Title: Learn, Grow, Become
1Learn, Grow, Become
- Self-Study 2008
- On the road to Candidacy
2Steering committee sessions
Chapter drafts
Focus groups
Chapter reviews
3Next Steps
- Site Visit
- Consultant/Evaluators
- Team Report and Recommendation
- Review Panel
- HLC Decision
- Self-Study for continued Candidacy or for
4What will the conversations with site visitors
- What is the mission of this program, unit,
department and how does it relate to the
colleges mission? - Are you clear about TCCNHSs mission and how you
fit in? - Where are you going as you move into the future,
as a college, as a program, as a department, as
an office? - How do you know you are successful? How do you
measure effectiveness? - How do you relate to the public and external
5Above all Be Candid and Thoughtful
- We are PROUD of
- Who we are
- How far we have come
- What the future holds
6Celebration !!!
7Self-Study Review What Have We Learned ?
8Areas for Growth
9Peer Review Process -
Hosting the site visit
- November 10 12, 2008
- 4 Consultant/Evaluators
- Planned Agenda
- Resource Room
10How can I prepare for the site visit?
- READ the Self-Study Report
11They can ask ANYBODY
12Whats the MOST Important Job?
13I work with admissions. How do I contribute to
student learning?
- You assist students in navigating the admissions
process and assuring they have the necessary
information to embark on their course of study.
14I work the front desk. How do I contribute to
student learning?
- You help current and prospective students gain
access to the services available to them.
15I work with the Registrar. How do I contribute to
student learning?
- You make sure students can register for the
classes they need and assure accuracy in
reporting earned credits, etc.
16I manage the computer lab and coordinate IT
services. How do I contribute to student learning?
- You help students gain access to the software and
services they need to complete assignments for
17I oversee and manage the building. How do I
contribute to student learning?
- You make sure students have a clean and
comfortable environment in which to learn.
18I provide administrative assistance. How do I
contribute to student learning?
- You make the necessary tools available to faculty
and administration assuring effective
implementation of the curriculum and processes.
19I work with financial aid. How do I contribute to
student learning?
- You contribute to student learning by properly
handling the financial resources required to keep
students in school.
20I provide counseling services to students. How do
I contribute to student learning?
- You help students with their coping and life
skills - optimizing their learning experience.
21I provide academic advising to students. How do I
contribute to student learning?
- You help students create a plan to meet their
academic goals.
22I work with the Development office. How do I
contribute to student learning?
- You contribute to student learning by promoting
and building alumni and donor relationships
assuring financial viability and growth of the
23? or .
24Everyones job contributes to student learning
25Thank you as we continue to Learn, Grow, and
26(No Transcript)