Title: Enhancing Global Climate Technology RD
1Enhancing Global Climate Technology RDD
- Annelène Decaux
- Global Climate Change Research
- Climate Talk Series
- Climate Change Kiosk
- UNFCCC COP 9, Milan
- December 5, 2003
2Enhancing Global Climate Technology RDD
- The climate change challenge and current energy
RDD trends - Some key elements for implementing an energy
technology RDD regime
3The time scale of the climate problem
4The climate technology RDD challenge
- Climate change is a problem of unprecedented
scope century-scale, massive risks, public
good nature, global - Technology is the answer
- Responding to the climate change challenge means
widespread deployment of low- and non-carbon
energy systems - These systems do not currently exist on a
commercial scale - Higher levels of RDD investment than today are
needed - Why act now?
- Energy RD takes time typically, decades (e.g.
carbon sequestration project 10-20 years) - Energy capital stock is long-lived typically,
50 years - It is not just the technology, it is the
infrastructure (e.g. hydrogen) - Overall, it takes approximately 50 years for
energy technologies to become dominant in the
economy (e.g. automobile)
5Current investment in energy RD that could
reduce the cost of stabilization are inadequate
- Total public energy RD, OECD countries
Source IEA, 2001
6 and inconsistent
- Total public energy RD, OECD countries
Source IEA, 2001
7Energy RD decline continues
- Most industrialized countries are cutting public
sector energy RD budgets in real terms as well
as in of overall RD - Total world energy RD expenditure 7.4B (US
3.75B), vs - Daimler/Chrysler 8.4B (3.8) Microsoft 3.8B
(16.4) - Cisco Systems 4.7B (21.5) Pfizer Corp 2.9B
(10.1) - Intel Corp 3.95B (11.9)
- No sustained commitment to non- or low-carbon
technologies - Nuclear RD declining across the industrialized
world - Solar, wind and efficiency program funding
declining in the US, Germany and Canada - Investment has grown in some key climate
technology areas, but remains relatively small
(10s of millions) - Energy efficiency most of the growth
- Hydrogen and fuel cell research from nothing to
some - Carbon capture and sequestration growing but
still less than 5 of total public energy RD
8Trends in private RDD are no different
- Private sector is also cutting funding, due in
large part to deregulation, liberalization, and
consolidation of energy industries - Lowest RD / Sales ratio of any industry
- 0.3 for energy sector (0.1 for electricity
sector) - vs 3.9 for industry on average (source NSF)
- Long term research time frames contracting
- Most investment decisions down to business unit
level - Initiation of advanced power generation RD
programs (e.g. fuel cells) not feasible under
these conditions - Concentration
- E.g. in US, 69 of all industrial energy RDD is
conducted by the 12 largest companies (gt 25,000
employees) - and 97 by 37 large companies (gt 1,000 employees)
9US example
Energy RD in the US, 1990-2000
- Since 1990
- Federal energy RD fell by 25
- Private energy RD by 63
- Since 1996
- Hydrogen research program has grown 83 (to
28M) - Superconductor and electricity storage program
has doubled (to 68M) - Biomass program has grown 30 (to 116M)
- Nuclear fission RD has fallen 30 (to 78M)
Source Battelle GTSP, 2003
10What about international climate change RDD
- Very little cooperation so far, and mostly
review/coordination role only, e.g IPCC
(reviewing role only), OECD Global Science Forum,
IEA GHG project - Energy RD is uncoordinated across countries
- Duplication of efforts, missed opportunities,
diseconomies of scale - Why? Competitive concerns cooperation only
justified for very large, capital-intensive, not
commercializable research topic (e.g. ITER
nuclear fusion) - Kyoto Protocol has not provided impetus for more
or coordinated energy RD in fact, the issue is
not addressed - 96 of the worlds public (i.e. long term) energy
RD in only 9 countries - UN may not the right forum for implementing an
energy RDD regime what forum?
