Title: Application-Level Multicast Approach Based on Mobile Agents
1Application-Level Multicast Approach Based on
Mobile Agents
- Introduction
- Current approaches
- Application examples
- Future works
- References
- Inter-agents group communication and coordination
- Construction and maintenance of multicast tree
are required issues.
4Three main areas in terms of overlay construction
for data distribution in various application
level multicast approaches
- Mesh-First approaches
- Tree-First approaches
- Implicit approaches
- NICE designed for large groups and low bandwidth,
real-time application. - CAN which uses a virtual addressing approach.
5Mesh-First Approaches
Internet Network
Mesh Network
6Mesh-First Approaches (cont.)
Internet Network
- Example protocols Narada, ALMI,
Scattercastetc. - Supporting of many-to-many
multicast for real-time application such as
audio/video conferencing applications with
small-sized group.
7Tree-First Approaches
Internet Network
request to join group
- Example protocols Overcast, TAG, Peercastetc.
- This approach has the advantage of being
8Deploy agents and start to sent data after
constructing the multicast tree
Internet Network
MMA Master Mobile Agent SMA Slave Mobile
Agent (clone from MMA and migrate to the other
nodes along the multicast tree)
9(No Transcript)
10Application examples get local data and global
11Application examples real-time streaming service
12Future works
- Implementation add on P2P-based mobile agent
platform to accomplish the goal of inter-agent
communication and coordination.
- Korikang and Kimsh, "Survey on Application Level
Multicast," CDSN (Collaborative Distributed
System and Network) laboratory. - C. Ragusa, A. Liotta, and G. Pavlou, "A scalable
application-level multicast approach based on
mobile agents," Networks, 2003. ICON2003. The
11th IEEE International Conference on 28 Sept.-1
Oct. 2003 Page(s)197 202