Title: 1 of 12
1Wei Qi, Baduk, Goa game of strategy
- Fred Hansen
- The Official Fred
- Spring 05
2Why play go?
- Fun
- Challenge
- Think differently
- not procedural
- A window to the orient
- Only one rule
- Warning It takes time to get go
3What does go look like?
- Board with 19 x 19 lines
- White and black stones in bowls
- On your turn, put a stone on an intersection
4What is the goal?
- Get the most stones on the board
- surround bigger empty space
- keep groups alive
- The game ends when
- neither player wants to play
- theres no more space to grab
- In practice not all intersections are filled
- when it is clear what color goes there
5How a game might begin
- Players take turns putting stones
blacks potential territory 29 points
whites potential territory 38 points
6How a game might end
- Neither player can gain points
7Could black do better?
- Better to be higher push white lower
8How does a stone die?
- A liberty is an empty intersection adjacent
along a line - A stone without liberties is dead
- It is removed from the board
No liberties ? dead
9So, what is a liberty?
- A stones total liberties are
- its own, plus
Liberties for the black stones
When it is played, a stones own liberties are
checked after making any captures.
10One Rule No repeat
- The board pattern must not repeat
- A move is illegal if it leaves a board identical
to what it was ever before - Hence cannot recapture simple ko
If white captures,
sometimes black makes a threat, white responds,
black recaptures
black cannot recapture on the next turn
a ko threat
- A group with two holes is immortal
Black could capture only by playing in both
- The possibility of two holes is enough
If black plays b, white plays a, and vice versa
12First capture
- Goal understand capture rules
- Method play first capture
- First player to capture a stone wins
- 7 x 7 board makes it faster
13(No Transcript)