Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)


P {font-family: Times, Garamond, serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt; line ... P {font: bold 12pt/14pt Times, Garamond, serif} ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • By John Sullivan, Ph.D.

History and Support of CSS
  • Style sheets are the way publishing professionals
    manage the overall look of their publications
    backgrounds, fonts, colors, and etc.
  • 1996, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) put
    together a draft proposal defining CSS for HTML
    1998 the W3C extended the original specification
    to create CSS2
  • CSS2 was released in 1998.
  • CSS3 the latest standard is being developed.

History and Support of CSS
  • One principle of design theory is to separate the
    content of a document from its design.
  • A style defines the appearance of a document
  • The collection of styles for a Web page or
    Website is known as a style sheet.
  • Style sheets use a common language and syntax.

The Elements of Styles
  • A style is nothing more than a rule that tells
    the browser how to render a particular tags
  • Each tag has a number of style properties
    associated with it
  • A rule defines a specific value for one or more
    properties of a tag

Benefits of Style Sheets
  • Use as a design tool.
  • Makes website more flexible.
  • Easier to maintain and modify.
  • More aesthetically interesting.
  • Consistent look.

Web Sites with Information on Cascading Style
This figure displays websites that provide more
information about the compliance of browsers with
CSS1 and CSS2, and for information about the
standards themselves.
Style Types
  • There are three ways of employing CSS in Web
  • inline styles in which styles are added to each
    tag within the HTML file. The style affects that
    particular tag but does not affect other tags in
    the document.
  • embedded or global styles applied to an entire
    HTML file, allowing the Web designer to modify
    the appearance of any tag in the document.
  • linked or external style sheets placed in an
    external file and linked with pages in the Web
    site, allowing the Web designer to modify the
    appearance of tags in several documents
  • Which approach you choose depends on the Web
    sites design..

  • Not completed supported by browsers
  • Compatibility
  • Takes time to learn how to use

The Anatomy of a Style
  • The style is made up of a tag name (H1, p, ol,
  • And
  • One or more definitions that determine how the
    elements marked with the tag should be displayed.
  • H1 font-size 12pt colorred or
  • ltbody stylebackgroundbluegt
  • Some properties can be grouped
  • font bold 12pt Andy
  • font-size 12pt font-weight bold font-family

Inline Styles The style Attribute
  • Simplest
  • Just include a style attribute with the tag along
    with a list of properties and their values.
  • lth1 stylecolor blue font-style italicgtIm
    so Blue!!lt/h1gt
  • Style type called inline because it occurs with
    the tag as it appears in document.
  • Difficult to maintain since they are scattered
    throughout document.

Another Example Inserting an Inline Style
This figure shows how to insert an inline style.
Heading with New Style
This figure shows the heading with the new style.
Document-Level Style Sheets
  • Place a list of presentation rules within the
    head of a document.
  • Enclosed with their own ltstylegt and lt/stylegt end
  • Document-level style sheets affect all the same
    tags within the document
  • Except for tags that contain an overriding inline
    style attribute.
  • Must appear within the ltheadgt of a document.

Document-level Style Example
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegtAll True Redlt/titlegt
  • ltstyle typetext/cssgt
  • lt!
  • / make all level 1 headers blue /
  • H1 color green font-style italic
  • ?
  • lt/stylegt
  • lt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • lth1gtIm so Green!!lt/h1gt..
  • lth1gtI am Gra--eeen!, toooo!lth1gt

The Type Attribute
  • CSS are all type text/css
  • JavaScript use the type text/JavaScript
  • Media attribute
  • ltstyle typetext/css mediascreen,printgt
  • Tells the browser that your document is layed out
    using CSS for display on both print pages and on
    a computer or other intelligent display screen.