11Enhancing Global Climate Technology RDD
- The climate change challenge and current energy
RDD trends - Some key elements for implementing an energy
technology RDD regime
121. Use the right combination of policy
instruments market pull vs technology push
- Innovation failure Emissions mitigation
measures are not enough to promote private and
public sector investment in emerging technologies
- especially if they do not provide long-term
objectives - Pushing technology RDD is not enough either
- Better / cheaper approach combination of
market pull and technology push measures - Technology push measures provide automatic
incentives for participation and compliance - while emissions mitigation strategy is often
criticized for not providing such incentives,
e.g. concerns over Kyoto leakage effects
13A few examples of technology push measures
- Raise carbon tax or equivalent to fund public
RDD - Increase IP protection (patents)
- Encourage industry research consortia (EPRI, GRI)
- Incentivize private sector RD through direct
funding, subsidies, government/industry
consortia, private sector matching funding - Focus on RDD that stimulates strong private
sector participation - Focus on technologies that bring broader public
benefits - E.g. air quality, cheaper electricity,
sustainable development - Communicate effectively on RDD investment choices
142. Understand what is in the RDD black box3.
Identify financing mechanisms
- Get broad understanding of what is in the RDD
black box, i.e. for each technology,
investigate and communicate its - Technical potential chance of success, time
frame, environmental performance, ancillary costs
and benefits - Market potential chance of being funded and
deployed (involves analysis of market trends and
psychology) - Cost
- Barriers to commercial deployment, often a cause
for failure for deploying large-scale systems
(environmental acceptability, security,
infrastructure, complexity) - Draw RDD roadmaps
- Identify mechanisms to finance long-term key
technology RDD and enable public and/or private
154. Re-define Public / Private roles
- Public / Private sector traditional roles
Public sector Private sector
Enhance environment Promote economic growth and efficient use of resources Comply with regulations Maximize profits
Medium to long term focus Short-term focus
Basic and pre-competitive applied research e.g. nuclear fusion Market-oriented applications e.g. fuel cells
- Re-defined leadership roles in Public / Private
Public leadership role Private leadership role
- Provide a supportive and stable environment for innovation, consistent with economic development and public policy objectives - Promote broad-based technology roadmap development - Rationalize funding to key technology areas, set priorities - Fund long-term fundamental research for breakthrough technologies stop incremental, unsustained work - Support multi-disciplinary collaboration among industries, academia and national labs while protecting commercial interests - Fund early demonstration of critical projects prior to economic availability - Ensure its policies are coordinated and consistent and that unintended regulatory, policy and tax impediments to innovation are remedied - Contribute knowledge and experience to the development of technology roadmaps - Collaborate in joint industry / academia / national lab research to achieve critical mass of knowledge and expertise on focused objectives - Provide real-world settings for, and operate, projects to demonstrate technology
165. Facilitate international cooperation and
enable technology transfer
- Put in place new institutional arrangements what
is the right forum? - Identify good candidates for international RDD
programs - E.g. carbon sequestration international
cooperation most welcome - Hydrogen production US EU have announced
cooperation - Carbon capture (IGCC etc), biotechnologies and
fuel cells not so good candidates (very
competitive, IP concerns) - Enabling technology transfer
- CDM / JI (indirect) mechanisms
- Develop effective institutions to directly
incentivize transfer of new energy technologies? - Private companies, not governments, own
commercial technologies
17Effective technology transfer will make the
difference in the success of a UN agreement
FirstCommitment Period
Zero Spillover Scenario
Developing Country Emissions
Intermediate Spillover Scenario
Carbon Emissions (MTCpa)
Maximum Spillover Scenario
Industrialised Country Emissions (Kyoto -1 pa)
Source Grubb, Hope and Fouquet, in Climatic
Change, 2003
18Key points
- Energy RD expenditures are small by most metrics
and still declining - Especially, climate gap technologies are
languishing - Investment choices reflect current incentive
structure and policies - Indirect incentives alone (e.g. creation of a
carbon market) are likely to fail to stimulate
critically needed technology development - Kyoto Protocol is silent on energy technology
development - UN may not be the right forum for implementing an
energy RDD regime, given energy RDD
concentration among industrialized countries and
large firms - Elements that could speed implementation of an
energy technology RDD regime include - Right combination of push and pull policy levers
- Understand what is in the RDD black box
- Identify mechanisms to finance long-term key
technology RDD - Emphasize public/private partnerships and
re-define public/private roles - Put in place new institutional arrangements to
facilitate international cooperation and address
technology transfer