Differentiation and Small Group Instruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Differentiation and Small Group Instruction


Read less fluently. Developing independence. Developing advanced decoding skills ... Read fluently and with expression. Read independently. Have advanced ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Differentiation and Small Group Instruction

Differentiation and Small Group Instruction
Data-Based Decision Making
  • Planning the content of daily instruction based
    on frequent, ongoing assessment data
  • Grouping and regrouping students based on shared
    needs observed from data

Matching Text to Readers
  1. Instructional and independent levels are based on
    an individual students reading ability
  2. What instructional and independence for one
    student may not be instructional or independence
    for another student in the same classroom

Why Differentiate Instruction?
  • The range of reading ability in a typical
    classroom is about five years and is more
    academically diverse than anytime in history.
  • Kameenui Carnine, 1998 Mathes, Torgesen,
    Menchetti, Santi, Nicholas, Robinson, Grek,

Concept of Definition Map
What is it?
Differentiated Instruction
What is it like?
Concept of Definition Map
  • With your partner, write your own definition of
    differentiated instruction.
  • Brainstorm examples of how a teacher might
    differentiated instruction.
  • Brainstorm examples that do NOT depict
    differentiated instruction.
  • Identify synonyms that describe what
    differentiated instruction is like.

Concept of Definition Map
What is it?
Teaching students according to their individual
Teaching targeted small groups Flexible grouping
patterns Using assessment data to plan
instruction Matching text level to student
ability Independent projects tailored to student
Whole class instruction Small groups that never
change (tracking) All students reading same
text Same independent seatwork assignments to
entire class
Differentiated Instruction
What is it like?
  • Data-based instruction
  • Individualized instruction
  • Scaffolding

What isDifferentiated Instruction?
  • Varying instructions to meet the needs of all
    students within the same classroom
  • Taking students where they are and moving them
  • Flexibly grouping and regrouping students
    according to shared needs and abilities

The Academic Continuum
Advanced Readers Read fluently and with expression Read independently Have advanced decoding skills Have good comprehension
Typical Readers Read less fluently Developing independence Developing advanced decoding skills Developing strategies for comprehension
Struggling Readers Read with labored fluency Have poor decoding skills Comprehension hindered by poor reading
The most effective learning arrangements increase
academic engagement.
Effective Classroom Management Factors
  • Frequent monitoring
  • Nonverbal signals
  • Use of routines
  • Models routines first
  • Frequent positive interactions (4 to 1 ratio)
  • Reinforce student accomplishments

Develop a Classroom Plan for Differentiated
  1. Routines are the key to sanity.
  2. Arrangement of the classroom.
  3. Time Allocation.
  4. Scheduling.

Establishing Routines
  • Rules for Centers
  • Moving to centers
  • Asking for help
  • Being accountable
  • Activities
  • Previously learned
  • Academically engaging

Moving to Centers
  • At the beginning of the year practice the routine
    of moving with the students
  • Role play how to ask for help
  • Three before me
  • Exit slips
  • Students complete a half sheet of paper that
    contains a rubric for self-evaluation
  • Attach to completed work

  • All activities should be previously learned
  • Use new words for word sort
  • Extend word activities into writing activities
  • Academically engaging
  • As much fun as cutting out boots and pasting on
    glitter might be to the students, it is not
    instructionally relevant.

Other Guidelines
  • Make literacy stations an important part of
    learning each day not something to do when
    everything is finished.
  • Have no more than two or three work stations.
  • Stations are always the same!!!!!!
  • Less is more!!!!!
  • Dont have to be cute, just well thought out.

Instructional Delivery
  • Well organized
  • Task oriented
  • Explicit
  • Reduces practice of errors
  • Demonstration, guided practice
  • with prompts, and feedback

Instructional Delivery
  • Classroom is well organized.
  • Desks are arranged so that all students are in
    the teacher's instructional zone.
  • Instruction is explicit (no guess work).
    Students know what and why.
  • All students are being engaged in instruction.
  • No students are on the peripheral only marginally
  • No students are sitting alone confused.
  • No student has been written off.

Time Matters
  • This means
  • Allocating more time to reading is only a first
  • Carefully choosing instructional materials and
    activities based on what research suggests is
    most effective.
  • Reducing down time and related activities time.

