Title: Indirect search for the Supersymmetric Dark Matter
1Indirect search for the Supersymmetric Dark Matter
W.de Boer , M.Herold, C.Sander,
V.Zhukov Karlsruhe University
- Dark Matter relic density
- Direct and Indirect search for the Dark Matter
- Distribution of the Dark Matter.
- Cosmic rays backgrounds and propagation.
- Annihilation cross sections
- Signal signatures and indirect evidence from
experiments - Projects
2Dark Matter
Thermal equilibrium neq ? T3
3Dark Matter candidates
4Dark Matter searches
A.Bottino et al.
The nucleus recoil ionization or scintillation
is measured. Typical event rate 0.1 c/kg/day
5 Dark Matter searches
Indirect search
Signal from the WIMP annihilation
6Dark Matter halo models
Calculating ? 2(r)
L.Bergstrom hep-ph/100000
- Characterized by a, ?o and???????????????????????
????????????????????????a - core size (1-100
?o - local DM density (0.2-0.8 Gev/cm3)
a and ?o are constrained by
measuredVc127-210km/s - - slope at rlt a ?????slope at rgta ? at
Note other profiles are subsets of NFW and
singular at r0 except isothermal (Sp) with
7Contributions to the signal
8Clumpy Dark Matter
- Predictions from
- analytic calculations at Mclumps lt 100 M o
( Dokuchaev et al astro-ph/0301551)
- ?Boost factor depends on n , Mmin, ?
- 1. Primary fluctuations P(k)kn, n0.93 0.4
(WMAP) - (Harisson-Zeldovich spectrum) and mass
distribution dn/dm m-2 - 2. Minimum clump mass Mmin10 8 -10-12 Mo
(Gurevich et al) - most of signal is produced by clumps with mMmin
- 3. DM distribution in clumps
??(r ) r
- N-body numerical simulations with Mclumps gt 105
Mo - ( Sthoer et al. astro ph/000000)
7. 1011 Mo - ????????1.0-1.5 , dn/dm m 1.8
9Propagation models
Calculating propagation
Predicts abundances
GALPROP I.Moskalenko, A.Strong
astroph/9812260 provides numerical solution to
this diffusion eq. for equilibrium taking into
account particle densities of ALL nuclei
Energy losses during propagation.
Propagation time 1/ ( 1/E dE/dt)
11Diffusion equation
Particle density
Diffusion coefficient
Defined by B/C ratio 42 10 27 cm2/s
Convection velocity
Diffusive reacceleration
Needed to explain B/C ratio at E1GeV/nucleon
Alven speed for reaccelartion
Momentum loss rate
Radioactive decay
12Constrains propagation model
B is secondary produced in nuclear interaction,
C is primary produced in stars. B/C is sensitive
to the diffusion parameters
10Be (t1/21.5Myr) / 9Be will allow to estimate
the propagation time in the galactic disk, i.e
halo size
3He/4He ratio is sensitive to the density of the
J.Casedei et al.
13Propagation of annihilation signals
14Missing fluxes
Strong, Moskalenko,Reimer astro-ph/0306346
Stretching all parameters to the limits.
16Supersymmetric Dark Matter
Calculating ???v?
Gauge unification and running masses
It is likely neutralino is the LSP
17Supersymmetric Dark Matter
Supersymmetric DM candidate
18 Constrained MSSM
W.deBoer et al. hep-ph/0307049
19Electroweak constraints
At the large tanb the charged stau can be the
tan?? 20
20WMAP constraints
21Annihilation Cross section
Continium spectra after hadronization and decays
Monochromatic lines
22Annihilation Cross section
- At low Pcms light fermions are supressed
- At large tan? tt channel is supressed
At large tan? dominant channel is???? bbar
23Different final states
Contributions from different final states
24Choice of MSSM parameters
25Calculation technics
mSUGRA parameters
Note Plans to replace DarkSusy propagation by
the Galprop.
26Fits to gamma, positron and antiprotons
27Fits to gamma, positron and antiprotons
Fluxes m??4, tan2?
28Boost factors
Summary for the fit
29Boost factors and Relic Density
Large mo and m ½ require bigger boost
factors Except Focus point region.
Focus point region
Summary for the fit
30Results of the fit
Probability increases from 7 10-9 without
DM annihilation to 0.53 with the DM
Influences of the halo profile parameters can be
absorbed by the boost factors will not affect
the result. Antiprotons does not improve the
probability. Main effect is due to shapes of the
gamma and positrons spectra.
31Constraints with the WMAP
trilinear coupling Ao
stau is LSP
WMAP preferred
32Constraints with the WMAP
Evolution with tan ? Ao0
33 Constraints with the WMAP
Evolution with tan ? Ao0
34Constraints with the WMAP
Evolution with tan ? Ao0
35Constraints with the WMAP
Evolution with tan ? Ao0
36Constraints with the WMAP
Evolution with tan ?
mA2m? Excluded resonance region
37Projected experiments
38Projected experiments AMS02
Significances Nsig/(NsigNbkg)1/2 For positrons,
antiprotons and gamma signal from annihilation.
No Boost factor applied.
Offline Acceptances for signals and backgrounds
NFW(1,3,1,10) mo500 m1/2500 tanb51
39Projected experiments Direct search
40Projected experiments LHC
5??discovery contour for CMS 100fb-1 different
final states 1l -1lepton, 2lSS -2leptons asme
charge,, 2lOS-opposite, etc. mSUGEA Ao0 ,
?gt0, tan?35
Neutralino production (Karasnikov)