External Style Sheets
  • External style sheets give you the power to
    influence the display styles not only of all
    related tags in a single document, but for
    multiple Web pages. Recommended when dealing
    with more than one Web page
  • For example
  • H1 color blue font-style italic
  • We can tell the browser to read the contents of
    the gen_style.css file, which will in turn color
    all the lth1gt tag contents blue and render the
    text in italic
  • You can load external style sheets into your
    document in two different ways linked and

FrontPage and External Style Sheets
  • Create an external style sheet
  • Creating a cascading style sheet is a great way
    to ensure consistency of style in your web and
    save you time as well. When you link pages in
    your web to an external style sheet, applying a
    style from that style sheet is easy Click that
    style in the Style box. If you want to modify a
    style, you change it in one place  the external
    style sheet  and the change is automatically
    reflected in all of the linked pages.
  • On the File menu, point to New, and then click
  • Click the Style Sheets tab, click the type of
    style sheet you want to create, and then click
    OK. Microsoft FrontPage creates a new style sheet
    page with a .css file name extension and opens it
    for editing in Page view.

Linked external style sheets
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegtStyle linkedlt/titlegt
  • ltlink relstylesheet typetext/css
  • Hrefhttp//
  • TitleThe Blues
  • lt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • lth1gtIm so bluuuuooo!lt/h1gt
  • lth1gt I am ba-looooo, tooooo!lt/h1gt
  • ltlinkgt tag creates relationship with href
    attribute is style sheet and its contents conform
    to CSS2 standard, as indicated by type attribute
    Must be in ltheadgt

Imported external style sheets
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegtImported style sheetlt/titlegt
  • ltstylegt
  • lt!
  • _at_import url (http//
  • _at_import http//
  • Body background url (backgrounds/marble.gif)
  • ?
  • lt/stylegt
  • lt/headgt
  • _at_import at-rule expects a single URL parameter
  • _at_import at-rule must appear before any
    conventional style rules

Limitations of Current Browsers
  • IE4 and Netscape4 support the ltlinkgt tag to apply
    an external style sheet to a document. Neither
    Netscape Navigator nor IE support multiple
    ltlinkgted style sheets
  • Unless you have a compelling reason to use
    _at_import, you are probably better off using the
    ltlinkgt tag.
  • The _at_import command has limited browser support.

Style Syntax
  • Basics the style rule is made up of at least
    three basic parts
  • Selector name of the markup element that the
    style rule affects.
  • Followed by curly brackets enclosed
  • - Semicolon separated list of one or more
  • Selector property1value1 Property2value1
    value2 value3
  • For instance,
  • H1 colorgreen
  • Properties require at least one value, but may
    include two or more values
  • Not case sensitive

Multiple Selectors
  • When separated by commas, all elements named in
    the selector list are affected by the property
    values in the style rule.
  • H1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 text-align center
  • Same as
  • H1 text-align center
  • H2 text-align center
  • Etc.

Contextual Selectors
  • Contextual selector list of tags in the order in
    which they should be nested in your document,
    outermost tag first. When the nesting order is
    encountered by the browser, the style properties
    will be applied.

Style Properties
  • Property Values
  • 5 kinds of property values, keywords, length
    values, percentage values, URLs and colors.
  • Keyword
  • Underline and line-through
  • Length Property Values
  • Forget not recognized by most yet
  • Percentage Property values
  • Line-height 120
  • URL
  • url (service//
  • Color
  • RGB (red, green, blue)

Defining Styles of Classes
  • You can divide your Web page into groups or
    categories and apply a different style to each.
  • ltheadgtltstylegt
  • P.intro text-indent0font italic bold
  • lt/stylegtlt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • ltp classintrogt John Sullivan teaches .

Working with ids and Classes
  • A pseudo-class is a classification of an element
    based on its status or its use.
  • in the example of the rollover effect, the status
    was the condition of the hypertext link
  • the element itself, a hypertext link with the
    pointer located over it, is called a
  • CSS introduces additional pseudo-classes,
    including the first-line pseudo-class and the
    first-letter pseudo-class, which are used for
    formatting the first line and first letter of a
    block of text, respectively.

