Title: AlViS
Dipl. Ing. Lubomir Bak Project managerSpirit
2Spirit a.s.
- Softwarehouse in Bratislava, Slovakia
- 11 years history
- Highly qualified experienced developers
(university degree) - Various projects (national, international)
- Car industry (VW, suppliers chain,)
- Transportation (railway terminal IS)
- Air pollution monitoring (various UN,EU and
national projects) - Custom solutions, consulting services
- Focus on
- Development
- Training
- Support (web, e-mail, phone, on site support)
3AlViS (Alarm Visualization System)
- A general purpose tool for easy development of
complex graphical monitoring and control
4Technical requirements
- VGA 32-bit color depth
- 1 USB/parallel port
- 1 Serial/Ethernet port
- MS Windows 2000 SP4\XP
- MS IE 6.0
5 Dongle protection
- Safenet Sentinel/Net sentinel (USB, parallel
port) - Sentinel system drivers (Sentinel Protection
installer 7.4.0) - Sentinel Protection server system service -
NetSentinel - Maximum 6 programs (servers, AlViS) per key
- System configuration (programs, max.symbols,
servers, passwords, encryption keys,...) - Service key (5 hours runtime)
6AlVIS versions
- Number of symbols used
- AlVIS /F
- AlVIS /300
- AlViS /150
- AlVIS /light (50 symbols, 1 server)
- 5 logical servers (panels) allowed
- 10,15,20,50,100 servers (30 100)
7Ordering information
- AlViS client count and types
- DDE server count and types
- Dongle types
- Dongle lt - gt programs assignment
8Ordering examples
- Example 1
- 1 x Parallel dongle
- AlViS /F, 10 servers
- DDE server SecuriPro
- DDE server LST
- 2 x USB Dongle
- DDE server Aplex
- Example 2
- 1 x Net dongle
- 4 x AlViS /F, 5 servers
- 2 x SecuriPro DDE server
- 1 x LST DDE server
9Key features
- Robustness
- Universality
- Open system
- Scalability
- Rich feature set
- Easy application development
- Adaptability
- WEB support
- Multilanguage system
- 10 years history
- Advanced functionality
- Designed for 24/7 operation
- Hundreds of successful installations (banks,
insurance companies, industrial plants, army,
police, state organizations,) - growing - Leading system in Czech and Slovak republics
- Installations in Poland, Austria, Holland,
Russia, Island, Turkey, Holland, Hungary
- General purpose system
- Can monitor and control any devices, technologies
or phenomena connectable to a PC - Optimized for
- Intrusion detection systems
- Fire alarm systems
- Access control systems
- Building management systems
- Video systems
- Can be used in other areas (process control,)
12Open system
- Vendor independent
- Panel independent
- Around 80 panels\technologies currently supported
- Constantly growing
- Supports cooperation with 3rd party programs and
tools (OLE automation, MCI, SQL, Web) - Integration tool
- The whole range of installations supported
- Small (1 panel, 1PC)
- Medium (1-2 PC several panels)
- Large (many panels, PCs, LAN, WAN, Internet )
- Industrial plants
- Nationwide, international networks
- Supervison centers
- Architecture, feature set - support
- License\price policy
14Client/Server architecture
- AlViS
- Graphical monitoring and control client
- AlViS DDE servers
- Communication with different devices (serial
lines, TCP/IP, PC cards, databases,) - Distributed system
- Modified DDE (NetDDE) based protocol
- Encryption
- Robustness
- Connections supervision
- Automatic reconnection
15DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
DDE service (server / panel type)
Dde item 1 (sensor1)
Dde topic (panel1)
Dde item N (sensor N)
Dde topic (panel2)
DDE item variablesensor
Bit oriented value Bit 0 Alarm Bit
1 Error Bit 2 Disablement Bit 3 Revision
Dde topic (panelN)
16DDE operations
- DDE connect
- DDE request - initial value request
- DDE advise - value update request
- DDE poke - value assignment
- DDE execute - function execution
17NetDDE (Network DDE)
- Network DDE system service
- ShareName ServiceName TopicName
- DDE share
- Trusted share
- DDE shares creation
- Automatic
- netshare.exe
- shareName entry in DDE server ini file
- Example
- SecuriPro 1
- Name SecuriPro1
- shareName SecuriPro1
- Using DdeShare.exe
19NetDDE requirements
- Network DDE system service started ( automatic
startup ) - NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled
- PCs must be in the same Workgroup, Domain
- Users must have the same local accounts on both
PCs (names and passwords) - Users must have the rights to log on locally,
access the PC from the network - ! Network DDE restart needed after manipulation
with accounts, passwords, security parameters,..
20Single panel connection
DDE server
RS232/422/485, TCP-IP, ...
