Title: Grounded Theory Designs
1Chapter 14
2Key Ideas
- Defining Grounded Theory
- When to use Grounded Theory
- Key characteristics of Grounded Theory research
- Conducting a grounded theory study
- Evaluating a grounded theory study
3What is grounded theory research?
- A grounded theory design is a systematic,
qualitative procedure used to generate a theory
that explains, at a broad conceptual level, a
process, an action, or interaction about a
substantive topic.
4When do you use grounded theory research?
- To generate a theory rather than use one off the
shelf - To explain a process, action, or interaction
- When you want a step-by-step, systematic
procedure - When you want to stay close to the data
5How did grounded theory develop?
- 1967 Glaser and Strauss book The Discovery of
Grounded Theory - 1990, 1998 Strauss and Corbin prescriptive form
with predetermined categories and concerns about
reliability and validity - 2000 Charmaz introduces Constructivist method
6Types of grounded theory designs The systematic
- Open Coding properties and dimensionalized
properties - Axial Coding researcher selects one open coding
category and places it at the center as the
Central Phenomenon and then relates all other
categories to it. - Selective Coding writing a theory based on the
interrelationship of the categories from axial
7Open Coding to the Axial Coding Paradigm
Open Coding Categories
Axial Coding Paradigm
Causal Conditions
Core Category or Phenomenon
One open coding category as core phenomenon
Intervening Conditions
8Types of grounded theory designs The emerging
- Grounded theory exists at the most abstract
conceptual level rather than the least abstract
level as found in visual data presentations such
as a coding paradigm - A theory is grounded in the data and not forced
into categories - Four essential criteria fit, work, relevance,
9Types of grounded theory designs A
constructivist design
- Philosophical position between positivist and
post-modern researchers - Theorist explains feelings of individuals as they
experience a phenomenon or process - Study mentions beliefs and values of the
researcher and eschews predetermined categories - Narrative is more explanatory, discursive, and
probing the assumptions and meanings for the
individuals in the study.
10Key characteristics of grounded theory designs
- A process approach
- Theoretical sampling
- Constant comparative data analysis
- A core category
- Theory generation
- Memos
11A process and categories within the flow of
research in Grounded Theory
The research problem leads to A study of a
central phenomenon in grounded theory
research questions That addresses a
process Which contains
- a sequence of activities
- including actions by people -
including interactions by people
Which a grounded theorist
begins to understand by developing
- categories -
relating categories -
developing a theory that explains
12Zig-zag approach to data collection and analysis
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Close to Saturated Categories
More Refined Categories
Third Interview
Toward Saturation of Categories
Refined Categories
Second Interview
First Interview
Preliminary Categories
13Constant comparison procedures in data analysis
Category II
Category I
Code B
Code C
Code A
Raw Data (e.g. transcripts, field notes,
14Core category of ethnicity in a theory of ethnic
minority students process of community building
Ethnicity - Hispanic -Black Gender -male
-female Background - Economic Differences
-Diversity -Adapting to Change Sense of Self
Intervening Conditions
Peer Interactions
Causal Condition
- Nature of Interactions - Racial Differences -
Quantity of Friends - Intensity - Time to
Develop Friends
- Sense of Belonging - Source - Importance
Withdrawal Passive, low risk Active
- Memos are notes the researcher writes throughout
the research process to elaborate on ideas about
the data and the coded categories. In memos, the
researcher explores hunches, ideas, and thoughts,
and then takes them apart, always searching for
the broader explanations at work in the process.
16Conducting a grounded theory study
- Decide if grounded Theory design best addresses
the research problem - Identify a process to study
- Seek approval and access
- Conduct theoretical sampling
- Code the data
- Use selective coding and develop the theory
- Validate your theory
- Write a grounded theory research report
17Evaluating a grounded theory study
- Is there an obvious connection between the
categories and the raw data? - Is the theory useful as a conceptual explanation
for the process being studied? - Does the theory provide a relevant explanation of
actual problems and a basic process? - Can the theory be modified as conditions change
or further data are gathered?
18Evaluating a grounded theory study
- Is a theoretical model developed or generated
that conceptualizes a process, action, or
interaction? - Is there a central phenomenon (or core category)
specified at the heart of the model? - Does the model emerge through phases of coding?
(e.g. initial codes to more theoretically
oriented codes or open coding to axial coding to
selective coding) - Does the researcher attempt to interrelate
19Evaluating a grounded theory study
- Does the researcher gather extensive data so as
to develop a detailed conceptual theory as well
saturated in the data? - Does the study show how the researcher validated
the evolving theory by comparing it to the data,
examining how the theory supports or refutes
existing theories in the literature, or checking
theory with participants?