Applying a Style to a Pseudo-Class
This figure shows how to apply a style to a
pseudo-class and what it would like in the
The class Attribute
  • Many browsers do not support the first-letter and
    first-line pseudo-classes yet.
  • The only pseudo-classes widely supported are the
    four hypertext link conditions.
  • You can create customized classes by adding the
    class attribute to HTML tags.
  • The syntax for creating a class is
  • lttag classclass_namegt
  • tag is the HTML tag
  • class_name is the name of the class

Applying a Style to a Pseudo-Class
This figure demonstrates creating an inline style
for the h1 heading with the class name First
Header. This technique is useful when you have
multiple Web pages in which you want the first
heading in each page to be formatted in the same
The id Attribute
  • Closely related to the class attribute is the id
    attribute, which applies an id to a specific
    element in the document.
  • The id attribute must be unique there can not be
    more than one tag with the same id value.
  • The syntax for creating an id is
  • lttag idid_namegt
  • tag is the HTML tag
  • id_name is an id name assigned to the tag
  • The class and id attribute are useful HTML
    features to use with CSS to define styles for
    specific content without using inline styles.

Creating a Class for Monthly Specials
This figure shows how to create a class for
monthly specials.
Working with Container Elements
  • HTML supports two types of container types
  • the ltspangt tag, which is used to contain inline
    elements such as individual letters, words,
    phrases, or inline images
  • the ltdivgt tag, which is used to group blocks of
    text such as paragraphs, block quotes, headings,
    or lists. Collectively, these text blocks are
    known as block-level elements

Using the ltdivgt Tag
This figure shows an example in which a heading
and a paragraph have been enclosed in a ltdivgt
container. The ltdivgt tag does not actually
format the block-level elements it merely groups
them as a unit. For this reason, the ltdivgt tag
always includes either a class or id attribute
that identifies that group.
Using the ltdivgt and ltspangt Tags
This figure shows an example of how the ltspangt
tag can be used to format a selection of text
within a paragraph. A ltdivgt tag is used to
format the entire paragraph. You almost always
include an id or class attribute with the ltspangt
Font Properties
  • H1 font-family Helvetica, Univers, sans-serif
  • Looks for Helvetica then Univers, if not than use
    generic sans-serif
  • Enclose font names that contain spaces
  • P font-family Times, New Century Schoolbook,
    Palatino, serif
  • If extra set of double quotations
  • ltp stylefont-family Times, New Century
    Schoolbook, Palatino, serifgt
  • Font-size property
  • P font-size 12 pt
  • P font-size 120
  • P font-size 2pt

The Font Property
  • For more than one font-related property
  • P font-family Times, Garamond, serif
    font-weight bold font-size 12pt line-height
    14 pt
  • Use comprehensive font property
  • P font bold 12pt/14pt Times, Garamond, serif
  • The font style, weight, and variant attributes
    must be specified first, followed by the font
    size and line height separated by a slash
    character, and ending with a list of font

Color and Background Properties
  • Background color property
  • ltli stylebackground-color bluegt
  • Table header
  • Th background-color black color white

Which Type of Style Sheet and When
  • You may be better off defining
  • ltstyle typetext/css
  • lt!
  • p. Centered text-align center
  • color blue
  • - gt
  • lt/stylegt
  • And later using
  • ltp classcenteredgt
  • ltem classbluegt
  • Instead of
  • ltp stypetext-align centergt
  • ltem stylecolor bluegt

Adding Comments to Style Rules
  • In your style sheet, be it internal or external,
    type / to begin your comments.
  • Type the comments
  • Type / to signal the end of the comments

Embedding Fonts on a Page
  • 1. Type _at_font-face
  • 2. font-family Sunnyside
  • 3. srcurl(font.eot)
  • 4. to complete the _at_font-face rule
  • Tips
  • You cant use any font as the source for embedded
    font. You have to use a special format of the
    font. IE requires fonts to be in the eot.
  • You can convert them with a program called WEFT

Creating a Rollover Effect
This figure shows the rollover effect.
The End of CSS
  • By John Sullivan, Ph.D.
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