21Multiple panels connection
Panel X 1
Server 1
Panel Y 1
Panel Y 2
Server 2
Panel Y N
Server N
Panel Z 1
22Multiple PC, multiple panels connection
PC 1
Panel X 1
AlViS 1
Panel Y 1
Server 1
Panel Y 2
PC 3
Server 2
AlViS 2
PC 2
Server 3
Panel Z 1
23DTCGate, DTSGate
DDE server
PC 1
PC 2
- Main window
- serverPort9000
- server 1
- serviceDetect
- topicDetect1
- Main window
- address10.1.8.14
- port9000
- responseTimeout30000
- serviceGalaxy
- serviceSuffix
26Complex system example
27Easy application development
- Predefined functionality
- Drag and drop, point and click rapid application
development - Text, XML editor application development
- Parallel development
- Minimize repetitive tasks
- Only unique information ( addresses, texts,..)
must be entered - Import from text files
- low development and service costs
- Different customers - different needs
- 90 - standard, predefined functionality
- 10 - special requirements
- AlViS
- User definable graphical objects ( symbols,
plans) - User definable texts (symbol, operator
instructions, event protocol texts, print texts
) - Symbol behavior
- AlViS behavior
- AlViS dialogs
- AlViS script
- AlViS symbol templates
- AlViS.ini
29AlViS script
- Event driven AlViS script engine
- Events - internal (alarm, error, plan change,
variable change,) - user (mouse, keyboard
action,) - external (events from connected
30Event flow
Sensor event (Fire)
Server variable change
AlViS variable value change
AlViS symbol status change
31Web support
- XML support
- Web areas
- Web plans
- Web reports
- AlViS Web
32Web areas, Web plans
- Rectangular areas on standard AlViS plans
- The whole plans capable of showing web contents
(html files, www links,) - Static and dynamic creation, URL settings
- Usable for web cameras,
- Accessible from AlViS script- whole areas- area
33AlViS Web
- Complementary to the standard AlViS system
- Allows independent Web monitoring and control (
through www browser) of standard AlViS
applications - Supports events protocol viewing and filtering
- Requires LINUX\Windows 2000\XP Apache web server
and MySQL\MS SQL database server
34AlViS Web diagram
35Multilanguage system
- Online language switching
- Supported languages - English- German-
Slovak- Czech- Polish - Russian- Icelandic - Other languages on demand
36AlViS modes
- Development mode
- Monitoring application development
- Password protection
- Runtime mode
- Real-time alarm monitoring
37 Development mode
- Provides means for
- Defining plans
- Placing and configuring symbols
- Configuring main and view window parameters
- Editing users
- Numerous tools and features exists for
- Maximal adaptability to the customer
requirements - Simple and rapid development of monitoring system
38Development mode
- User definable graphical objects
- Plans ( bmp, jpg, gif, wmf, emf files)
- Symbols - multistate
- Shape, color, number and order of states
- Symbol bar
- Symbol reaction on external ( servers) and
internal (user action) events - Object oriented scripting language
- Variables (external, internal, predefined)
- Functions
- Timers
- Built in OLE automation, MCI, serial
communication support - Syntax coloring editor
- Early typing error detection
39 Development mode
- Easy application modifications
- Select , cut, copy, paste
- Replace
- regular expressions
- Parallel graphic and text mode development
- XML application format support
- Symbol templates
- Rapid application development
- Formal and actual parameters
- Simple massive modifications template editing
40Monitoring (runtime) mode
- Clear graphic representation of the monitored
area - Plans
- Symbols
- View windows
- ( symbols, alarms, errors, user and protocol
windows) - Priority real-time processing of events
- Graphical localization of the alarm symbol
- Automatic plan change
- Alarm symbol zooming and blinking
- Acoustic alarm signalization
- PC speaker
- Sound card
41 Monitoring mode
- Alarm details window
- simple/structured
- Alarm confirmation
- Alarm processing delaying
- Alarm comment
- Online print
- Protocol message
- Alarm details/ operator instructions
- Alarm plan
- Alarm plan with instructions
42 Monitoring mode
- Events protocol
- Encrypted circular file on the disk with
proprietary format very fast - Online /offline filtering
- Print
- Export
- Automatic backup (online/incremental)
43AlViS security
- Encryption
- Communication
- Application
- Protocol
- Graphical files
- Action protection
- User system with passwords and access rights
- Every relevant action in AlViS can be protected
by passwords and access rights (AlViS windows
visibility and manipulation, development mode,
alarm confirmation, protocol, symbol actions,)
44AlViS utilities
- PView - external protocol viewer
- DView universal DDE client
- Dtest universal DDE server
- DTSGate, DTCGateTCP\IP lt---gt DDE gates
- AlViS Protocol external protocol components
45AlViS 3.1 features
- Import symbols from text files
- Symbol parameters update from text files
- Symbol parameters editing in grid
- Alarm actions
- Web windows
- Symbol state icons order change support
- Symbol states order change support
- Symbol status sound files
- Camera protocol links support
46AlViS Web 3.2 features
- AlViS Web DB connection supervision
- Symbol state sound support
- Video protocol links support
- AlViS user windows support
- Right mouse click symbol context menus
47AlViS benefits
- End user
- sophisticated, up-to-date, easy to use unified
monitoring and control system - Panel manufacturer/distributor
- Hardware support
- Participation in complex installations
- AlViS distributor
- Licence fees
- Installation company
- AlViS installation,service, support