2The Cell Cycle
3Mitosis explained and illustrated
5Interphase ? This cell is shown, as this is how
all cells look before mitosis.
Mitosis - Early Prophase ? To begin mitosis,
the nuclear membrane breaks down, while the
chromosomes shorten and thicken (here, a
chromosome is two chromatids, bound at a point
called the centromere, making an "X" shape). The
other structures important for mitosis are also
forming (i.e. the centrioles).
6Mitosis Metaphase The mitotic spindle
apparatus has now formed and lies on the poles of
the nucleus (but remember, the nuclear membrane
has broken down, so there is no distinctly
delineated nucleus). The chromosomes are lined up
along the spindle's equator, also known as the
equatorial plate, and are
attached to the mitotic spindle apparatus via
microtubules (to try and visualize the
microtubules extending from the poles to the
chromosomes on the equator, think of the Earth -
it's as if rope was extending from the north and
south poles to te chromosomes at the equator).
When individual chromatids
(½of the "X") are separated from the chromosome
(the "X"), they are now each referred to as a
chromosome (i.e. In metaphase, the chromosome,
composed of two chromatids, separates into the
individual chromatids, which are then renamed
chromosomes, even though they were only one half
of a chromosome only moments before!)
7Mitosis Anaphase The newly formed chromosomes
(which were recently chromatids while they were
still ½ of the "X") are pulled along the
microtubules toward opposite poles of the cell.
8Mitosis Telophase The chromosomes have
finished their migration to the poles and the
mitotic structures breakdown. The plasma membrane
of the cell pinches down along the equator
creating two separate cells. At this time, the
chromosomes become indistinct (as they are during
Interphase), the nuclear membrane forms again and
the nucleolus reappears
- Some Other Sites Explaining Mitosis
- The Cell Cycle Mitosis Tutorial This site has
some good explanations and excellent diagrams of
mitosis. - Graphics Gallery Another good place to visit to
view a labelled diagram of mitosis. - Top of Page
- Go on to Mitosis Review - Quiz Format
- Return to Gametogenesis Index
- Some Other Sites Explaining Mitosis
- The Cell Cycle Mitosis Tutorial This site has
some good explanations and excellent diagrams of
mitosis. - Graphics Gallery Another good place to visit to
view a labelled diagram of mitosis. - Top of Page
- Go on to Mitosis Review - Quiz Format
- Return to Gametogenesis Index
Special thanks to Hans Christoffersen for the
preparation of this page. Send comments
toSandra K. Ackerley (ackerley_at_uoguelph.ca),Dep
artment of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1. Latest page update May
30, 2001.
Special thanks to Hans Christoffersen for the
preparation of this page. Send comments
toSandra K. Ackerley (ackerley_at_uoguelph.ca),Dep
artment of Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1. Latest page update May
30, 2001.
9 - Review of the phases of Mitosis -- and -- -
Movie of a cell undergoing MITOSIS
11Growing plant root tip
12(No Transcript)
14- Review of mitotic phases in plant cells
A general review of mitosis