Title: Student Registration and Module Management System
1Student Registration and Module Management System
A student will have to register in a school in
order to be able to study specific modules in the
school. The school has a number of modules on
offer for students. To study a specific module, a
student has to enrol onto the module. Each module
also has a particular size in terms of credits
10 credits and 20 credits. Each student can only
undertake modules which total a maximum of 60
credits. Each module has a code (eg COM262), a
corresponding title (eg. Object Development). It
also contains an assessment regime which each
student registered on a particular module has to
undertake. The assessment of a module is via a
combination of coursework and examination.
Coursework can either be a time- constrained test
or an assignment has a specified deadline (date
and time). Examination has a date, time and
place. Each form of assessment has a weighting
(in percentages) which contribute towards the
final result for a student undertaking a module
e.g. 40 coursework, 60 examination means
that from the mark a student has obtained in the
coursework, 40 of it will be used to calculate
the final mark and 60 of the final mark will
come from the mark obtained in the
examination. Hence each student will have a set
of result for each of the module he or she is
enrolled on.
2Class Operation (function) Attribute
A student will have to register in a school in
order to be able to study specific modules in the
school. The school has a number of modules on
offer for students. To study a specific module, a
student has to enrol onto the module. Each module
also has a particular size in terms of credits
10 credits and 20 credits. Each student can only
undertake modules which total a maximum of 60
credits. Each module has a code (eg COM262), a
corresponding title (eg. Object Development). It
also contains an assessment regime (assessment
regime??) which each student registered on a
particular module has to undertake. The
assessment of a module is via a combination of
coursework (coursework??) and examination
(examination??) . Coursework can either be a
time-constrained test (coursework??) or an
assignment (assignment??) has a specified
deadline (date and time). Examination has a date,
time and place. Each form of assessment has a
weighting (in percentages) which contribute
towards the final result for a student
undertaking a module e.g. 40 coursework, 60
examination means that from the mark a student
has obtained in the coursework, 40 of it will be
used to calculate the final mark and
ii) 60 of the final mark will come from the
mark obtained in the examination. Hence each
student will have a set of results (results??)
for each of the module he or she is enrolled on.
3 Class diagram
Class name
schoolName location
addNewModule() displayModuleDetails()
registerStudent() enrollStudent()
displayStudentDetails() displayAllStudents()
enterStudentResult() displayStudentResults()
4Class diagram
moduleName moduleCode creditSize moduleLeader enro
returnName() returnCode() displayDetails() enrollS
tudent() returnExWeighting() returnCswkWeighting()
5Class diagram
name tel_number roomNo modulesTaught
name studentID modulesEnrolled programme
displayDetails() displayResults() computeResult()
enterResults() signOnModule() returnID()
6Class diagram
weighting date time
displayDetails() returnWeightings()
invigilator location
7Class diagram
moduleCode courseWorkMark examMark total
displayDetail() computeTotal()
Class Relationship diagram
9Show the following cases Add a new
module to the school To display a module
detail To register a student To
enroll a student onto a module To
display all student details To display a
student detail To enter a student
result To display a student
result To display a specific module
result of a particular student. See
document for Message Trace diagram..