlation filter
- Why not?
- Fast (10 s) and high (90) changes of the
correlation between the signals - Low frequencies need a lot of time memory to
calculate correlation - Non-linear relation between signals
- Heart rate would need to be filtered out too
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
35For-backward filtering
- Principle
- Minimize calculation time
- decimation
- IIR-filtering
- Linearize and increase steepness IIR-filter by
filtering also backward
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
36For-backward filtering
- Working
- Prefilter signal with cutoff freq. 10 Hz.
- Decimate signal with 50 to 40 Hz.
- Filter signal again with cutoff freq. 0.5 Hz.
- Interpolate signal
- Filter out high frequency components introduced
by interpolated signals
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
37For-backward filtering
- Filtering
- Continuously forward
- Backward over window
- window gt max. delay filter for all frequencies
- last filtered sample is filtered value
- Apply together with heart rate adaptation
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
38Which can be tried
- Adaptive oscillator
- For-backward filter Heart rate adaptive filter
- Envelope (but no time)
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
40Adaptive oscillator
- The adaptive oscillator was not stable
- Step-adaptation of parameters -in order to
stabilize- deformed the shape of the ECG-signal - Because of fast changes of sinusoid ? unstable
- Non-linear
- Does not work when other noise is present
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Principle
- The ideal response of an analogue filter is
truncated - Length half (180 degrees) cutoff frequency
- 0.5 Hz 1 sec 0.05 Hz 10 sec.
- It is the standard solution
- But delay gt 1 second
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
42Moving average (2000 points)
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
(1000-points 10dB sidelobe-supression)
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Fast (minimal one sample)
- But
- phase shift causes
- Distortion of ECG-signal
- The same delay of the signal
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
46contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
47Frequency domain
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
48contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
Prefilter before decimation
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
50Heart rate filter
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- SNR-improvement is quite high
- But for signals with little noise, the SNR
improvement can be negative
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
53Step response
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
54Calculation power
- Depend on window width (win) decimation
factor (dec) - Decimation filter forward 1 backward 1
- Filter forward 1/dec backward win/dec
- Interpolation forward 1 backward dec
- TOTAL 3 (win dec 1)/dec
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
55Delay (samples)
- Decimation filter forward 1 backward dec
- Filter forward dec backward decwin
- Zero order interpolation 0.5 dec
- Interpolation forward 1 backward dec
- TOTAL 2 (win 3.5)dec (samples)
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
56- TOTAL 2 (win 3.5)dec (samples)
- Optimal
- win 13 (minimal)
- dec 40
- This makes total
- (2 16.540) / 2000 662 / 2000 0.331 sec.
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
59Conclusions and recommendations
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- Heart rhythm adaptation works good, in this case
- Heart rate filter is working, but needs to be
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
- The heart-rate filter should be tested on more
data - Does the simple heart rate detection system work
- in all situations?
- on all patients?
- It needs to be improved for e.g. systoles en PVCs
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions
62- Automatically calculate minimal window-width
- Introduce 2 delay-modes
- Optimize parameters
- Quantize distortion
- Use only analogue low-pass filter
- Try other bidirectional filters (same as our
contents - introduction - approach - ECG -
literature - results - conclusions