Focus on Academics
  • Engaged Time
  • Critical Factor
  • Time students actually spend performing an
    academic task
  • Students are sitting alone doing things they
    dont understand
  • Increasing Engagement
  • Doesnt have to be cute!
  • Unison responses
  • Partner Activities
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Cooperative Learning

Grouping Patterns
  • Teachers who get the best outcomes use multiple
    grouping patterns to accommodate students
    academic diversity.
  • Whole Group
  • Small Group
  • Peer pairing
  • Cooperative projects
  • Dependent on the the activity and student ability
  • Eye on increasing active engagement.

Grouping Practices
Daily Small Group Lessons
  • Can include multiple tracks.
  • Each track will be visited for only a brief time.
  • Amount of new information should be reduced.
  • Most of each lesson should be review and

The Differentiated Classroom
  • Look for
  • Routines
  • How classrooms are arranged to facilitate
  • How teachers use many techniques for increasing
    academic engagement during both teacher directed
    and student directed instruction 

  • Clear expectations for student behavior
  • Clear academic objectives
  • Read, write, discuss, and practice critical
  • Multiple and varied opportunities to practice
  • Interactive
  • Engaging
  • Differentiated
  • Gives immediate and specific feedback
  • Reteaches as necessary
  • Teaches to mastery
  • Read, write, discuss, and practice critical
    skills independently
  • Accountable for their own learning

Grouping Arrangements
  • Teacher-Directed
  • Whole group
  • Small group
  • Same Ability
  • Mixed Ability
  • Individual
  • Student-Directed
  • Work stations
  • Peer activities
  • Collaborative groups
  • Independent work

Increasing Academic Engagement During
Teacher-Directed Instruction
  • Increase every students opportunity to respond
    to the teacher.
  • Use techniques other than calling on one student
    at time.

TechniquesCheck for Understanding
  1. Everybody Questions
  2. Thumbs-Up, Thumbs-Down
  3. Use of White Boards
  4. Response Cards

Academic Engagement During Student-Directed
  • Work stations
  • Computers
  • Peer-assisted learning
  • Collaborative group routines

Work Stations
  • A work station is not always completed in a
    special location in the room.
  • Most stations can be completed at students
  • Some stations will need to be completed somewhere
    else in the room.

What about the students with whom the teacher is
not working?
  • Want to see lowest students getting double
  • Instructional routines for the students who are
    not being taught directly by the teacher.
  • Every student knows routines.
  • Objectives support other aspects of instruction.
  • Students are partnered.
  • Students are reading and discussing text
    selection following specific routines.
  • Should be active, but not a zoo!

Peer Partners
  • All students in class are paired with peers.
  • Partners should be different learner types.
  • Those needing more intense reading instruction
    paired with typical readers
  • Typical readers paired with advanced readers

Peer Pairing Scheme
  • Rank-order your students in terms of reading
  • Split them in half (more skilled half and less
    skilled half).

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student
5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9 Student
10 Student 11 Student 12
Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 Student 16
Student 17 Student 18 Student 19 Student
20 Student 21 Student 21 Student 23 Student 24
Peer Pairing Scheme
  • Pair the top-ranked student in the more skilled
    half with the top-ranked student in the less
    skilled half.
  • Continue this process until all of your students
    have partners.
  • Consider individual needs and personalities.

Other ImportantGuidelines for Pairings
  1. Reassign partners every four to five weeks.
  2. Do not change partners in response to student
    requests or complaints

Review of What We Learned
  • In this section you learned
  • how to plan differentiated instruction using
    student assessment data,
  • how to use flexible grouping arrangements,
  • techniques to increase academic engagement during
    both teacher directed and student directed
  • how to arrange your classroom to facilitate
    differentiated instruction.

Reflections on Effective Differentiated
  • Currently Do
  • New Techniques

Pledge I commit to implementing the following 2
new techniques in my classroom___________________
__________________________ Signature______________
  • Most reading difficulties can be prevented.
  • To provide targeted student instruction, student
    progress must be assessed and evaluated
  • You are the best intervention strategy your
    students have.
  • (Snow, Burns, Griffin, 1998)
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