Title: I Why Some People Embrace Atheism
1I Why Some People Embrace Atheism
- Foolishness of presumed spokesmen. Jon.19
- False religions. Jn.1720-22
- Evil and suffering in world. Job 1-2
- If no God, whats wrong w. evil?
- Objection implies standard
- Standard requires Standard-giver
2- Hell. Mt.2541
- Whats wrong w. it? Does it violate an objective
standard? - May God punish Hitler for 2 minutes in hell? 3?
4? - Punishment inconsistent w. love?
- Atheists dont know love or holi-ness of God, law
of God, what punishment sin deserves, effects of
sin on world, condition of world w/o deterrent of
hell, yet . . .
3- Media and educational system. Ro.119-2228
- Evolution is a fact that is accepted by all
intelligent people (Scientific American USNWR) - David Quammen Darwinism proof?
1. Equus horse evolution 2. Embryonic
recapitulation 3. Archaeopteryx
4- Sin
- Ps.141
- Why people believe in evolution
Our conviction that the world is meaningless
lends itself very effectively to furthering the
ends of erotic or political passion Aldous
5II Evidence For God
- 1. Order and complexity of the universe.
Ps.81-3 191-4 - Movie Contact . . . Search for
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) - Watch
- Mona Lisa
6- 2. Complexity of human body. Ps.13914
In the absence of any other proof, the thumb
alone would convince me of Gods existence
Sir Isaac Newton
The aim is to create a hand w. the sort of
functionality a human hand has but also a
sense of touch Dr. Paul Chappell
7Eardrum is resonator Moves 1/10 diameter of
Hydrogen atom Transmitted by three bones in
Prov. 2012
83. Fulfilled biblical prophecy. Dn.228
- Prophesied hundreds of years prior to events
came to pass exactly as predicted - 4. Accuracy of the Bible. Mt.2435
- Historians, archaeologists, and scientists find
evidence that agrees with Bible
95. Resurrection of Jesus. Ac.13
- Many convincing proofs
- 6. Humanitys moral sense of right and wrong.
Ro.214-15 -
There never has been a significant example of
morality apart from belief in God (Durant, The
Lessons of History)
107. Human personality. 1 Tim.19
No one has presented an idea, let alone
demonstrated it to be feasible, to explain how
the impersonal beginning, plus time, plus
chance, can give personality Francis
118. Failure of other options. Ps.7325 Jn.668
Hard as the world is to explain with God, it is
harder yet without Him (Claude Montefiore)
It is absurd for the Evolutionist to com- plain
that it is unthinkable for an admit- tedly
unthinkable God to make everything out of
nothing, and then pretend that it is more
thinkable that nothing should turn itself into
anything (G. K. Chesterton)
12Richard Dawkins, Mother of all Atheists
- Believing in a creator of the universe is no
different from believing in fairies at the bottom
of the garden - Debate with John Lennox
- A serious case could be made for a deistic God
- Intelligent Design could explain life on earth
aliens from another planet